Reborn as a Pea Shooter

50, Chapter 50: Unexpected Incidents

First published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

"Yo... look who this is?"

Ming Fei's body stiffened, and he immediately attached the ruby ​​to the crystal, and then turned around.

Because of the strong sunlight and the emission of the crystal, Ming Fei squinted slightly. From far to near, there were two... seedlings.

Not a monster, but a kind of person, Ming Fei breathed a sigh of relief, but after seeing the appearance of the person coming, he suddenly tensed up again.

These two people are very familiar. Ming Fei didn't know many seedlings, so although he only met them once, he never forgot them.

These two, a nut and a sunflower, were among the people who had troubled Dana. They were the so-called friends of little Dana... The most important thing is that after that incident, Ming Fei offended them severely.

Ten meters away, Nut, who was walking in front, said: "Isn't this the famous classmate Ming Fei? How come he is like this?"

Sunflower beside him also sneered: "It's so miserable. It's only the first day, and he's covered with wounds, especially this foot... Tsk tsk, he won't be disabled, right?"

Their voices were loud, and they were almost speaking directly to Ming Fei.

Ming Fei heard it clearly, but he didn't move at all. It's not that his body was too fragile to move. In fact, although the wounds on his body looked terrible, after this period of rest, he already had some strength in his body. Wait a little longer, and it won't be a problem to get rid of these two ill-intentioned little seedlings.

Walking closer, Sunflower noticed something next to Ming Fei with her sharp eyes, and widened her eyes in surprise, but then bent her eyes and smiled maliciously: "Hehe, it turns out that you have experienced a battle, this elemental heart is really good!"

As he said this, he quickened his pace, obviously wanting to take this elemental heart for himself.

Unfortunately, the crystal was extremely slippery, and his movements were clumsy. The more he wanted to go faster, the slower he went.

At this time, Ming Fei was also reminded by him. He finally remembered that the damn big fireball would leave behind the heart of the element when it died. He turned his head and found a fiery red oval object in front of the left.

He could see clearly what Sunflower was doing. However, this thing really took him a lot of effort and a lot of suffering. If it was taken away by this seedling, Ming Fei would be so depressed that his lungs would explode.

So, he stood up suddenly. The gliding he had practiced before was already very proficient. Although he was hoarse and grimaced when his soles landed on the ground, he gritted his teeth and said that he would never let this hard-earned task item fall into his hands.

It was only a distance of five or six meters. Compared with Sunflower's careful step-by-step movement, Ming Fei's gliding was so fast that he arrived in the blink of an eye. He grabbed his hand, and the fiery red heart of the element fell into his palm, and then he stuffed it into the ruby ​​without thinking.

The other two thought he had hidden it in the crystal. There was only one space in the crystal that could hold an elemental heart.

Sunflower's eyes flashed with annoyance. Damn it, who would have thought he could still move after being injured like that? With so much blood, a normal seedling would have fainted long ago.

I thought I was so lucky to get an elemental heart for nothing, but who would have thought he had hidden it in the crystal. You know, no one except me can shake the space in the crystal...

But... Sunflower's eyes flashed with a cold light. They really couldn't do anything with the crystal, but it was much easier to deal with the owner of the crystal, especially a seriously injured owner.

His idea was obviously understood by the other nut seedling, and the disappointment on their faces because the elemental heart was hidden faded. Turning to look at Ming Fei, he put away his smile and smiled blatantly.

"Hand over the Heart of Elements... and we will let you go." Although Ming Fei is a seedling of low aptitude, he is seriously injured now, not to mention two against one. No matter from which angle you look at it, this is a great opportunity to take revenge and complain. What's more, there is the temptation of interests, how could they let him go easily!

Ming Fei turned his head and looked at them indifferently. The strategy of these two young seedlings was too clumsy. He didn't even need to use his brain to know what they were thinking. Not to mention handing over the Heart of Elements, it is estimated that they will not let him go even if he handed it over. How could they let him go so easily with new and old grudges?

However, he was indeed a little upset at the moment. The exercise just now made him sweat coldly, and the pain in his feet came again. It is true that the wound was cleaned by Xiaofan before, but it was only a temporary solution. The wound would tear if he moved a little, and it would only get worse.

However, he couldn't just sit there and wait for death. Since he could survive the elemental monster, he wouldn't be fooled by such a small fry.

Sunflower said, "Ming Fei, you should be honest and hand over the Heart of the Element. We will never make it difficult for you. You should know that the elimination round has just begun. You have many opportunities to hunt, not just this one." He paused, then lowered his voice and threatened, "If you just don't know what's good for you, don't blame us for being ruthless and directly disqualifying you from the competition!"

This remark was both soft and hard. If he was really a pea seedling, he might believe it or be scared. After all, one against two is simply not a win, and if he is attacked strongly, he will lose his qualifications and be teleported back. Now that the competition has just begun, it is really not worth it to lose the qualification for an Elemental Heart.

Unfortunately... this doesn't work for Ming Fei. He won't believe this nonsense!

A light flashed in his mind, but he had a bottom line in his heart. Sunflower said this because he was actually worried about him and couldn't figure out his details.

If he judged correctly, then these two seedlings definitely don't know offensive spells. If they did, they wouldn't say that nonsense at all, and they would just 'forcibly extract a confession'

And although he was seriously injured, it was an indisputable fact that he killed an elemental monster alone... It was inevitable that the two young seedlings would have scruples.

Mingfei looked at them coldly, with a calm expression. He already had a plan in mind. It made them suspicious, and it dragged on for a while. As long as he pushed it harder, he would regain a little strength and he could glide again!

Even if you can't get rid of them then, you still have to lead them into a cave, preferably to wake up an elemental monster. Even if I can't compete anymore, I still have to drag these two evil-minded little bastards on my back!

Of course, this is a last resort, and it can still be delayed for a while.

Mingfei suddenly leaned back, as if he had exhausted all his strength, or as if the pain in his soles had reached an extreme level and he could no longer support his body.

He fell straight backwards, and because of this movement, the crystal element hanging around his neck was pushed backwards and flew out in a parabola... Fortunately, he accidentally fell into the gravel forest...

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

Sunflower and Nut watched helplessly as Jingyuan flew away, but there was nothing they could do. After all, walking in this special area was difficult, so how could they organize it quickly.

A trace of ridicule flashed in Mingfei's eyes, but in a flash his eyes were full of anxiety. He held on his strength and said: "My...Jingyuan..." He looked like this, and he was obviously very surprised. After all, Jingyuan was very surprised by everyone. Personally speaking, it is a very important existence, and no one would throw it away on purpose...

A trace of annoyance flashed in Sunflower's eyes, damn, this clumsy pea sprout!

Ming Fei looked extremely anxious, his body obviously couldn't move but he still tried to find the crystal yuan.

He didn't look like he was cheating, and Xiangkui didn't have the slightest doubt. For the heart of the elements, you have to help him get the crystal back. After all, only he can open it.

Mingfei seemed to be in a hurry and couldn't care less about the Heart of the Elements. He looked towards Sunflower with a burning voice. His voice was weak but he said anxiously: " me find the crystal...I...I'll give it to you..."

Sunflower had a dark face, secretly spat, and gave instructions to Nut Young again before moving towards the gravel forest. This distance is actually very short. If it were on ordinary ground, there would be nothing to worry about. It's just that it's slippery and full of glass, so it's really difficult to move!

Ming Fei looked at Sunflower anxiously on his face, but his heart was calm. Slower, slower, by the time Sunflower gets the crystal back, he must have accumulated enough energy, and he will hit it with one hit and glide smoothly!

Time passed by, and Sunflower finally took the crystal back with the sole of her foot slightly scratched by the debris.

Ming Fei was relieved on his face, seemingly relieved that he had found Jingyuan, and was anxiously waiting for Sunflower to approach.

As he got closer, Sunflower still seemed to have some scruples. He said to Ming Fei warily: "Don't do anything, just hand over the heart of the elements."

Mingfei said helplessly: "As long as I can find the crystal yuan, I don't care about the elemental heart... I'll give it to you."

Xiangkui paused, then finally walked over and handed the crystal yuan to Mingfei's hand...

Mingfei lowered his head and blocked his eyes. He took the crystal element with his left hand and quietly clenched it into a fist with his right hand, just waiting...

"What are you doing?" A cold and unfamiliar voice sounded behind him.

Everyone present was stunned. They all looked towards the source of the sound.

Reflecting the strong sunlight, standing on the spar that was brighter than the mirror surface was actually a pea seedling...

Moreover, this person... they all know him.

The nut closest to him blurted out in surprise: "Your Highness Xia Zuo..."

Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and dropped his fist that he was about to swing out. He lowered his eyes and stayed still. It seemed that he could delay it for a while longer.

Sunflower was also startled. The Heart of Elements, which he was about to obtain, actually happened unexpectedly! And he comes at a time when he is someone who cannot be trifled with.

But... Sunflower's eyes flashed slightly, and she suddenly remembered the rumors she heard a while ago.

It is said...that this gentleman is extremely disgusted with Ming Fei. He even deliberately made things difficult for him at the door of the classroom... So, maybe this is an opportunity?

If you can get Xia Zuo's wish and make him look at you differently, let alone the little elemental heart, this will have a bright future!

The unexpected joy made Sunflower's eyes shine.

Xia Zuo looked straight at Ming Fei who fell to the ground, his eyes falling from his injured branches and leaves to the miserable soles of his feet... There was no movement on his face, and no emotion could be seen.

After taking a closer look at the numerous wounds, he turned to look at Sunflower and asked softly: "Did you do this?"

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