Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 984: The gambling industry has always been sambo

In the hall, various gambling sounds are intertwined, almost invigorating and insane. Gamblers mostly like "gathering crowds," and the more people get excited, the hall-style gambling hall is very popular with many gamblers. Everyone ’s love in a space can stimulate their gambling. The kind of elegant gambling with a single table is done by those who play with elegance. Obviously in a moral and benign environment like this, Few people.

Suddenly quiet is particularly noticeable.

Wen Xinya saw a man about 20 years old, a man from E, with brown hair slightly curled up on the scalp, gray-blue eyes, scented with alcohol, leaving nothing but crazy, wearing a sea-blue The shirt and tie were torn to hang on the chest, and the chest was embroidered with the pattern of eagle strikes. The shirt was unbuttoned in a row, and only one button near the belly button was exposed. Disability wide chest cavity.

The lower body was wearing black trousers, and the belt was loosely tied around the waist, exposing a bunch of black mane masculinity down the lower abdomen. The black hair in the pants, the symbol of the male figure between the legs of Cha Chaka.

There was an emanation from all over the body. kinky. The wicked breath, the whole man was debauched, completely aristocratic sect.

Wen Xinya can see that this is a typical man who smokes drugs and gambling.

At this moment, she was carrying a very beautiful little girl in her arms. This little girl was ZE hybrid, very thin, and barely struggling helplessly under the restraint of men.

Warm and keenly felt that after a short period of silence, there was a warm boiling, and the atmosphere in the gambling room seemed to be getting more and more out of hand.

She asked a little puzzled, "What's going on?"

She didn't know if the man was in trouble, but acutely discovered that his behavior was not good.

Liu Yanhua replied: "The man was a little boy proclaimed by the Government of Berwit. He was deeply loved by the Archduke of Berwit. He was dominated by the aristocracy, almost a domineering in the aristocracy. Although this man was arrogant and arrogant , But quite brained, very sword-steering, good at drilling holes, it is difficult for people to catch the handle, it is extremely difficult to entangle people, and most people in country E are not willing to provoke him. "

Wen Xinya, you can understand at a glance, the Government of Berwit, which is currently the oldest big aristocrat in country E, when many old aristocrats such as Mowell ’s government fell, this government of Berwight still maintains the old days. Brilliant, holding military power, holding power, and only covering the sky in the field of politics and business, it is also the famous JH family of country E, with its veritable power.

No wonder this man was so arrogant and arrogant, and no one dared to provoke him.

Liu Yanhua continued: "The gambling industry has always said that the three treasures."

Cozy and elegant eyes narrowed, and whispered, "What are the three treasures?"

Liu Yanhua took a deep breath and glanced vaguely at the young girl who was not in touch: "Woman, see red and drugs!"

Her voice was a bit cold, even with a tremor.

But Warm and Ya heard: "I only know that the gambling industry has always said that women are being transported, and there are also ten bets and nine poisons, but I don't know what it means to be popular."

Liu Yanhua said lightly: "No matter in Southeast Asia, where gambling is rampant, or in country E, where gambling is popular, or Aslagas, where gambling is developed, gamblers are superstitious to see blood." Looking at the girl who is not in the slightest pity: "They believe that as long as you see red, you can make him full of energy, kill the Quartet and make a fortune. If you have been to Aslagas, Southeast Asia, Or in any city in Siberia, Gary Lingrad, where the world's dirtiest business is hidden. There, someone will prepare you a virgin regardless of age, and drugs. "

Warm and ya's heart was beating so much that she understood that the girl was actually just an item seen in the blood, and she didn't know why. Her heart was heavy.

The atmosphere is more and more boiling, Wen Xinya can understand how much this kind of blood-sports gambling can make people blood-stained and deliberate, not to mention that there are people who openly do such things.

Wen Ya listened to the young girl, sobbing and crying, and helplessly struggling, unexplained upset: "Will Lucifer leave this dirty thing alone?"

Liu Yanhua said: "You wait and see!"

At this time, a woman in black walked towards the little boy of the Government of Berwit: "Sir, here is the Cuyahoga, to enter here you must abide by all the rules and systems laid down by Guyako, regardless of their status or status."

The little boy from the Government of Berwit raised his head and laughed, a pair. kinky. Evil eyes looked at the woman up and down, as if to swallow the woman alive: "Ha ha ha ha! This sister looks so beautiful, so flat-faced not to make a man like it!" While saying, he While reaching out to pick the woman's jaw, the action was very frivolous: "And ... sister, you can't do me wrong, when did I abide by the rules of the Juyako, I have always been the most ethical person, everyone in the house know . "

His voice was clear and sweet, male and female indistinct, like a coquettish lover, a delicate face, full of innocence and cuteness, his eyes swept the gambling hall: "Do you say it? "

The sparse response sounded in the gambling hall.

The woman's face was not very good-looking, and her eyes fell on the girl who was struggling and crying in his arms: "I'm sorry, this is Ju Accord, this is forbidden--"

The little boy of Berwett suddenly turned up the volume, and his voice was arrogant: "What is forbidden?"

The woman just wanted to say that Rex did not like to see Red Chongxi, so Guaraku forbids such things. If someone refuses to cooperate, he can only ask the other party to leave Guarak, and he will be listed as Guarak. He whispered to the little boy from Berwitt, "This sister really doesn't understand the style at all. I brought my little girlfriend to see and experience in Accord, so that I could spend a wonderful ecstasy night with my little girlfriend. This breaks, this is the way of hospitality in Kuage? "

He spoke frankly and had reasonable excuses, and the woman was stingy on the spot.

Everyone in the casino froze and boiled with heat.

Even Wen Xinya could not help but curse: "Animals!"

No wonder Liu Yanhua said that he was difficult to entangle, it really is difficult to entangle. Such a person likes to be paradoxical, and no wonder no one dares to offend him.

Over there, the little boy of Bewitt was flirting with his little girlfriend in public, and there was a howl of whistle around, regretting that he was too stupid, and did not have such an excuse to bring a virgin.

The bead curtain shook a bit, and the person who came in from the bead curtain was Wen Xinya, followed by Liu Yanhua, who wore a black and white winged mask and followed behind her.

When the woman in black saw Wen Xinya and Liu Yanhua, she bowed herself aside and the respectful attitude was self-evident.

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