Reborn as a Pea Shooter

55. Chapter 55: End of the Preliminary Round

First published in Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

With the enhanced version of classmate Xiaofan who is comparable to cheating, Mingfei's assessment task is simply a piece of cake.

With this move, he got seven elemental hearts, and he was only three away from completing the assessment.

Although Mingfei was a little uncomfortable with Xiaofan's grown-up face, he was overjoyed that his strength had doubled.

As for why this situation occurred, Mingfei had also thought about it in his mind. But after thinking about it for a long time, I still have no clue. Could it be that the Heart of Elements really played a role? But this thing is not considered rare. How can it be of such great use?

Mingfei couldn't figure it out, but he was thinking about it in his heart. He had to carefully study what kind of existence the night elves were when he returned home. Although the appearance looks no different from the Palant elves, there may be many differences in nature.

To learn more about it, we can judge whether Xiaofan is a Zan Tomb Star person or not. If so, how to raise a night elf... This is also a problem.

There are still three elemental hearts left, but this elemental monster is hard to find.

It sounds strange. Logically speaking, there should be colorful big balls everywhere at night. But after they killed seven of them in one breath, it turned out to be really hard to find.

Now it's easier to kill than to find. After wandering around for a long time, I finally caught one. This time Mingfei was conscious and opened his eyes wide to see how Xiaofan could kill the monster instantly.

Unfortunately, maybe it was too dark, and Xiaofan's spells were all pitch black, and he couldn't understand anything at all. The big ball turned into an oval heart of elements.

Mingfei had no choice but to put it into his backpack.

After walking around for a few more times, I finally got it all done.

After all the ten elemental hearts were put into his backpack, the crystal element hanging around Mingfei's neck suddenly emitted a golden light... He was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted, shouting anxiously to Xiaofan: "Quickly turn into a ruby ​​​​!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man Xiao Fan disappeared, and the crystal element was also attached to a dark red crystal stone that was slightly larger and darker in color than before.

Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had caught up.

It turns out that the protective barrier and teleportation spell stored in the crystal are not only activated when in danger, but also automatically activated when the prescribed tasks are completed. At that time, it will be automatically transferred back to the teleportation hall in Sarsha inner city.

While waiting for the teleportation in the protective shield, Ming Fei was secretly afraid.

He didn't know that this activation condition existed. If he hadn't hunted for one elemental heart and fed it to Xiaofan, but had saved ten of them, it would have been a big deal.

Before it could be eaten by Xiaofan, it had already been teleported back. At the end of the mission, the Heart of Elements has to be turned in. By then, you will be at your wits' end and regret it.

Fortunately... he was worried that Xiaofan was not feeling well, thinking that giving him more food would make him feel better, so he didn't dare to keep it. It was a mistake, and not only was Xiaofan cured, but also because of this, Xiaofan's strength increased inexplicably, allowing him to easily complete the task.

When the teleportation started, the feeling was similar to before. I felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't see anything in front of me. Fortunately, it was extremely short-lived. After a while, his vision focused and the things in front of him gradually became clear.

This brings us back to the teleportation hall.

Seven days passed in a daze. When he first saw the crystal hall in front of him, Mingfei still couldn't recover. It seems that I am still in a blank space, dueling with the elements exhaustingly...

"Mingfei!" shouted, and a figure rushed towards him at extremely fast speeds.

Ming Fei was staggered by the impact. He looked closely at the yellow leaves swaying on his head. His heart warmed and his eyes curled up: "Hey, Huang Mao, I'm already very tired, you're very heavy!"

That's right, the one who jumped over was the little yellow-haired friend who had passed the test long ago and had been waiting here.

Huang Mao moved away a little, blinked his small mung bean eyes and looked up and down at Ming Fei, and finally curled his eyes: "It's okay!"

Seeing how he was pretending to be an adult, Mingfei hit him on the head and gave him a shudder, laughing and scolding: "Of course I'm fine, how are you?"

Huang Mao covered his head with an "ouch" and whispered: "I passed a long time ago, and I've been waiting for you..." At this point, he paused, then waved his hand and said, "Hey... who am I? I am a powerful human shield warrior, and the elemental monsters and other little minions can drag me down and point them at me!

Ming Fei smiled and chatted with him for a few words, and suddenly felt someone looking at her again. He raised his eyes slightly and saw little Sunflower standing not far from Huang Mao, with his arms crossed. Because you are farther away, you can't see it clearly.

However, he didn't care much because the assessment was over and Jingyuan's lock was also exposed, so he contacted Colin immediately.

The communication cannot be connected... Looking at the prompt on the screen, Mingfei was stunned. Colin hasn't come out yet?

He turned to Huang Mao and asked: "Have you seen Colin?"

Huang Mao shook his head and said: "I didn't see it. I have been paying attention. You are the only one in your group who came out."

Ming Fei frowned. He came out not too early. It was already the morning of the seventh day. Are Colin and Dana still in the blank land?

In just ten hours, can they complete the task?

Knowing Mingfei's concerns, Huang Mao comforted him: "Don't worry, it's still early for the end. They will definitely be able to do it."

Mingfei nodded...then glanced at the hall.

The originally dense teleportation hall was already empty of people at this time. The scattered ones seemed to be seedlings that had passed the assessment and were waiting for their partners who had not yet come out.

Most of the seedlings had burning looks on their faces. To be honest, since they could form a team with each other, they all wanted to go to the end together. But if they are eliminated in the first level, in that case, they will either collectively not participate in the subsequent assessments, or the team will be disbanded.

Although the group has just been formed, the relationship may not be that deep, and the possibility of breaking up is definitely much greater than giving up the assessment. But I still want to be together.

Either they pass at the same time, or they don't pass at all.

If you pass, let's work together to prepare for the next assessment. Don't be afraid if you fail. There are plenty of opportunities. You can still get ahead while waiting for the next level assessment!

In fact, Mingfei was also weighing it. If...just if...Colin and Dana didn't pass this level, what would he do?

Should I give up the assessment and choose a partner, or should I give up on them and choose to continue on alone?

He was in a daze, and Huang Mao looked at him worriedly, vaguely knowing what he was thinking about. However, even he couldn't give Mingfei any advice on this kind of matter.

Huang Mao was also very melancholy.

Mingfei had his back turned because he had just come out of the teleportation array, while Huang Mao was facing him head-on, so he could see the teleportation gate at a glance.

He accidentally glanced at it and noticed with sharp eyes that someone was walking out. After seeing it clearly, he excitedly grabbed Mingfei's big leaf and said, "Look, look, it's Colin!"

Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned his head after hearing his words.

Sure enough... slowly walking out of the teleportation array was a familiar small pea seedling... The green eyes were calm and calm. Although the body looked a little embarrassed, the expression between the brows and eyes was light, with a look beyond his age. Calm and collected. really Colin!

The moment Mingfei saw him, his eyes immediately formed crescent moons, and his smile was extra bright.

Colin also saw him for the first time, a hint of joy flashed in his calm eyes, the corners of his mouth raised, and he walked straight towards him.

Mingfei spoke first: "Congratulations."

Colin also smiled and said: "Same joy."

Huang Mao couldn't help but interject: "You guys are so polite..."

The three of them laughed and laughed for a while. When they calmed down, Mingfei thought of Dana, so he said to Colin, "I wonder how Dana is doing."

"He passed, too," Colin said.

Mingfei was stunned and asked: "How do you know? Could it be that he has already come out? It's impossible, the communicator still can't contact him."

Colin smiled and said: "I have been with him all the time, but I don't know why I arrived first and he was still behind."

"Ah... Such good luck!" Hearing Colin say this, Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief, and knew that the two of them were actually doing the task together. When he thought about his hard and bumpy road, he felt really envious and jealous. …

After a while, Dana's little sunflower really came out.

Mingfei's heart, which had been hanging, finally calmed down. It’s great, all three of them passed!

Seeing that Mingfei's team came out smoothly, Huang Mao also breathed a sigh of relief. It was getting late, and since Huang Mao was relieved that Huang Mao was not in the same department as them, and they were on different paths, he said it first and left early.

Mingfei was a little reluctant and talked to Huang Mao for a while, giving him a lot of instructions. Then let him go.

Mingfei always felt that Youdao's gaze was lingering on him, and it didn't disappear until Huang Mao left. He recalled something, and suddenly the little sunflower that had been standing in the corner flashed in his mind.

Huang Mao's friend named Min Lan seems to be a sunflower?

As soon as Huang Mao walked out of the teleportation hall, he saw the figure guarding the door. His eyes lit up and he hurriedly greeted: "Min Lan? Why are you here? Aren't you going home?"

Min Lan glanced at him lightly and did not answer his series of questions. Instead, she changed the subject: "Are you happy? You have been here for three days."

Huang Mao was stunned, pretended to cough, and said a little embarrassedly: "I just don't feel reassured. You know, the auxiliary department is inherently more dangerous..."

"Okay..." Min Lan interrupted him: "Sally will come over in a moment. Stop squeezing the aircraft and come back with me!"

Huang Mao blinked, and when he thought of the sweet, delicious and crunchy biscuits made by Salil, he became excited and said repeatedly: "Okay... I must secretly bring some out this time and give them to Ming Fei..."

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】


"Why are you hitting me!" Huang Mao raised his head and looked at Min Lan pitifully.

Min Lan looked away and said impatiently: "If you keep yelling, don't even think about eating any snacks from my place again!"

Huang Mao snorted, but he also knew that Min Lan had a more honest temper.

Mingfei asked Colin and Dana in detail about their experiences.

Before the three of them finished speaking, they were suddenly attracted by the words of a passing seedling.

"To eliminate so many people in the first's really cruel."

"Yeah... can a hundred people pass in the end? There are really too many eliminated."

Another seedling suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Have you heard? That His Highness actually completed the assessment on the first day!"

"Yes, yes! It's really shocking. What kind of talent is this!"

"No...this talent is enough to attract attention in the entire Palant." The man paused and said: "This result makes Lady Elena very happy. I heard that she is planning to formally accept His Highness before the competition begins. For godson..."

The listener took a breath: "Didn't you say one month later? There's still more than half a month left!"

"With such excellent qualifications, why do we need to continue to examine him... Of course, it is better to take him in as a godson and train him as early as possible."

"That's true..."

"...It seems that there is a rumor that all the seedlings who passed the elimination rounds will be allowed to attend the banquet after the inheritance ceremony..."

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