Reborn as a Pea Shooter

29. Chapter 29: Attending the Banquet (Part 2)

This article is exclusively published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi.

The fist swung out quickly, carrying Ming Fei's raging anger, and was about to add some color to this fair and tender face, but was suddenly stopped.

He didn't even see Fan La's movements, and his left hand was already clamped. His fist was quite powerful, but when it hit Fan La's palm, it was like hitting cotton, and all the power disappeared, and his body was attracted forward.

Ming Fei couldn't break free with his left hand restrained. The new and old hatreds piled up together, which completely angered him. He glared at Fan La fiercely, and the anger in his eyes was not concealed. Although he felt that he should be more rational in his heart, rationality was nothing. When encountering a pervert, violence is much more effective than rationality!

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

He seemed to have made up his mind to fight to the death. Although he couldn't spray a bean cannon to kill him, he could still use his hands and legs to do a combination of Taekwondo, Muay Thai and Chinese martial arts.

Fanla frowned, but let go of his hand, and asked hesitantly: "Young seedling?"

There is no need to speak to perverts, Ming Fei ignored them.

Fanla also remained silent, his eyes wandering over Ming Fei's naked body, and when the red in his eyes became more intense, he suddenly closed his eyes.

He raised his left hand slightly and placed it on Ming Fei's shoulder, and then there was a "bang".

Ming Fei once again experienced a more subtle and weird feeling... He found that his sight was rapidly falling, from looking directly at Fanla's chest to his lower abdomen and waist, and only stopped at his legs...

As his body changed, the anger in his heart gradually dissipated, and what surged into his heart was a very bad premonition. The white mist dissipated, and Ming Fei looked down at his body.

Then... petrified.

He, he turned into a pea again...slender and soft branches, big head that you can tell without looking.

Vanla opened his eyes, and his eyes had returned to pure sky blue. He looked at the petrified pea indifferently, and a trace of barely detectable regret flashed across his eyes... He reluctantly turned his eyes away and said solemnly to the communicator on his wrist: "Landers, come here."

After a while, a blue-haired elf appeared at the door. He half-knelt on one knee, bowed his head and said respectfully: "Your Majesty."

Vanla glanced at Mingfei and said to Landers: "Send this little pea to the princess."

Landers raised his head slightly, only to find that the pea seedling was frozen there and kept an unchanged movement. He was slightly surprised and then hid his emotions.

"Yes." He responded in a low voice, Landers stood up and walked towards Mingfei. As he approached, he began to hesitate...

They all knew what His Majesty would do here.

New elves can switch between plant and human form at will, and when they become plants, they are divided into combat state and living state. There are many kinds of combat forms, which will change according to the individual's training goals. But the living state is innate, that is, the appearance of the seedling stage.

In combat mode, the armor will change with the body shape, so there is no hindrance to free conversion. However, in the living state, because the body is relatively weak and cannot bear the weight of the armor, it is usually not worn for leisure and comfort.

However, if you can be promoted to an elf, even if you are a teenager in the elf state, you are already an adult plant in the plant life. You have already understood what you should know, and naturally you will not walk naked on the street casually.

Therefore, new elves rarely show their living state in front of outsiders. Of course, special circumstances at certain special moments are naturally excluded.

The elves all know that when a new elf appears in front of you in a complete living state, he is definitely inviting you silently... This is a unique interest that both sides understand.

But now... Landes looked at the real seedling and suddenly felt that he must have forgotten to worship recently, so he encountered this.

The seedling was motionless, and his little face was full of collapse expressions like the world was collapsing. Without thinking too much, you know what happened.

If he accidentally came here, and in the form of a seedling, he would definitely be misunderstood by His Majesty... Then... Landes sighed silently in his heart. The seedling's body was weak, and being forced to become an elf would inevitably make it weaker. And His Majesty's x ability... Landes was silent, and his eyes towards Ming Fei were more and more full of sympathy.

This little pea... wouldn't it have returned to the earth!

His Majesty asked him to come here to take care of the funeral... How could he be so unlucky? If he had known earlier, he would not have changed shifts.

No, wait, Landes suddenly woke up. With His Majesty's eyes, how could he not recognize that this was a real seedling. The life of a seedling is much weaker than that of an elf, and it can be seen at a glance. How could His Majesty be wrong?

So... His Majesty knew that this was a real seedling, but he still did that kind of thing! ! !

Landes was shocked, and instantly felt that he had discovered an incredible secret in the royal family. Their great and brave King of Palant actually had such a special hobby!

And he, he actually found out... It's over, it's over, Landes felt very disappointed, he would not be silenced after knowing such a great thing...

"Landers, what are you doing?" Vanla asked him impatiently.

Landes came back to his senses, he didn't dare to look at Vanla, he could only continue to study carefully how to take this immobile seedling away.

He was tortured so badly that he probably couldn't walk by himself. Landes thought about it and finally decided to pick him up and take him over, trying to be as gentle as possible so that he would be less guilty.

He stretched out his hand, but before he touched Mingfei's big leaf, Fanla sternly said: "Don't touch him."

Landers is stupid... If you don't touch him, how can you take him away? He finally couldn't help but look at Van La in confusion.

Valla was slightly startled, and Little Pea remained motionless. It was only natural for Landers to hug him over. However, when he thought about the smooth and soft skin that the young man had touched just now, and being held by someone else again, he felt very unhappy.

Landers asked cautiously: "Your Majesty?"

Valla looked at Landers and then at Mingfei, and walked over with a gloomy face. He held up a golden round shield in his hand, first threw the petrified peas in, then sealed the mouth, and there was a Leave a curved handle.

Landers was stunned. Is this a little pea in a golden birdcage?

Before waiting for Fanla's instructions, he walked forward consciously.

Fanla motioned for him to hold the handle, raised his chin and said, "Carry it over for me!"

Landers' jaw almost dropped to the ground, but he did not dare to disobey His Majesty's orders. He picked up the 'birdcage' dejectedly and ran towards the courtyard where the princess was.

At the same time, he prayed silently in his heart. If he could survive this disaster, he would definitely burn three sticks of incense and carry his daily lucky items with him!

It wasn't until the two figures were gone that Van La turned to the communicator and said, "Meyer, send me the information on the two seedlings next to Avri."

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