Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 995: Little sister-in-law, is really the boss's blessing

Si Yizhen accepted the gun and held the dragonfly that Xinya gave him in his hand. Since Xinya gave him this dragonfly, he has never left.

Before he thought about it, he took Xinya to the feast of the Moville Mansion, and when she saw such a cruel scene at the door, she would still be scared, scared, and even disturbed. At that time, she was difficult to adapt. This brutal aristocracy.

But in just ten days, she had completely changed.

She dared to hold a pistol, point to Anatoly, hit the face of Moville Mansion in public, and even avoid the attack behind her.

She dared to count Aphrodite, and took her life to gamble with Aphrodite, in order to gain huge benefits for him, even if Aphrodus pointed at her head with a gun, she never changed her face, even calculated It's not bad.

She even dared to ignore the authority of Grand Duke Moville's government and let go of her words in front of her. Whoever dared to greet her man, she would let him perish, even if it was Mowell's government.

Now, facing more brutal calculations, she can also find a way for herself.

He couldn't help thinking about the father and mother's affairs. When the father and these so-called powerful men were in a state of imagination, playing with power, and planning, the mother stayed in the manor and enjoyed the service of the servant.

When his father was born to death and died nine lives, his mother stayed in the place where his father arranged for deployment, and waited safely, never involved in danger.

But what about Xinya?

In just ten days, she accompanied him through a contest of conspiracies, and the danger of guns and bullets, and even the cruel plot!

Thinking of it this way, he felt that he was really not doing well enough.

Not a good man.

Xu Xianghu was still shouting there: "Boss, who dare to calculate Xiaoyu and Lucifer, have you found out? Ju Accord, but the center of Lucifer's right, that person can actually retreat, visible ... hidden in Lucifer's high-ranking internal traitor must be in and out of him. Boss, I don't care what to do and scare the snake. This time, they dare to count on the cricket, and send the **** to other men's bed, almost ... "

Ozawa suddenly turned up the volume and interrupted his words: "Tiger, shut up!"

The cold mang in Gu Yuehan's eyes still looked like a sharp arrow, and almost did not penetrate Xu Xianghu's body.

Si Yizhang held Long's hand and tightened it. The five fingers turned off and a powerful force broke out. The blue tendons on the back of the hand were staggered and separated, but without losing elegance. This powerful power was thus held in his grasp. Destroying the world is terrible, but his face is still cold and unremarkable.

The heart of Gu Zehan was not calm at all.

Hu Zi's words are almost heartfelt. The question of dignity is the pride and dignity of a man. Any man who wants his beloved woman is counted on the bed of another man, almost ... The opponent's plot was unsuccessful, but it was intolerable.

But Huzi was so big-headed and simple-developed. He spoke in front of Jiu Shao.

This isn't death, what is it?

Didn't see that Jiu Shao fired his gun. Does the anger in his heart need blood to calm it down?

Xu Xianghu finally found out that he had said something wrong, and looked at Si Yizhen suddenly, vomiting, "Boss ... I ... I don't mean that, I just want to say that I can't swallow this breath, this time I want to Wang Baozi scooped out one by one, broken pieces of corpse, disgusted the little sister-in-law, and also demonstrated and demonstrated the strength of our Lucifer, shocked the world, made those clumps small, discouraged by the wind, and dare not count us. "

Lucifer has been immersed for too long, so many people have forgotten how powerful and powerful Lucifer is, how powerful they are, how respectful their status is, and how awesome authority is.

Si Yiji froze his lips fiercely.

Eizawa hurriedly said, "Boss, Xiao Huzi has always been unobstructed. He has no other intentions. He just worried about the little sister-in-law and wanted to teach the person who calculates the little sister-in-law to start the little sister-in-law."

Yoshizawa's words are very clear, and they are always Wen Xinya.

Gu Yuehan also said: "Although Huzi was cheap, he was also out of anger because of the anger of the little sister-in-law."

Si Yixuan looked down at Long Yu being held in the palm of his hand, and suddenly let go of his palm, and said quietly, "What are you so nervous about? I said he was wrong?"

Several people were shocked.

Si Yizhen looked at Gu Yuehan: "I'll give you one night. How is Plan A deployed?"

Although Xu Xianghu was cheap, he had to admit that he was telling the truth, Xinya was indeed calculated, he lay on the bed of another man, and even had close contact with other men, which he could not tolerate. of.

Both Yuzawa and Xu Xianghu were shocked. Plan A, which had been secretly formulated over the years, was to be implemented, so when the boss had an accident at the sister-in-law yesterday, he blocked all things about the sister-in-law at Ju Accord, just to relax those Be alert to allow Gu Yuehan enough time to deploy.

Gu Yuehan said: "It has been deployed and is waiting for your order."

Mr. Si also said lightly: "In this case, let's implement it! The reason is: Lucifer has been immersed for many years, and the internal order has been loose and loose. The future hostess has been plotting in Cuya Ge, and Jiu Xiao is furious, intending to greatly rectify Lucifer's interior. . "

After being shocked by Yue Ze and Gu Yuehan, they were excited, understood Jiu Shao ’s mind, and cleared away the traitors, which was not a glorious thing, and it could easily cause the internal forces of Lucifer to be turbulent. Through the name of the little sister-in-law, the topic was played It is best, but after the matter is over, let go because when the internal rectification is involved, there will be a traitor. At that time, it was settled, the people's heart was stable, but it was foolproof.

In fact, the militant Xu Xianghu responded the most fiercely: "Boss, Lao Tzu has been with this group of dogs for a long time, and this time Lao Tzu must scoop out those dog things to let them know that Rex The significance of this title is a breath of relief for Xiao Xunzi. "

Eizawa also laughed: "This time the little sister-in-law has contributed to Lucifer!"

Not only did they get the privileged documents of the Mowell Mansion, but they also coincided with the meeting and gave them a valid reason to implement Plan A. In addition, the Accord last night was a loss to the sister-in-law. If they were changed to another woman, I ’m afraid Lucifer and the Government of Berwit are now endless.

Little sister-in-law is really Lucifer's blessing.

Gu Yuehan also quite agreed with Yue Ze. He was with Jiu Shao by his side. When he watched the young girl grow up little by little, he had doubted whether she could become a woman who matched Jiu Shao. I doubt whether Jiu Shao will lose her heart because of this woman, but the girl ’s growth is amazing. In just three years, she has grown to the point where she can stand up to Jiu Shao. Although her strength is not strong, However, her strong courage and courage are truly convincing, and the mobile phone and intelligent strategy she showed are also not tolerated.

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