Reborn as a Pea Shooter

40, Chapter 40 Level 1 Battle (12)

First published in Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

After lunch, Mingfei was worried about Huang Mao, so he took out the Jingyuan and contacted him, but the communicator actually prompted 'Cannot be reached at the moment'. Mingfei frowned, feeling a little worried.

Colin saw his actions and comforted him: "Maybe Huang Mao is still in the classroom, and the communicator may have been blocked. After all, this is a critical moment, and he may be studying hard."

This was possible. Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief and thought about contacting him again in the evening.

On the way back to the classroom, Colin suddenly said to the two of them: "Do you want to participate in this assessment?"

Mingfei was stunned, then nodded immediately and said, "Of course, not only will I participate, I must also pass!"

Colin looked at Dana again, and Little Sunflower was also startled, but then his eyes were firm: "I also want to participate, I...I also want to pass!" It's not about wanting, but wanting.

Colin nodded and said seriously: "I have thought about it. This assessment will definitely not be easy. Registration will start in three days, and the assessment will basically be conducted the next day. So the time is very tight, and I want to use these three days to Go collect some information.”

This means that you can't continue special training with Sewell... Dana asked anxiously: "But, there are only three days, if you can't pass..." He didn't say anything else.

But Mingfei understood what Colin meant. He looked at Colin and asked solemnly: "Are you sure?" While collecting intelligence, he raised his combat level to one level.

Colin nodded without hesitation. He looked at Dana reassuringly and said, "You just need to work hard. Not only must you be promoted to the combat level, but you must also try your best to understand the skills related to your responsibilities." "Although the registration requirements are level one, what about the assessment content?"

Ming Fei nodded. He had also thought about this. It would definitely not be that simple. It is only right to be fully prepared. He said to Colin: "Don't worry, we understand."

After that, Colin first went to Sewell to explain the situation and said that he could improve his abilities on his own. Sewell had no objection to this. At this time, no matter what it is, being able to achieve the ultimate goal is the key. Besides, everyone has their own opinions, and deciding for yourself is the most important thing.

After Colin left, Dana had been a little dazed. Ming Fei saw it and knew that the little sunflower was still a little nervous. He comforted him: "Dana, just relax. Since this is an assessment designed for first-level seedlings, , it will definitely not be too much beyond our ability. Think about it, if it is too difficult and no one passes in the end, wouldn’t it be a joke to set up this assessment? So, as long as we work hard, we will definitely succeed? Chance!"

Dana's small brown eyes blinked, and he felt much more comfortable after hearing Mingfei's words. What Ming Fei said did make sense, but in fact he had other concerns. His long-standing lack of confidence made him afraid of holding others back, especially of disappointing Ming Fei and Colin.

But I really can’t say these words...

Not long after, the two returned to the classroom.

After officially starting the class, Mingfei fully understood what Sewell meant when he said, "You must eat enough." This special training was a living ordeal! Physical hardship...

By the way, if you ask a group of pea sprouts to do push-ups on all fours, can they really break through to the first level?

Mingfei struggled to hold up his body with the weak big leaves. After seeing the fat and round Nut Brother next to him flopping on the ground and collapsing limply, he finally suspected Sevier's motives... He was actually evil. Bar!

Himawari-kun next door, use your head as a support point, are you exercising your body or your brain? Mr. Pea, do you dare to eat less? My bulging belly has never been lifted off the ground!

Mingfei really couldn't complain, and he didn't dare to look around. Imagine a group of plant seedlings, using the big tender green leaves as fulcrums, doing the legendary push-ups together... Wouldn't it be so joyful!

He was afraid that he would laugh out loud and lose the strength to continue, so he kept suppressing his gaze.

Sewell walked around, correcting his movements from time to time, and said: "Persevere, work hard, and feel whether the strength is flowing in the body during the ups and downs..."

I can't feel it at all, Mingfei cursed, just feeling that Big Leaf was dying of soreness, he was really powerless, I thought back then he could do forty or fifty at a time!

He glanced at Little Dana in front of him and saw that although he was sweating profusely, he was still doing standard push-ups. To be honest, little Dana is timid and timid, but because of her low self-esteem, she works extra hard and is extra serious. As long as she is recognized by others, she will be full of energy, which is not a bad thing.

It's just that... Mingfei is still a little worried, fearing that his character will not be able to withstand the blow, so he needs to be made more confident, cheerful and lively.

After the push-ups, the handsome Sewell instructs a group of seedlings to start doing sit-ups... This action is much more difficult than push-ups. How can the top-heavy sunflowers and peas get up... not to mention that they are all covered in sweat? For a generally thick nut man, this is too much!

After Mingfei did it for two or three times, he felt a buzzing pain in his head. His body couldn't grasp the point of exertion at all. Although the big leaf didn't exert much force this time, the branches and head were tired...

The whole afternoon, all the seedlings in the class spent this intermittent "cruel" exercise. Seville had been reading the theories he had taught in the morning seriously to deepen their impressions, but there was a smile in his eyes... Well, it was not easy for him either, he had a stomachache from holding back his laughter!

After class, the seedlings were all exhausted and had no strength to move. Seville finally said the purpose of doing this: "If you want to break through the first level of combat in a short period of time, you need to push yourself to the limit. Overdrawing the limit of the body is also a kind of overdraft. That's why I let you exercise for an afternoon. But it also depends on your own bearing capacity. The longer you can persist, the greater the chance of success. Let's stop here today and continue tomorrow."

When they heard that they had to continue tomorrow, the seedlings fell to the ground with big leaves and tears streaming down their faces.

Ming Fei suddenly understood. What Seville said was actually similar to the shortcut Colin had mentioned before. Being in danger or being greatly stimulated is also a way to push the body and mind to the limit.

The one who spent 50,000 yuan was naturally more convenient and labor-saving, but for a poor guy, Seville's trick was much more reliable. Without spending money, he could achieve the same effect by overdrawing his physical strength, and then stimulate his potential... It was indeed a great trick!

However, Ming Fei immediately realized that this was easier said than done. Because people have subconscious self-protection for themselves, it is obviously much more difficult to actively push oneself to the limit than to passively bear external blows.

Even if you want to push yourself in your heart, you are actually reluctant in your subconscious mind, so without strong willpower, you can't really push yourself into a desperate situation...

After class, Ming Fei and Dana, who were extremely tired, rushed to the restaurant, filled their stomachs like a whirlwind, and went back to the dormitory separately.

Entering the room, Ming Fei was still spinning around on this issue. Although it was difficult to really "force" himself in a short period of time, in three days, if it was really this progress, as long as he persisted, maybe it would really work.

But... what about three days later? After three days of intense physical exertion, will I not even have the strength to get out of bed? What's the point of the assessment? But there may be a period of relaxation after registration.

However, Ming Fei thought again that he wanted to look through and study the auxiliary system's magic in these three days, and try to give himself a better chance of winning. If he wasted all his time on consuming physical strength, it was obvious that he didn't have that much time.

So, he really had to push himself to the limit as soon as possible, break through the clamp in his body, and reach the first level of combat!

Thinking of this, Ming Fei had made up his mind. Although his body was tired and sore, he didn't grow up enjoying life since he was a child, and this little bit of hardship was really nothing. He might as well not waste the afternoon exercise and continue exercising!

He did what he said, so he started push-ups and sit-ups again, plus jumping and jumping, doing multiple exercises together. After a while, he was sweating profusely. His physical strength was indeed constantly being consumed, but he always seemed to feel that something was missing...

Maybe it's not enough? Ming Fei had no other choice but to continue to tossing.

The sky gradually darkened. He was tossing and turning on the ground near the bed, falling down and getting up again, and completely forgot about the small branch that he had placed at the head of the bed since morning.

In fact, since he came in, the lazy small branch instantly shook up. Although the movement was extremely slow, it was approaching his direction little by little.

After he started to toss and turn on the spot and highly concentrated his mind, he could even find that there was an extremely faint light point flowing between him and the small branch.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

If it weren't for the fact that it was already dark, it would be impossible to find this faint connection at all. Even in the absence of light, you have to try hard to open your eyes to distinguish that it is not dizziness.

However, Ming Fei didn't find anything. He just felt extremely exhausted, as if he couldn't hold on any longer, but he knew that he could definitely do it. He silently recited the spell countless times in his heart, but he didn't feel anything. The so-called heat flow representing power never visited him at all.

Sure enough... isn't it that easy? Ming Fei looked out the window. The sun had completely set, and the water courtyard was immersed in a unique deep blue.

At this time, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the small branch, and then he remembered it. He stopped moving, walked over to take a look, and found that it was different with the moisture of water. Although it was still a small branch, after a day of soaking, the brown book cover actually showed signs of greening.

Seeing that the small branch was well cared for, Ming Fei breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw the soft bed, he wanted to pounce on it immediately after a day of fatigue and have a good sleep.

The voice of temptation in his heart became stronger and stronger: Take a rest, don't rush, there are still two days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it is not so easy, why bother yourself like this...

Yes, I am so tired, take a nap, tomorrow will be fine, right? My eyelids kept fighting, and I couldn't open them anymore, and I almost fell on the bed and fell asleep.

"Persist... Persist..." A clear voice suddenly flashed through his mind. Ming Fei, who was originally confused, suddenly opened his eyes. No... I can't fall asleep, I can't give up all my efforts!

I can do it, I can do it!

His body was extremely weak, but his mind was unexpectedly clear.

Ming Fei shook his head, thinking that the room was too comfortable and he couldn't help wanting to rest. He might as well go out for a run. Anyway, it was dark and there was no one around. If he ran too far, he would have to force himself to run if he wanted to come back. Isn't it forcing himself in disguise?

If Seville were here and knew about Ming Fei's actions, he would definitely stop him immediately.

Indeed, Seville's original intention was to force the seedling by overdrawing his physical strength. But he couldn't act too hastily. After all, the seedling's body was fragile and lacked the carrying capacity. Forcing excessive exercise would most likely cause irreparable trauma, which would be a loss.

Seville didn't explain it clearly, because he never thought that a seedling would have such a strong character. Moreover, as Ming Fei himself said, people have a sense of self-protection. If they really reach the limit of their body, their brain will automatically fall into self-protection and fall into a coma directly.

Seville also understood this, so the special training he arranged was indeed to break through by overdrawing physical strength, but it was not to break through by one's own will as Ming Fei thought, but to break through by the external force of Seville...

So, if the three-day special training was carried out according to Seville's arrangement, it would not be so difficult. As far as the minds of ordinary seedlings are concerned, it is estimated that more than half of the people would break through...

Ming Fei really took an extremely difficult and basically impossible road.

Late at night, the cold wind blew, and Ming Fei dragged his tired body step by step in the courtyard of the water system. Passing through the dormitory building, there was a long jewel corridor, which seemed deserted because there was no one.

Ming Fei was not sure where his limit was, so he kept reciting the spell to release the holy light. His physical strength was obviously lost, and the meal he had eaten in the evening had long been digested.

But he still gritted his teeth and ran. Several times, he even had a strange feeling, as if something was surging in his body, but when he concentrated, it seemed that it was all an illusion, as if it was an illusion caused by the strong desire in his heart...

But he did not lose heart. It has been so long. It seems that he is competing with each other. It has evolved into a fierceness that he will succeed at all costs.

Ming Fei had not reached the end of the corridor before, and it was not so clear at this time because it was dark. But he could generally distinguish that it was a wall of dark gems. Speaking of it, there are indeed many gems in Sarsa, but in fact, it is rare to see dark and deep gems. Most of them are bright colors or soft warm colors.

This nearly black crystal wall in front of him was something he had never seen before. If it weren't for the glossy reflection, Ming Fei would have almost bumped into it...

He stopped and looked around but didn't see anything unusual. He raised his foot and was about to turn the corner, but he spotted a small object at the base of the wall...

Out of curiosity, he leaned over and took a closer look, but his mouth widened in surprise. is this possible!

The one curled up there was elf? And a small, small elf! !

Pointy ears, short black and soft hair, a face so white that you could pinch water out of it, wearing a white lace dress, curled up in the corner of the wall, seemed to be asleep?

Ming Fei hesitated for a moment, a little confused about what was going on...He had seen many elves, but he had never seen such a small one.

And looking at his pitiful appearance curled up in a ball, he seemed a little cold?

His body was already extremely tired. Ming Fei wanted to poke him, but the large leaf he stretched out was shaking unnaturally. He barely suppressed the dizziness that surged and forced the large leaf to move towards him. When it was about to touch him, it suddenly stopped.

The little... elf woke up.

A pair of large and round eyes suddenly opened, but they were as red as blood, and the burning inside seemed to be a raging fire rising from hell.

The fear reached the bottom of his heart, and Ming Fei was completely stunned, allowing the unstoppable fear to spread throughout his body.

His body froze and he couldn't move at all, but in the next moment, a sharp pain spread from the palm of his hand to his whole body, as if he suddenly woke up, and his body, which was already exhausted to the limit, suddenly shook.

Then, a scream burst out from his throat, and the spell that had been deeply rooted in his mind and turned into instinct suddenly flashed in his mind...

The complete overdraft of physical strength and the inexplicable unknown fear were finally covered by a bright, warm and inexplicable energy...

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