Reborn as a Pea Shooter

42. Chapter 42 Dark Elves

First published in Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Although Huang Mao spoke vaguely, Ming Fei could also understand that it seemed that the great stimulation Huang Mao experienced was his death...

Thinking of this, Ming Fei couldn't express the feeling in his heart. He felt a little distressed but couldn't stop the warmth in his heart...

He comforted Huang Mao: "Okay, you know it's just virtual. I'm not okay with this."

Huang Mao has calmed down and is not as broken as he was at the beginning, but he still couldn't stop crying for a while.

Mingfei could only change the topic: "How's it going? Your group has broken through to first level?"

Huang Mao nodded.

Ming Fei suddenly remembered something and asked again: "What did you choose for your role? Attack system?" Huang Mao was definitely not an auxiliary, and Wandou was best suited for the attack system. The members of their group are: peas, sunflowers, nuts. This is the most classic combination, and I guess there won’t be much suspense in terms of distribution.

But Mingfei obviously underestimated Huang Mao's brain circuit. Huang Mao's depressed mood finally seemed to be diverted by this topic. He said to Mingfei: "Of course it is the shield wall type! The strongest warrior should charge into the battle. When his teammates The front line, protecting the entire team! Fighting head-on with the enemy is the real warrior!"

The corner of Mingfei's mouth twitched, and he had a deep feeling that the next sentence would burst out with words like 'hot-blooded man'...

However, Huang Mao has never had many adjectives, and he obviously didn't expect it to be so profound. After praising his sacred duty, he suddenly lowered his voice and said hesitantly: "I...if I stand in front ... Then we can protect everyone..."

His voice was very low, but Ming Fei heard it clearly. He suddenly remembered that during the qualification evaluation, Huang Mao always shouted to protect him, and he also laughed and cursed that he didn't know who was protecting whom... But now, he chose to assist, and Huang Mao chose the shield wall... It seems that he is really going to be 'covered' by this guy! [The basic spell of the shield wall system is a light mask]

Ming Fei rarely used words to tease Huang Mao. Instead, he encouraged him and told him to read more spells related to the shield wall system in the past few days to prepare for the upcoming assessment.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

Huang Mao nodded obediently, and Mingfei asked again: "Min Lan is the sunflower, Caroline is the nut, and you chose the shield wall, then who is the attacker?"

Huang Mao said without hesitation: "Of course it's Caroline."

Um... Mingfei felt like her chin was on the ground. She was a nutty girl, or an attack-type nutty girl... How she was going to attack, I couldn't imagine.

However, Huang Mao's tone was full of matter-of-factness: "Caroline is amazing. Min Lan and I can't beat her together... Ahem, of course, we are men, we have to let her..."

Ming Fei listened to what he said and became more and more interested in Huang Mao's teammates, but at this time he had not thought that these curious Nuts and Sunflowers would be so difficult to deal with...

Huang Mao explained his situation in general, and then asked Mingfei's team, and Mingfei also told him everything.

The two chatted for a long time, and Huang Mao's mood completely calmed down. Mingfei had been sitting in the corner of the room, and he could see the bed when he raised his head.

The elf was still lying on the edge of the water basin. From this angle, only his fluffy black hair and small body could be seen. He was slightly worried about his feet. If he had multiple tails on his butt, it would look like he was trying to steal a fish. eating cat

And the twig is naturally the fish...

Because he was blocked by the elf, Mingfei didn't notice anything strange about the little branch.

In fact, with the elf's motionless gaze and salute, the thoughtless little branch instinctively felt the aura of danger. So the branch that was originally bent because it was leaning toward Ming Fei began to move in the opposite direction with difficulty, trying hard to stay away from danger...

Mingfei glanced at the elf's short black hair again and felt a little emotional. This hair quality and color were so pure that even an authentic Asian like him was naturally not as good as...

Through the communicator, Huang Mao could naturally see that Mingfei was lost in thought. He asked, "Mingfei? What are you thinking about?"

Mingfei suddenly came to his senses and turned his gaze back. He thought for a moment before asking: "Have you ever seen elves when they were young?" Although he didn't make it clear, he must be referring to natural elves, because newborn elves are transformed from plants. , at least as a teenager, there is no infancy.

Huang Mao frowned and said, "I've never seen or heard of anything like this..."

This is true, the number of natural elves is pitifully small, and ordinary people like them will naturally not know it. Mingfei hesitated and said: "I saw a black-haired one today..."

Before he could finish speaking, Huang Mao interrupted him excitedly: "Have you watched it too?"

Mingfei was stunned. Did Huang Mao also pick up a black-haired elf? He asked in confusion: "Look at...what?"

Huang Mao's little eyes blinked and he spoke quickly: "Min Lan showed me the album of Zan Tomb Bo. It turns out that Zan Tomb Bo people also have many levels... I always thought that dark elves are eight feet tall, have a fierce face, and are full of sharp teeth. , but apart from the terrifying black hair color, the dark elves in the album are no different in appearance and body shape from elves..." He paused and then said: "Min Lan told me that dark elves are also elves... so ...Is that why they look alike?”

Mingfei couldn't listen to what he said next. Only the word 'black hair' floated in his mind. He glanced at the elf silently, turned his head stiffly, and repeated mechanically Asked Huang Mao: "You said... the dark elves are from the Zan Tomb Star? And... they have black hair?"

Huang Mao blinked, a little confused as to what was wrong with Mingfei. He nodded and said, "Yeah, don't you know? They also have a name - Dark Night. Didn't the nursery director often use it to scare us when we were young... ...Ah..." Huang Mao looked like he suddenly realized: "I have forgotten about your amnesia."

So, he explained considerately: "The most distinctive feature of An Ye is his black hair. He is outstanding in appearance, but has a surly and cruel temperament... He is the ruler of Zan Tomb..." He read the previous words on the album as if reciting a text. Tell Ming Fei what you saw.

The more I listen to Ming Fei, the colder my heart becomes. I am so soft-hearted. What kind of thing did you bring home? I really don’t know how I died!

After reluctantly calming down, he didn't dare to tell Huang Mao anymore, fearing that he would worry, so he could only cut off the communication in a hurry. His head was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to deal with this 'little devil'.

The elf was still communicating mentally with Xiao Zhi, and he didn't react until Mingfei came up behind him. He turned back to look at Ming Fei. Although his fair and tender face was still stern, his big eyes were twinkling. He seemed very happy to see Ming Fei.

Mingfei was stunned, ignored him, and asked coldly: "Who are you?"

His voice was very low and his expression was very serious. The elf was stunned for a moment, and a confused look flashed in his ruby-like eyes, as if he didn't know what was going on with Mingfei.

Mingfei gritted his teeth and continued: "Are you from the Zan Tomb Star? A dark elf? What's your name?"

After being pressed one after another, the brightness in the elf's eyes finally gradually extinguished. He lowered his head slightly, his long and thick eyelashes blocking his red eyes... He opened his mouth slightly and said softly: "I... I don't know."

Ming Fei frowned. He was not a hard-hearted person to begin with. Seeing the elf behave like this, his heart started to beat... but he knew the importance of it anyway!

He has black hair and red eyes. He has never been seen in Palant before. He was careless before, but now that Huang Mao said it, he is even more convinced.

Let’s not talk about the natural enemies between Zan Tomb Star and Palant Star, nor talk about how bloody and dangerous the dark elves are. Let’s just say that there is something very wrong where this little elf appears!

It stands to reason that Sarsha Military Academy is located in the inner city of Sarsha, and is heavily protected by high-ranking elves... How could this little elf appear suddenly?

To say that there was no inside story, I wouldn't believe it even if I was beaten to death.

They say it’s a coincidence, but where is such a coincidence?

After thinking about it, Mingfei felt deeply that this elf was a dangerous existence and it would do him absolutely no good to stay here. He finally made up his mind and said, "I'm sorry, I can't take you in anymore."

The elf suddenly raised his head and looked at Ming Fei blankly.

Mingfei looked directly at him, his eyes cold and devoid of any emotion.

The elf stood there alone, looking straight at Ming Fei. His tight white face finally became a little anxious, and his red eyes were covered with a faint mist. His voice was soft and he said cautiously: " I...I didn't move the twig..."

Mingfei was stunned and suddenly understood what he meant... Mingfei had threatened him before and would throw him out if he ate a small branch. So he kept lying on the water basin looking at the small branches, but he didn't dare to move at all?

Mingfei's forced coldness on his face was a bit unbearable, but rationally he really couldn't accept this little thing! No, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. He said with determination: "It has nothing to do with that. I really can't keep you. This troubles me a lot!"

The elf was startled, and opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He lowered his eyes, but the mist that had been swirling in his eyes never fell.

"I'm sorry...I'm leaving now."

Mingfei didn't even look at him, his expression was as numb as death, his body was motionless, and he kept talking in his mind. Don't look, don't look, don't look back. Although he is still young now, he will eventually grow up. How can he not understand the principle of raising a tiger to make trouble?

Not sending him directly to the patrol team would be an act of kindness and righteousness. No matter what, he is a natural enemy...his nature is hard to change...

Although the voices that comforted me kept coming, another voice quietly sprouted in my heart——

‘He has no power and can even be easily subdued by you, don’t you know? ’

‘You are so small and fragile, you will die if you live outside, right? ’

‘Or if it fell into the hands of the Palant elves... it would be worse than death, right? ’

'He doesn't know anything at all... he's just a child. You abandon him like this... just because you're selfish! ’


In an instant, all the sounds in Mingfei's heart stopped abruptly as the door closed tightly.

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