Reborn as a Pea Shooter

66, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

It was only afternoon when we returned to the dormitory.

Xiaofan turned into an elf in the morning, leaning against the window and flipping through a book.

Mingfei was busy taking care of the small branch, changing the water, basking in the sun, and holding it to read... Since he knew the wonderful effect of the small branch, he held it in his palm for fear of dropping it, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting... It is not an exaggeration to say that he regards it as a treasure.

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It’s just that Xiaofan’s relationship with the small branch is still not very good, or it should be said that it is a one-sided oppression. Xiaofan glanced at it, and it shook vigorously... When Xiaofan approached, it pulled its neck away, well, if the long piece on it is considered a neck...

But Xiaofan always remembered the original promise and didn’t really do anything to the small branch... So even if he saw the small branch pitiful, Mingfei couldn’t do anything... After all, Xiaofan just gave it a look, just went over to "get close"... and didn’t do anything excessive.

The little branch is so timid... Ming Fei could only sigh helplessly.

Xiaofan saw Ming Fei take care of the little branch, then closed the book and looked at him: "Do you want to learn another spell?"

Ming Fei immediately raised his head. He was worried and felt uneasy. If he could learn more skills, he would be more confident in tomorrow's competition. But... he looked at the thin little branch and asked Xiaofan: "If you learn another one, the little branch will disappear directly, right?"

Xiaofan said: "No, I studied it and only need to borrow a very small part of it this time."

Ming Fei's eyes lit up. Oh, that's great. He thought about it. With this improved technology, his great cause of opening Xinhua Bookstore will have a chance again!

Before he could say anything, Xiaofan interrupted his fantasy: "Don't even think about opening a bookstore."

Ming Fei's face fell again.

Seeing him like that, Xiaofan's red eyes slightly curved, and he smiled and said: "Don't be discouraged, wait until you grow it into a sapling, maybe it will be fine."

Ahem... Ming Fei's thoughts were all seen through, and his face was a little embarrassed: "I didn't think so much! Come on, learn spells, learn spells."

Xiaofan looked at him with curved eyes, but didn't expose him.

One night passed in a flash.

Ming Fei spent an afternoon and one night to learn two spells in total. This result is definitely superior to the seedlings in the whole Sarsa.

Although he learned spells for a night, he didn't feel tired at all, and even felt that his whole body was comfortable and more energetic than sleeping.

And Xiaofan still looked the same, with black hair and red eyes, and delicate eyebrows and eyes bathed in the morning light, which was extra charming.

If you want to say the most's probably the small branch.

Mingfei picked it up distressedly. Although the small branch was not as thin as last time, it could still be seen that it was lazy and listless. So... Mingfei changed the water, ventilated the room, and let the room bask in the sun.

After packing everything up and taking the ruby, Mingfei was about to go out.

Before he opened the door, there was a knock.

So early... who is it?

Mingfei opened the door in confusion, and after seeing the pea seedlings with yellow leaves outside the door, he immediately grinned: "Hey, Huangmao, why are you here?"

Huangmao was also very happy to see him, his eyes sparkling: "Mingfei! I watched the video of your game yesterday, you were so handsome!"

Ahem... Mingfei was a little embarrassed to be praised so nakedly: "Coincidence, coincidence... It's all coincidence."

The two talked for a long time.

Ming Fei asked him, "Did you come here by yourself?"

The yellow-haired man then remembered the business, and he said mysteriously, "I sneaked out, and I have to go back soon. I am also competing in the morning like you."

Ming Fei heard this and said seriously, "Then hurry back, don't delay."

The yellow-haired man waved his hand, saying that it was okay, and carefully picked up his crystal and took out a small green pill from it.

He handed it to Ming Fei and said, "Put it away, put it in the crystal, and eat it secretly when you feel exhausted during the competition."

Ming Fei frowned and immediately knew what it was. He pushed it back and said, "Keep it for yourself. My next competition will be very easy, so I don't need it."

The yellow-haired man was anxious: "I finally sneaked out, this green pill is very useful, you should take it quickly. Even if you don't use it this time, there are still future competitions."

So he put it back in Ming Fei's hand.

How could Ming Fei take it? He wanted to stuff the green pill back, but the yellow-haired man put the two big leaves behind his back and clenched his fists, saying that he would not take it.

Unable to persuade him, Ming Fei prepared to use a easing tactic.

Who knew that the yellow-haired boy was also smart, leaving a sentence: "Play well." Then he quickly slipped away without looking back...

Ming Fei held the green pill... speechless.

At this time, Colin also came out, saw what he had in his hand, raised his eyebrows and said: "The yellow-haired boy is really good to you."

Uh... Ming Fei didn't know what to say.

Colin patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't think too much, he gave it to you, just accept it with peace of mind, and worrying too much will not disappoint the yellow-haired heart?"

Ming Fei was stunned... Still didn't say anything, just carefully put the green pill into the crystal.

The two went to find Dina together, and Dina's condition looked much better than yesterday.

The three of them had breakfast together and rushed to the first competition area.

Unlike yesterday's preliminary round, today's competition is obviously much more intense.

After all, this is already the final between the competition areas.

And the opponent is already at a white-hot stage.

The biggest highlight among them is undoubtedly the first division.

Of course, I’m not referring to the showdown between Mingfei’s team in the morning session, but the showdown between two groups of adopted seedlings in the afternoon session!

You must know that among this batch of seedlings, there are only ten seedlings adopted by high-level elves in advance. Three of them have high qualifications, and the remaining seven have medium qualifications. They are three gold, two fire, and two water. .

Among them, Min Lan was singled out to form a team with Huangmao Caroline, while the other two water types were said to have followed Xia Zuo.

The afternoon showdown in the first division was a battle between two gold and two fire types.

It would be a shame not to watch this kind of peak showdown!

Although there are seedlings with high qualifications in other divisions, their opponents are too weak and they are simply vulnerable. So it doesn’t look enjoyable enough. Naturally, it is not as enjoyable as the battle between two teams of equal strength here.

Therefore, although it is still morning and the morning game has not ended yet, the eliminated seedlings are already squatting in the first division.

If you don’t come early, you won’t be able to get a seat until the afternoon! They had brought food and drink to prepare for the whole day!

Therefore, when Mingfei and the others entered the first division, what they saw was an extra lush scene of seedlings squeezing out seedlings...

You read that right, it’s lush, with a bunch of plants squeezing around. What is it if it’s not lush?

After they figured out the situation, they felt a little bit dumbfounded. The feelings were not for them. And when the time arrives, when entering the virtual machine. Mingfei could even feel the mentality of the people watching the seedlings - ah, the boring morning show should end quickly, we are still waiting to see the good show.

However, no matter how many people were present, after the lid of the virtual warehouse was closed, there was still nothingness in front of them, and no sound could be heard. After a brief blank period, the eyes lit up as usual.

Based on the experience last time, Mingfei took his time this time and had two minutes to prepare before the game officially started.

He was the first to enter, scanning the surroundings first.

At first glance, he looked a little embarrassed.

It was actually on a white jade stone bridge...

The visual inspection range is quite large, arched, short on both sides and high in the middle. The ground looked like pure white marble to Mingfei, and its luster was very gentle and not dazzling.

If you want to say what is different from ordinary bridges, it is probably... there are no steps, and it is an absolutely smooth steep slope. It is easy to slide down but difficult to climb up.

There is another very, very different thing...that is, this bridge has no guardrails!

Although the nearly two-meter-wide bridge deck is already very spacious for seedlings, what would it be like without guardrails?

Mingfei stretched his neck and looked, and sure enough...under the Jade Bridge...was an abyss.

At first glance, you can't see the bottomless black pit that is filled with sizzling air. If you make a mistake, it's a trivial matter to leave the scene directly. Don't get scared...

Based on the tragic experience of the last competition, Mingfei deliberately took a closer look to see if there were any suspicious mechanisms. It was probably because of the natural setting of the abyss. It seemed that nothing had been done on the bridge, at least it could not be seen by visual inspection.

However, in the center of the bridge, just one step away from falling into the abyss on the far left, there was a cloud of water mist. All I could see clearly was the aqua blue mist surrounding it, and I couldn't tell from other information.

At this time, Colin and Dana also appeared. After taking a look at the environment and expressing their shock at the abyss, they all said that there might be something fishy in the mist.

But... whether this mechanism is good or bad is completely random and uncontrollable, and we can only deal with it temporarily when the time comes.

After a while, the seedlings on the opposite side also appeared. Because the two sides were on both sides of the bridge, which was the shorter side, only the other side's head could be seen.

But seeing the head is enough.

First there is the familiar pea sprout Darlow. Then two more seedlings appeared at the same time.

Mingfei's pupils narrowed at first glance.

Two seedlings appeared...all peas!

This, how is this possible?

He turned to look at Colin, and immediately saw the same emotion in his eyes!

The information cannot be wrong. This group is obviously supposed to consist of a pea, a nut, and a sunflower. How come it turned into three pea seedlings? !

Colin said calmly: "It seems that we are in trouble. Someone is behind the scenes and changed the team members!"

Mingfei frowned and was about to speak, but it was too late. One minute passed and the countdown to the start of the game started.

Finally, he calmed down and said to Colin and Dana: "No matter what, if we try our best, we will definitely win!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dana had already put up the shield. Colin and Mingfei immediately hid behind him. This time was different from the last time. There was no place to hide in the entire venue. Therefore, the two of them could only hide behind Dana.

Before he even took a step forward, the pea cannon from the opposite side was already fired with a whoosh!

How arrogant it is to start launching just after exiting the steep slope! You must know that because of the protruding place in the middle, let alone whether you can aim at them, even if you are lucky enough to aim at them, the power of the cannonball will be weakened because of the obstruction of the high ground!

Mingfei felt relieved at first. Such recklessness could not constitute a threat.

However, this year, the pea cannon disappeared instantly after it passed by the high ground and rushed straight towards it without losing speed.

With the buffer, the power was reduced, and it was already bombing their shields accurately!

The light of the explosion was bright and bright, and the deafening sound made their ears buzz. Even through the shield, they felt the strong pressure.

However, what shocked Ming Fei the most was that such a shell that should have been harmless actually caused a crack in the shield that Dyna had propped up in its prime!

This is... what an exaggerated ability!

It turned out that this attack was not a reckless act, but a direct demonstration to them!

Just a few seconds after the start, Ming Fei's team fell into an unprecedented predicament.

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