Reborn as a Pea Shooter

36. Chapter 36 Team Establishment (12)

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

Hahaha... Ming Fei couldn't help laughing out loud, this color! Too rich, isn't it! A little pea made of pure gold!

Huang Mao was so proud over there: "Did you see it? Isn't it super cool!"

Ming Fei smiled and said: "Indeed, if I'm short of money in the future, I can sell you and I won't have to worry about food and clothing."

Huang Mao pretended to be surprised and shouted: "You actually want to sell me, I'm so handsome and shining, you actually want to sell me!"

He shouted a little loudly, and obviously the people around him heard it, and then heard a low male voice saying: "I should have sold you a long time ago."

Huang Mao immediately turned his head and accused with a shaking voice: "Min Lan! Even you said so!"

Ming Fei looked at him and was very lively over there, with a smile on his face, and felt relieved. He wanted to ask Huang Mao about his grouping, but now it seems that Huang Mao's team should have been established.

Although Huangmao is careless and stubborn, he is born with an intuition to recognize people. At least he will not make friends with people who have different temperaments. There should be no problem.

Ming Fei talked with Huangmao for a long time through the communicator, and hung up when they were about to eat.

Colin took a sip of water and said with a smile: "Huangmao is doing very well."

Ming Fei nodded: "That kid didn't grow up in a greenhouse. Although he is silly, he should have good popularity."

Colin also admitted that sometimes he had to admit that stupid people have good luck. If you don't think too much, others will not think too much about you when they come into contact with you. There is less suspicion between each other, and it is easier to get close to people.

However, Colin recalled the name that Huangmao called out just now, and he felt that it sounded familiar... He thought about it quietly, and suddenly remembered that Min Lan - medium, gold system, was a seedling adopted by the upper elf.

He hesitated for a moment before saying to Ming Fei: "If I remember correctly, the Min Lan mentioned by Huang Mao should be of medium qualification, and is an adopted seedling."

Ming Fei was stunned. In the results of this qualification assessment, only the gold system among the four main systems did not have high qualifications, but Huang Mao, who had medium-to-high qualifications, appeared, and there were three other gold system medium qualifications, so the overall level was not bad.

He thought about it and asked Colin: "Have you heard of Caroline?" It was another seedling mentioned by Huang Mao.

Colin said without thinking: "I haven't heard of it. It can be confirmed that she is not a medium-qualified or adopted seedling."

That is low-level... There are four medium-qualified people in the gold system, including Huang Mao. It stands to reason that three of them who were adopted by the elves may form a team, and then Huang Mao will be listed separately. Or there will be people who want to win over Huang Mao and form a team with him.

But how could there be two medium-level and one low-level people in the team? Huang Mao doesn't care, it must be that they get along well, but Min Lan, an adopted seedling, how could he not care about the quality of the team?

He told Colin about this doubt.

Colin recalled and said: "I am not familiar with Min Lan, and I have only met him a few times, but to be honest, most of the seedlings adopted by the elves mature early, and they are more eager for power... Logically, they should form a group..."

But he abandoned the other two "allies" and chose Huangmao, and even accepted the low-level Caroline... Is there something special about this Caroline? Regarding Huangmao, Ming Fei couldn't help but think more.

Seeing him in a trance, Colin knew that he was worried about Huangmao, so he comforted him: "You don't have to think too much. Although most of the adopted seedlings are deep-minded, since he chose Huangmao and formed a team, he will not harm Huangmao again. He understands the importance of teamwork better than anyone else."

Hearing him say this, Ming Fei also realized that he was overthinking, so he withdrew his thoughts and decided to ask Huangmao privately at night.

Speaking of which, tomorrow is Seville's class, and it is also the last deadline to find team members. And he and Colin... were just two lonely peas...

That day, Ming Fei saw a familiar figure, it was the little sunflower who had been evaluated for qualifications together before. At that time, he didn't pay attention to what his qualifications were, but now it seems that he is basically low-level and water-based.

Originally, after seeing the little sunflower, Ming Fei wanted him to join the group as a healing assistant or something. But then he remembered that when he was chatting with the little sunflower, he said that many friends came to his nursery... The little sunflower probably had a team a long time ago.

The only one he knew was out of the question, Ming Fei was a little worried, but Colin was not anxious at all.

Colin said: "If you have friends, come together, it doesn't matter if you don't have any, it doesn't matter if you wait until tomorrow and let Seville assign it directly."

Ming Fei sighed... Why is he so confident? Is he so convinced of his legendary physique?

Ming Fei was munching on chloroplast bread while feeling melancholy. Does he really have to wait until tomorrow for Seville to match him up with people randomly?

What if you run into someone with a bad temper and a personality that doesn't match yours, and you have to live with them day and night, how annoying...

He was worried, and took another bite, and glanced at the door inadvertently. He actually saw the little sunflower.

He followed a few seedlings, and it seemed that they were eating together.

Ming Fei was even more disappointed when he saw it. As expected...there were so many of them together, they must have formed a team eight generations ago, so how could they wait for him.

But since they met, Ming Fei thought about saying hello. Seeing them walk in, Ming Fei waited for the little sunflower to look up and find him, and then say hello.

Who would have thought that Little Sunflower kept his head down the whole time, walking at the end, and didn't even look up until he stopped in front of another table very close to Ming Fei. He seemed to be worried.

There were four of them, but there were only two chairs in front of this table, which was obviously not enough. The leader was a pea seedling. He glanced at Little Sunflower and said, "What are you doing? Go find a chair!"

Little Sunflower suddenly woke up, looked up at him, and immediately said carefully, "I'll go now..."

Seeing this, Ming Fei couldn't help but frown... What's going on? Why does it feel that the way these people get along is so strange.

It was lunch time, and the restaurant was not crowded, but there were almost no empty seats. Little Sunflower walked a long way with big leaves before finding two empty chairs.

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But he was just a seedling, and his body was just as tall as the chair. It was really difficult for one person to hold two chairs.

However, the three people who were traveling with him had no intention of coming forward to help. They even urged him: "Can you hurry up? You can't even carry a chair?"

Another Nut pursed his lips: "Tsk, what can he do well?"

The sunflower next to him also joined in: "He can't do anything well! Only we don't dislike him, if he wasn't from a nursery... hum."

The three of them were talking to each other, and the noise was definitely loud. Everyone around could hear it clearly. Occasionally, someone looked up at the little sunflower who was still struggling to move the chair.

The little sunflower's face had already turned red because of what they said, her brown eyes were watery, and the corners of her naturally curved mouth were trembling slightly... But he didn't refute anything, just held back and tried to move the chair.

Ming Fei couldn't stand it anymore, and vaguely understood what was going on!

Four of the so-called friends from a nursery were assigned to the water system, but only three people were needed to form a group, and the little sunflower was obviously the weaker of the four. She must be worried about being left behind, so she compromised in various ways.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the other three were like a team, and it was impossible for them to find other teammates for Little Sunflower, so they were just playing a trick on him!

Ming Fei stood up with a bang. Although Colin lowered his eyes, he was still paying attention. He remained calm, but did not stop Ming Fei's actions.

Ming Fei walked to Little Sunflower in a few steps. Little Sunflower only then noticed his presence and said in surprise: "Ming...Ming Fei?"

Ming Fei nodded sternly, his eyes fixed on the two chairs.

Little Sunflower was a little embarrassed by his gaze, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Ming Fei finally spoke, his voice was definitely loud: "Put down the chair, whoever wants to sit can take it by themselves, don't they have arms or legs?"

Because of his words, Xiao Xiangui's face turned pale, and he stammered: "No... no..."

Ming Fei interrupted him: "No what? Didn't they say you can't do anything? If you have the ability, they can do it themselves."

This was already a clear provocation, and the seedlings opposite Xiao Xiangui looked at him fiercely.

Ming Fei did not move, determined to handle this matter to the end. To be honest, he was not so impulsive, but he couldn't stand this kind of face. Do you think you can order others around just because you are useful? Can you play with people at will?

Looking at Xiao Xiangui's appearance, this kind of thing must not be the first time!

The little pea looked bad-tempered and was about to rush over. But the nut next to him stopped him and whispered something in his ear. He stopped but still said to the little sunflower in a bad mood: "Dana, can you move the chair over?"

The little sunflower was stunned, and when he came to his senses, he immediately said: "Right away."

Ming Fei stopped him, and the little sunflower was almost crying. He said to Ming Fei in a very low voice: "I know your good intentions, but I don't want to be separated from them. I don't want to be randomly assigned to other teams tomorrow..."

"Why do you have to be in the same group with him?"

The little sunflower endured it and finally couldn't help it: "They are right, I am really stupid and can't do anything well... Except for them, definitely... definitely no one would want to be in the same group with me."

"I want to!"

The little sunflower looked up, tears still hanging in his eyes, staring at Ming Fei blankly.

Ming Fei had no expression on his face, but his voice was firm: "Our group is missing one person. If you don't mind, join us!"

The little sunflower was still stupid.

Ming Fei frowned: "Do you still want to be with them? Even if they really regroup for you, how can they cooperate with you with that attitude? However, if you insist, I won't force you."

"No!" Little Sunflower came back to his senses immediately. He held Ming Fei and asked carefully: "You... are you serious?"

Ming Fei nodded solemnly: "Are you willing?"

Little Sunflower immediately replied: "Yes, yes, I am willing!"

How could I not be willing? I have always been inferior and timid, and I was not taken seriously even when I was with the seedlings in the same nursery. The only time they cared about me was when I was assigned to the same group with Xia Zuo during the qualification assessment... But he didn't know how to do those things to please people. No matter how many times they reminded him, he still couldn't do it well.

In the end, he was doubly disliked...

Living in this kind of environment, he would only question himself more and more. When the time came to divide the groups, he was even more afraid, afraid of being left behind. He compromised, but in fact, he knew in his heart that it was useless. It was useless. They couldn't split into 2+ for him...

And now Ming Fei was inviting him, not because he asked for it, but because he was invited! This feeling of being recognized was simply irresistible to him.

Besides... Ming Fei had helped him many times, and he was not a complete stranger, so how could he refuse.

Hearing this answer, Ming Fei smiled at him and said, "Then put down the chair and follow me!"

Little Sunflower hesitated for a moment, then with a click, he threw down the chair and walked beside Ming Fei.

Ming Fei strode to the dumbfounded seedlings and asked coldly, "Why do you... think that no one wants him?"

His voice was very low, and his eyes were cold, which made the seedlings speechless.

Ming Fei looked away and called Colin and Little Sunflower out of the restaurant together.

After changing to another place, Ming Fei treated Little Sunflower to a meal and happily celebrated the formation of the group. They introduced themselves to each other. Little Sunflower's name was Dana, and he was indeed a low-level water type.

Ming Fei and Colin walked back after sending Dana back to the dormitory.

On the way, Ming Fei asked Colin: "You don't object to Dana joining, right?"

Colin said: "Of course not, he is very good."

Ming Fei breathed a sigh of relief and walked for a while. He suddenly remembered that according to Colin's calm temperament, why didn't he hold him back when he suddenly stood up to take care of this matter?

He asked Colin about his doubts.

Colin narrowed his eyes and said, "Want to hear the truth?"

Ming Fei nodded: "Of course."

Colin pondered for a moment and said, "This is good. Although you were impulsive, it will make Dana more grateful to you, which is very good for the cohesion of our team... Besides, those little seedlings are not big at all. I guess they are still wary of you."

...Ming Fei was very happy.

"Why? I don't seem to have anything to do with my bad reputation, right?"

Colin was helpless. Look at him: "Don't take yourself too lightly. You should know that your qualifications are low. You are a rare seedling with special talents. Although the qualification level is relatively low, if you have excellent talents, you may still have a bright future. Why would they want to offend you?"

...Okay, he was indeed influenced by Xia Zuo and Huangmao, thinking that the whole world has medium or high qualifications...

When they arrived at the dormitory, the two separated. Ming Fei entered the room and wanted to contact Huangmao, but seeing that it was still early, he was afraid that Huangmao had not returned to the dormitory yet, so he decided to wait.

He was bored and suddenly thought of the small branch.

He took out the crystal and took out the small dead branch. He looked at it for a long time and couldn't figure out how this thing that was everywhere on the earth could be so expensive...

The sunlight came in through the window and fell on the small branch. Ming Fei was playing with it boredly, but suddenly stopped his sight-the small branch was wrong!

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