Si Yi also said: "I have ordered the people to close down the entire Accord for the first time, and are investigating suspicious personnel, but Wei Che's person has disappeared."

Being able to complete such a calculation without scratching the grass, how can such a character be so simple, and the other person's ability to retreat from his body must be related to the traitor hidden inside Lucifer.

Warm and ya could not help but feel a little disappointed. She had a bad feeling for Wei Che ’s man, just like Xia Ruya was the nemesis in her life. She could n’t escape, could n’t escape, but only faced him. Let her have a kind of, he is like the extreme opposite to Si Yizhen, one is the fallen Shura Tao Ashura, is the fallen demon king Lucifer, a strange and inexplicable **** stick.

This feeling is very bad.

Wenhua Ya whispered, "Have you checked who Wei Che is?"

Appeared in the private room for no reason. Although she played chess with Grand Duke Moville, she found that during the whole process, Grand Duke Moville had almost no communication with him, as if he didn't exist.

Mr. Si also said: "According to Archduke Mowell, this is Lucifer's insider. He knew him unconsciously at Guager, and he was naturally convinced that the person in charge of Guager recognized his identity."

This Wei Che also counts as a talent, he can mix into Lucifer's interior, and even hide the sky.

Nuan Ya immediately focused on the main point of the question: "Is there someone in Juyage who works with him inside and out? Is it traitor?"

Incidents such as traitor are too commonplace. Even if the structure is no matter how rigorous it is, it is always inevitable for intruders to penetrate, especially Lucifer, a huge rooted and profound force.

Si Yizhen nodded, but she did not expect her mind to be so keen: "Yes, it's a traitor."

Wen Xinya took a deep breath: "Since ancient times, traitors have shaken people's hearts lightly and focused on the foundation industry, which are extremely vigilant precautions. There will be traitors inside Lucifer's forces, which will certainly have a great impact on you."

Wen Ya is very worried about this. She didn't expect that this trip to Xinya's E country not only involved the negotiation of interests with the Grand Mansion of Moville, but also involved the most headache traitor.

Mr. Si also said indifferently: "I have taken precautions about the traitor before, and have formulated a relative plan, only because the traitor is too sensitive. Once the situation starts, everyone will be suspicious of each other and they will have a suspicion of Lucifer. Too many negative effects, it is also easy for people to take advantage of the imagination. They have n’t moved. They just do n’t want to frighten the snake. This time you have an accident in Juyage. It just happened to be a good thing for Lucifer as a whole. "

As early as when he took over Lucifer, he knew that there was a spy in Lucifer, and that spy was hidden in the top of the power.

Lucifer has been on the border between the two countries for more than a hundred years. The depth of the history has made many old nobles in country E dare not to underestimate their brilliance. Lucifer has always escaped from the world and dissociated from the state's machinery, but after his father died However, Lucifer suffered a devastating blow. His father's loyal subordinates were divided into countless small factions and fought each other, but it seemed to happen suddenly. There was no sign before.

If there was no traitor, he would not believe it.

However, the man seemed to know Lucifer deeply and was very cunning. At that time, Lucifer was in a state of stormy weather, turbulent, so as not to cause chaos due to traitor. In those years, he was just on the alert, and he has been there all these years. The investigation was conducted secretly, because it was conducted in secret, so the channels were limited, and so far there have been no results.

Over the years, naturally, some suspicious people have also been found, just for hooking big fish, so he has not hit the grass, but in fact he has made a plan A to clear the traitor in private. Yes, the plan is implemented ahead of time.

Because it is prepared, it will not have much impact on Lucifer.

Hearing his explanation, Warm and Ya couldn't help but relax, and then asked, "How's the situation of the little boy in the Government of Berwit? I remember I hurt him with a wine bottle. It ’s different, so it does n’t matter. ”

Although she broke the evil calculations of the other party, if she hurts the little boy of the Government of Berwit too much, I am afraid that the government of Berwit and Lucifer may also have slang, which is not true for Si What a good thing.

Si Yizheng said indifferently: "He wasn't badly injured, but he bleed a little blood. You saved his life. Grand Duke Bewitt has just called to thank me."

The incident happened in Gu Ya Ge. He could control the development of the situation. In fact, it was not clear that the little boy in the government of Berwitt had two knives. It was a knife that Si Yizhen himself inserted. It was not heavy. It was later made by Si Yizhen and attacked the aristocracy. Xinya turned into a rescuer and saved the little boy's life-saving benefactor in the government of Bewitt.

Wen Xinya opened her mouth, feeling that since this matter was handed over to Si Yizhen, she would not care.

Si Yichi whispered, "Xin Ya, I have ordered a helicopter to be prepared to **** you back tomorrow morning."

Plan A is implemented. As the supreme power, naturally he cannot leave. He will stay to preside over the overall situation. Next, Lucifer will have a **** storm. It is not safe here, so Xinya will stay here. He was not assured.

Naturally and naturally, he understood what he meant, but still couldn't help but ask, "What about you?"

After asking, she lowered her head.

Si Yizhen knew that she was worried about her, and couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

Without preparation, traitor will indeed cause people's heart palpitations, which is a terrible thing for Lucifer as a whole, but once prepared, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Wen Xinya nodded, and whispered: "Be careful, don't take it lightly."

Even though she knew that Si also was prepared and thoughtful, she couldn't help but ask two words.

Si Yizhen nodded and turned the topic: "Hungry or not? I let the kitchen prepare sweet soup."

The feeling of fullness is more likely to make people feel safe. She was so frightened that he was very worried about her. If it was not for her safety, he would even want to keep her with her.

He said this, Wen Xinya really feel a little hungry: "a bit!"

She still ate something before going to Juyage. It has been more than three hours now, not to mention she was really hungry.

Si Yiyi kissed her forehead and said, "Wait, I'll be right back."

Looking at his back warmly and eagerly, he couldn't help but be a little bit fascinated. This trip to the E-country has set her in a completely strange world. The cruelty and reality of this world tells her that she must grow quickly and her business kingdom cannot be built slow.

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