Reborn as a Pea Shooter

122. True Final Chapter + Extras (Complete) (12)

This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

St. Alfalfa.

One hundred years is not a long time for elves, especially nature elves. But for a small plant, it is a considerable leap forward.

At least each of them is no longer a seedling, they have grown up one after another, and each of them has become a real elf that is either handsome, cute, evil or wild.

However... from my personal aesthetic point of view, I still find the seedling look more pleasing. One after another, they look silly and silly, so cute. I really don’t understand what’s so good about the elves who are tall, thin, and all white and transparent.

Please, I am speaking from my heart. The brothers next door should stop saying that I am envious, jealous, and hateful.

Didn’t I just cut off branches after a hundred years of development? What does it matter? This is my freedom and I love it!

Well, I don’t really like it that much, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Ever since I had my own consciousness nearly eighty years ago, I’ve been cutting branches. Every day, apart from being with my brothers and sisters who are also branches but will eventually fall off and become plants. Nothing else but small talk.

I heard from seniors that normally, when branches become conscious, it only takes about a year at most before they can separate from their mother's body, take root on the ground, and then turn into various seedlings, live in nurseries, and start adventures in the new world.

People like me who have lived here for a hundred years and still refuse to leave have never heard of it.

Later, some people said that I might be a pervert, ah no, a mutation. It is said that a hundred years ago, an earth-shaking event happened in St. Albuquerque.

A powerful earth elf sacrificed his life to save the decaying Tree of Life, thus restoring life to the entire Palant. The abundance of earth elements also greatly increases the vitality of all plants. For a detailed explanation of the benefits, you can refer to the complete history book placed in the center of the First Library...

In short, it was because of this incident that the Tree of Life regained its glory, which was a little overdone, and I suffered. I don’t know which part went wrong, but I just kept making branches, refusing to leave the tree of life.

Although this reason is a bit far-fetched, to be honest, the Tree of Life has not gone wrong for thousands of years. Why did it go wrong when it came to me? The only thing that is different is the big supplement in a hundred years. So the guy next door who turned into a pea long ago always believed that I was mutated because of this.

After listening to it for a long time, I felt that it was very close to the truth. It was probably the work of the earth elf who was already famous in Palant. He has benefited the public, but he has made it impossible for me to transform. Alas... there are advantages and disadvantages, so why did I end up suffering from it?

Now that I know who the culprit is, my heart is ready to move. Unfortunately, the culprit has been eliminated long ago and all the scum are left. Even if I want to pursue criminal responsibility, I can't find anyone. This bothered me for several days.

The brother next door who is about to turn into a nut seedling is full of ideas. He suggested that the father's debt should be repaid by the son. Are you asking me to challenge the Tree of Life? Have I ever chosen?

Fortunately, Brother Nut has not turned into the dull-witted look of Nut. He still has some wisdom and immediately added that he can repay his debt.

Hey, this is really reliable.

A hundred years ago, it was not only the self-sacrifice of this earth elf that caused a sensation, but also a piece of sexy news that has been circulated to this day.

It was an amazing love story.

It is said that the unique earth elf is in love with the current king of Palant, His Majesty Valla. He has been deeply in love since he was a minor. In order to follow his majesty, he has worked hard since the nursery and passed all the way to Sarsha with excellent results. Military academies.

At that time, His Majesty happened to be on patrol in Sarsha. Not only did this earth elf have unique elements, but his thinking was also different from ordinary people. As soon as he was able to transform into an elf form, he couldn't wait to take off his clothes and recommend himself to the pillow... This crazy move... naturally there is no record in the history books, and what is circulated is only gossip.

However, whether this self-recommendation was successful or not is a secret... The content involved is really huge, and everyone did not dare to say anything other than shaking their heads in satisfaction.

This was just the beginning. According to semi-official remarks, self-recommendation was unsuccessful and somewhat self-defeating. It left too deep an impression on His Majesty. To put it simply, he was annoying.

But our great earth elves are not ordinary elves after all, and they will not be discouraged or discouraged when encountering setbacks (this is the original saying recorded in the history books). If it doesn't work this time, there will be a next time.

With his huge strength and unyielding spirit, Ren Qi defeated the adopted seedlings at that time, stood out again, became the leader in the entire Salsa, and successfully boarded the ship to Saint-Elfaga.

As for what happened on the way back to St. Erfuga, this was not even spread through the gossip. But when he arrived at Saint Erfuga, His Majesty Vanla, who had always been indifferent to the earth elves, completely changed his attitude and started to pay real attention to them.

It's a pity that it didn't last long, and the real sadomasochism has just begun.

The words circulated were a bit protracted and cumbersome. Fortunately, as a tree branch, my life was too busy, so I was able to listen to it from beginning to end. At the end, I can summarize it with the brothers and sisters next door.

After this unique earth elf experienced the intricate back and forth of a love triangle in which you love me, I love him, he doesn’t love you, he was finally tired of love, stopped chasing, and turned around to love the country and the people. Vanguard camp.

In that earth-shattering war, he played a huge role and became a hero who saved the world, but unfortunately he was completely destroyed without even a trace left...

This story tells us that early love will shorten your life...

But in fact, the love history of this earth elf is not as unsuccessful as the gossip says, although there are eight versions in which he is relatively frustrated. But there are always one or two people who think that he succeeded in the end. At least His Majesty will never forget him again. And in the past hundred years, His Majesty has never been seen close to anyone...

Of course, the actual situation is known only to the parties involved.

Speaking of the husband's debt, the future brother Nut decided that I should go to His Majesty to talk. After all, he also has some responsibilities involved. I thought that this might work. As the king of Palant, His Majesty Vanla must have some outstanding qualities, and maybe he can understand what's going on with me with his wide knowledge.

It's better to act than to be moved. Early the next morning, I quickly stretched the branch out of the window of His Majesty's bedroom.

Unfortunately, His Majesty didn't touch me, but I was pushed out by the maid who was cleaning...

But this branch is not so easy to get rid of. I persevered and reached out again, and this bad maid pushed me out again. This went on for a whole day, and this maid was so strong that she was not exhausted!

I am a little tired!

When I came in for the 1,0108th time, the maid hadn't had time to push me out, and I heard the door open. The maid seemed a little surprised. I took advantage of her unpreparedness and attacked her vigorously, and finally got in successfully.

Then, I saw the person standing by the door.

I was stunned for a moment, and then tried to search my branch brain thoroughly. I didn't know how to describe the person in front of me.

He was an elf, an adult elf, with long silver hair and blue eyes. His appearance really made the branches unable to move their eyes away.

Afterwards, the maid respectfully called His Majesty, and I came back to my senses.

It turned out that this was the famous King of Palant, His Majesty Vanla.

At this moment, I had some understanding of the mentality of the earth elves... This appearance is indeed tempting to commit crimes...

The maid left.

He and I were the only ones left in the room, and I was a little nervous.

But then, something even more nervous happened. I actually heard him talking in my mind!

"What's the matter?"

I was stunned for a long time and tried to respond: "You... Can you communicate with me?"

"Yes, your thoughts are very active."

I was startled and immediately realized that it was because his thoughts were too strong that he could sense me.

For a moment, I felt more cramped. I tried to calm down and sort out my emotions, and finally remembered my purpose. Slightly relieved, I tried to keep normal and tell my situation. I couldn't leave the Tree of Life, which was very disturbing.

Vanla pondered for a moment, and I stared at him, watching him frown and think. I couldn't tell what I felt in my heart. I was somewhat expecting him to solve my problem, but I was also somewhat afraid that he would solve it easily, and then I would have to leave.

Ah... bah, bah, what a mess I was thinking.

After a while, Vanla said: "I have indeed never encountered such a situation. If you don't mind, wait a little longer, and I will arrange someone to help you solve it."

He said it very officially and politely, but I felt relieved. I said as if I was used to it: "Ah, it doesn't matter, I have been waiting for a long time, I am not afraid of waiting a little longer."

After that, the most noble window in the entire Saint Erfujia became my daily residence.

Because of Vanla's tacit consent, the maid with super physical strength no longer stopped me. After a long time, she even ignored this branch and started gossiping with another maid with big eyes.

The content of their gossip was extensive and had a certain degree of credibility. It was many times stronger than the storybooks circulating outside. Naturally, I couldn't resist the temptation and listened very seriously.

From high-ranking officials and nobles to the new generation of elves, each one was mentioned.

I also learned from them that among the new generation, the ice elf named Xia Zuo is the best among the best, but he has a strange temper. He is young and holds an important position. He is also very good-looking, but unfortunately he suffers from facial paralysis, which is an incurable disease. It is really distressing.

The other gold elf, who is not so outstanding, is very popular. His dazzling golden hair has almost become a beautiful landscape of Palant. It is said that the pure golden hair like Sunny represents the mellow gold element in his body... However, this person, who probably belongs to the type with well-developed limbs and a slightly simple mind, actually named himself Huangmao. It is really ridiculous.

They also chirped a lot of names. Based on their girlish hearts, they mentioned almost all male elves.

Of course, what caught my attention most was that they would gossip about that bizarre and unpredictable love in a very low voice. That's right, it's the part about the heroic sacrifice of the earth elves.

The first half of their version is basically the same as the wild legend, but the second half is very different. Because their voices were too low, although I was a calm branch, it was not easy to stretch the branch to their mouths to listen to what they said.

However, from the few words, it can be inferred that they - these personal maids of Vanla, all believed that their great majesty was deeply in love and could not get over the death of the earth elves.

To be honest, the bitter and affectionate Majesty they talked about was really different from the Majesty Fanla I saw. I really couldn't see any melancholy, pain or sadness in this calm and thoughtful model Majesty...

The more I heard, the more curious I became. Because I had been lingering by the Majesty's window for a long time, I had become more familiar with him. On a sunny afternoon, this Majesty, who was so good-looking, had a rare chance to lean against the window and flip through a book.

I first admired his beautiful profile for a while, resisted the urge to poke him with a branch, but couldn't resist this mouth without thinking.

I finally asked about the earth elf, the national hero who seemed to be called Mingfei.

As soon as I said the name Mingfei, I keenly saw that Fanla's fingers, which were originally fiddling with the pages of the book, twitched rapidly. Then I heard him say in a cold voice I had never heard before: "You can go to the library in the imperial capital. The history books there are very detailed."

"But what I want to know is not what is recorded in the history books, but what happened between you and him!"

As soon as I asked this question, I regretted it. This was too unreasonable. Even if I was cutting branches, I shouldn't be so unkind.

Before I had time to feel ashamed, I was annoyed by the next move. Vanla actually closed the window mercilessly!

He pushed me out!

This realization made me feel a tightness in my chest and then unprecedented anger.

I left angrily and told myself never to come to this damn window again. I was cutting branches with dignity!

This anger lasted for a whole morning. The brother next door came to ask me what was going on. I struggled for a long time and told him something exaggerated.

The brother next door was the wise and foolish brother who was about to turn into a nut. He pondered for a while and said: "Brother, you should apologize."

Apologize? !

He pushed me away and closed the window!

The wise man looked at me with a worried look, and I turned my head away angrily.

After another afternoon, this inexplicable anger subsided for the most part, and I began to think about it again. It seemed that I was indeed a little inappropriate... I shouldn't be so careless.

I kept struggling until the evening, and finally figured it out.

I am a branch, but I am a tolerant and generous branch that doesn't remember people's mistakes. I decided to sneak in again...

I climbed to the window in a familiar way. The window was still closed, but there was a figure by the window.

I was shocked. This was a sneak, so don't let it be discovered. I looked through the window, and my heart was suddenly a little messy.

It was Vanla. He still maintained the posture before I left, leaning on the back of the chair, stroking the book with his fingers.

I was a little embarrassed, thinking about how to say something, but just as I was about to open my mouth, I noticed that Vanla... seemed to be asleep...

I boldly moved closer, and through the moonlight, I saw that he really had his eyes closed, and his long eyelashes fell on his eyelids. I don't know why, but there was a softness that I couldn't see normally...

I looked at it seriously, and unconsciously felt a little distressed. I tried to move my eyes away and tried to shift my attention to the book.

But after taking a look, I was stunned. It was not a book.

To be precise, it was a booklet, an album full of photos...

And the protagonist in it was the same person, a boy with strange hair color, many, many, in the front photo, the boy smiled brightly, and Vanla's fingers fell on his forehead, as if gently stroking it...

My heart skipped a beat. That unique hair color really didn't need to be guessed, the color of the earth, the only earth-type elf. The boy called Mingfei.

I left silently. The gossip I had been curious about had a result, but I didn't feel happy at all.

My heart was empty, as if I had lost something important. I returned to the Tree of Life and curled up in my own space, but I couldn't feel the warmth I should have.

After two days of being in despair, Brother Nut from next door came to ask me. I told him what happened weakly. Brother Nut pondered again and said something that shocked me: "You fell in love with him."

I almost jumped up and immediately retorted: "This is impossible. He is an elf and I am a branch. We are two species at all."

Brother Nut looked at me with contempt: "As long as you leave the Tree of Life, you will become an elf sooner or later, and then you will be the same kind."

I was speechless.

Brother Nut waved the branch and said before leaving: "You don't have to be jealous. The dead can never compete with you. It is right for you to leave the Tree of Life as soon as possible."

I opened my mouth and swallowed the words that were about to come to my mouth: The living can never be better than the dead.

After being depressed for seven days, I finally couldn't help it and climbed to the window again. I wanted to take a look without making a sound, just a look.

But I didn't expect that I could hear the conversation inside before I saw anyone.

The window was open, and the voices inside were clearly audible.

A slightly deep female voice sounded: "You can't go on like this, you should find a partner!"

When I heard the word partner, my heart was in my throat. This is Vanla's bedroom. Who would a woman talk to?

I anxiously stretched out the branch and saw clearly that a charming red-haired woman was standing in front of Vanla, and she was indeed talking to Vanla.

Fanla did not respond to her. She was a little anxious and helpless. Finally, she lowered her voice and said softly: "He has..., we all know it."

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Fanla turned his back to the window, I couldn't see his expression, but just a back, I felt the unspeakable desolation and despair that slowly came up.

"No... He will come back."

"But you can't wait. Fanla, please, find a partner, you need to live..."

"Enough, Elena."

The woman stopped talking, closed her eyes, and finally bowed respectfully, and then left.

My heart was beating fast, I was inexplicably afraid of being discovered, so I ran away quickly.

An idea formed in my mind, I couldn't believe it, and I was eager to confirm it. But it was daytime, and there were many people in the library. They would not allow a branch to turn books.

Finally, I endured until the evening. I easily found the book I wanted. I looked through the catalog. After the content of the book entered my brain, my branches were so weak that I almost couldn't return to the Tree of Life.

Vanla will die. This knowledge made me extremely panic.

Although the lifespan of natural elves is extremely long, it is ultimately limited.

The first thousand years after adulthood are free time, but after that, a partner is needed to continue life. Continue each other's life.

If a partner cannot be found, then after a thousand years, what they face is extinction.

Vanla's time is almost up, but the partner in his mind left one step ahead.

He insisted on not accepting other people, so in the end...

I dare not imagine the result.

But I have no way, no way to help him, I am just a branch, just a branch.

I have never been so persistent. I really want to leave the Tree of Life. Really, I must leave. I don't know why it is "must".

The Tree of Life has been repairing itself. I shouldn't disturb him, but I can't wait. I called him and tried to wake him up.

Then, I got a response.

A soft and slow voice sounded: "Child, you shouldn't leave now."

I said anxiously: "I want to go back, I must go back."

The Tree of Life did not stop me too much. He sighed and returned everything that belonged to me to me.

The last memory came like a flood, and the pain of the end of life attacked my brain again. I thought I couldn't bear it, but it was all over.

I remembered the last voice in my mind, he told me not to leave him.

The moment I left the Tree of Life, I ran to his side desperately.

Ignoring his surprise, I hugged him tightly and told him: "I have never left you, I have always been by your side."

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