Reborn as a Pea Shooter

34. Chapter 34 Water System Basics

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

The teacher of the basic water course is a middle-aged elf. He wears a pair of glasses on his nose, so his eyes cannot be seen clearly, but his lips are very thin, and he looks rigorous and rigid when he is expressionless.

The so-called middle-aged elves cannot actually be judged by their body shape and skin color. The only difference from adult elves is the dark gray hair and the vicissitudes of life that cannot be concealed between the eyebrows.

No matter how gorgeous the hair color is when you are young, it will gradually fade after middle age, and eventually appear as a dark gray like a dark cloud covering the sun. This is also a warning that life has already gone through two-thirds.

And Ming Fei finally realized that elves are indeed long-lived, but life is still limited. The life span of a newborn elf is about one thousand years. After entering adulthood, it will slowly enter middle age after eight hundred years.

At the end of middle age and the end of life, the Palant people will not call it death, but return, and return to the embrace of the tree of life. Waiting for another reincarnation...

But in fact, in the years of continuous war, it is difficult for most elves to reach the end of their lives in a normal state. More are killed in battle or... mutations that are more terrible than death...

However, Palant has a law that states that elves who have entered middle age cannot enter the battlefield again, even if you still have strong combat power and enough experience in fighting against enemies.

This is actually a mandatory opportunity for those warriors who have fought all their lives to retire and spend their old age in peace.

It is said that their teacher of the basic water course, Xiu Yin. is such a person. After retiring, he was personally hired by the dean of Sarsa College to serve as a tutor for the water department. He has been in office for ten years.

In terms of seniority and achievements, he is a well-deserved senior figure, and he is usually serious, so in the hearts of students in military academies, he is synonymous with strictness and rigidity.

In his class, never imagine a relaxed environment like Seville, only teaching, listening to lectures and assigning homework step by step. And severe punishment after making mistakes.

The most terrible thing is that because of his qualifications, even the ruling elves will give him some respect, and the courses he teaches are for all students, so even the adopted seedlings are respectful to him.

Courses related to elements are very important. No one will take it lightly for things related to the future.

Colin told Ming Fei very much, asking him to listen carefully.

Ming Fei nodded vigorously, promising not to be distracted.

He opened his eyes wide and listened carefully to the lecture of this respected mentor with great enthusiasm. To be honest, although he is old, Xiu Yin's voice is still nice, and the volume is not too high or too low. He speaks slowly, making the listeners feel comfortable and pleasant.

But to be honest, the so-called basic courses, whether it is mathematics, Chinese, physics or water system... are all extremely boring.

Boring and difficult to understand, Ming Fei, who is used to studying mathematics, physics and chemistry, became even more confused after hearing this bunch of inexplicable terms.

The better the teacher's voice sounded, the more hypnotic it was. In addition, I only slept for an hour last night, and now I was even more sleepy. My eyelids were fighting, and I could not hold on any longer...

"... Now I need two students to cooperate with me to demonstrate." Xiuyin just finished speaking, and he turned the big screen to a seating chart. He glanced at it and said, "Xia Zuo and... Ming Fei."

When Colin heard the name, he suddenly realized that Ming Fei beside him had dozed off! He was startled and pushed him hard.

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Ming Fei slowly woke up and looked at Colin blankly.

Colin looked like he was disappointed with his friend. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to hit him on the head with a slap. He held back and whispered to Ming Fei: "The teacher called your name, go up to the stage to demonstrate, don't worry, just follow the instructions."

Ming Fei was startled and completely sober. He knew that he was unlucky!

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, he had to bite the bullet and walk to the podium, roaring in his heart... When you were in school, you hated being called by the teacher to do the questions on the blackboard, didn't you? What if you can't do it, it's embarrassing, right?

He is so old now, but he has to experience the tension and embarrassment of his youth again. This, this is so unpleasant.

He started to feel unhappy, and when he stood on the podium, facing the dark field of small seedlings opposite and the familiar yet unfamiliar little peas around him...he felt even more unhappy!

Is it really a narrow road for enemies? With so many seedlings, how did Xiu Yin choose them? Moreover, he didn't understand anything at all. He didn't know anything about the water system except that it was related to water.

It's okay to be embarrassed, but he also embarrassed himself in front of Xia Zuo...

Suddenly, Xia Zuo pointed his chin at him and said arrogantly: "See, you are really a waste..."

Well, this is no longer a question of whether to be embarrassed or not! It's about his dignity as a pea!

For a moment, Ming Fei was full of confidence and determined to fight for his dignity.

He kept thinking about it, but Xia Zuo didn't even look at him.

Because Xia Zuo's position was closer to the podium, he walked up first, bowed slightly to Xiu Yin and called politely: "Teacher."

Xiu Yin's cold face actually softened, and there was even a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. He nodded slightly to Xia Zuo.

When he looked at Ming Fei again, his eyes were cold again... This differential treatment was so obvious that it made people grit their teeth!

But Mingfei was not a child after all. Although he didn't understand the rules, it didn't mean he couldn't learn them, so he saluted Xiuyin in a decent manner. Finally, I got a light jaw.

Both of them arrived at the podium, and Xiuyin said to the seedlings: "I just described the concept of the water element. I believe everyone has understood it. Next, you need to understand the existence of the water element based on everyone's understanding of the concept." He turned to look at Xia Zuo and asked, "Are you ready?"

Xia Zuo nodded, without any arrogance or rudeness, his little voice was clear and sweet: "Yes."

Xiu Yin nodded and continued: "Now, I will release a water element with full affinity next to Xia Zuo, and then I need him to understand and absorb it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he tapped his fingertips slightly, and an icy blue ball of light the size of a football was immediately formed. And it separated from his fingertips and floated next to Xia Zuo.

This scene was mysterious and graceful, and Mingfei watched it with great interest.

Xiuyin was still explaining: "Everyone, pay attention to the dynamics of the water element and see if you can feel that Xia Zuo is communicating with it... A water element with full affinity will not refuse to be absorbed, but how to absorb it depends on personal……"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly paused...

Because Mingfei was so close, he keenly caught the flash of surprise in Xiuyin's eyes. He followed Xiuyin's gaze and found that in the blink of an eye, the hockey puck disappeared...

Instead, there is a small blue pea plant...

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