Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

It didn't take too long, and the detailed list of finalists has been released.

There are ten groups, a total of thirty seedlings.

Among them, there are three people with high qualifications, twenty-three people with medium qualifications, and four people with low qualifications.

And the four seedlings with low qualifications are Ming Fei, Colin, Dana and Caroline.

Caroline's smooth promotion is not surprising. After all, she is in the same group with the middle-level yellow-haired and the adopted Min Lan. Without special circumstances, there is no reason for this strength combination to be eliminated.

But the remaining three low-qualified teams are shocking enough.

It is definitely not just luck that has passed many tests to get to this point. It is impossible to do it without equal strength.

Someone deliberately took out the video recordings of the two games for playback.

Indeed, there are many places in these two games that look like good luck, and they took advantage of the venue mechanism in many times of crisis. But careful people will find that this is not simple if they look carefully.

The tacit cooperation of the three and their precise grasp of their own positioning are not due to their outstanding energy or skills, but psychological maturity, mutual trust, and real thinking about how to conduct team battles!

Moreover, on this basis, the ability of the three seedlings should not be underestimated.

Especially the two peas of the auxiliary and attack systems, although they are of low qualifications, the number of spells they have shown is definitely comparable to that of seedlings with medium qualifications.

You should know that the level of qualifications affects the understanding, and the understanding is directly related to the success rate of learning skills.

This is also an important reason for the high qualifications to be outstanding.

Therefore, without double or even multiple efforts, in such a short time, unless there are countless special books, it is impossible to master so many spells.

And this assumption is not valid, because the background of the three members of Ming Fei's team is clear at a glance, they are all ordinary seedlings without any backup. And the expensiveness of special books is not something that ordinary seedlings can afford.

But why did they learn so many spells?

Some seedlings who like to study went to the library to flip through books, and actually found a possibility.

It's just that the brain is very useful!

A key point in learning skills is to memorize thick skill books, and then rely on one's own understanding to figure out and comprehend.

However, if the understanding is very low, but the brain is very good, that is, you can remember everything you see, then even if you can't understand it for a while, it will save a lot of time compared to ordinary seedlings.

So... those two low-level pea seedlings are rare "geniuses" who can remember everything they see?

These gossips naturally reached the ears of the parties involved.

Ming Fei saw that he was said to have a photographic memory... He was immediately shocked

Colin's brain is useful, but it is estimated that he has not reached the level of photographic memory. However, Dana may really be a genius at memorizing...

It's a pity that he memorized it but couldn't use it, which is also very frustrating.

However, Ming Fei also thought that his way of learning skills is actually a disguised use of special books. But if it is really a low-level qualification, using special books will not be very useful. After all, if the comprehension is low, special books will not work.

Some people have tried it. A seedling with high qualifications can learn a spell with one special book, while a medium seedling may need three books. And for low qualifications... someone extravagant has also tried it. It actually requires as many as ten books!

What a terrifying number.

However, Ming Fei clearly remembers that when he was in the blank land, he only used one book to learn the holy attack, and even the more difficult binding technique and the wrath of the holy word still only used one book... This is a privilege only for high-level qualifications... Why is this? Can the qualification assessment still go wrong?

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No one can tell him the answer.

The next day, Colin and Dana came to him. They also brought the rules of the finals.

There are only ten teams this time, which is relatively small, but everyone knows that every game will be an unprecedented hard battle.

The rules of the duel are no longer divided into competition areas, but opponents are randomly assigned.

Each team will have four chances to draw, which means there will be four opponents and four games.

The rule is that one point is awarded for winning a game, and no points are awarded for losing.

In the end, the team with a score of two or more wins, and the team with a score of less than two is eliminated.

In short, in four games, as long as you win two games, you win!

This rule seems to be much easier than before. Using the percentage system as an example, as long as you can get 50 points, you can pass. This sounds very simple.

But... still using the percentage system as an analogy, this is not a math test paper in primary and secondary schools with dozens of big and small questions.

There are only four questions in this test paper, each question is 25 points, and each question is the finale of the "difficult" questions for top students to study.

Thinking about it this way, it seems normal to get zero points...

The rules are very simple, and the opponent will be drawn in person one day in advance, and whoever is drawn will be the one.

Colin placed the information of all the ten groups of seedlings that advanced on the table, then pointed to the last four teams and said, "As long as we can draw two of them, we have a good chance of winning!"

Mingfei looked at it and understood what Colin meant. These four groups were ordinary seedlings with medium qualifications. Their strength was conservatively estimated to be the same as the two pea seedlings the previous group encountered. So there is still hope in giving it a try.

Dana said quite optimistically: "Looking at it this way, the probability is still very high. There are four groups!"

Colin glanced at him and poured cold water on him mercilessly: "If we meet the remaining five groups, we have no chance of winning!"

Dana blinked, and the luck that had just appeared was completely wiped out.

Colin pointed at the group in the middle, looked at Ming Fei first, and then said: "This group is Huangmao Minlan and Caroline. Let's not mention whether we abstain or not. Even if we try our best, it will be useless. This group's The strength is still unclear.”

Mingfei was stunned...and said nothing.

Colin then pointed to the three groups at the front: "Needless to say, these are the three groups with advanced qualifications." He paused before asking: "Have you... heard of it?"

"What did you hear?" Dana asked doubtfully.

Colin looked at Mingfei again.

Mingfei sighed and said: "Until now, these three highly qualified seedlings have never appeared."

"Ah?" Dana didn't pay much attention to this, so he didn't hear about it. He asked in surprise: "How is it possible? They didn't play in the two previous games of the competition?"

Mingfei nodded and continued to explain to him: "Only their teammates played in both games, and they won easily with just two people..."

So... they didn't take these seedlings seriously at all.

The difference in strength... is self-evident.

Colin pointed to the last group and said: "These three are the group that won the same division as us before. Among them are two adopted seedlings of the fire type. I have watched the video of their games."

Mingfei looked at him.

Colin said calmly: "We can't win."

The situation... is like this. It is not optimistic from any angle.

Mingfei looked at Dana's disappointed look, and then looked at Colin, although his face was still calm, but there was a dark look in his eyes... Mingfei's heart tightened, he couldn't be discouraged like this!

"Okay, okay," he patted Dana and Colin, "haven't we been lucky so far? Why think so much! Maybe we got medium-qualified seedlings in four games. Then there's a big one Winning streak, four points all at once!”

Dana was not a very pretentious person, and his heart became clearer once he heard Ming Fei's words.

Colin naturally knew what Mingfei meant, and he smiled and said, "Anyway, we won the competition, so we should celebrate!"

Upon hearing the celebration, Dana felt completely relieved, and the little flower smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her teeth.

Mingfei also thought it was time to relax, so the three of them searched around and found a 'high-end place' that they usually wouldn't go into.

It was several times more gorgeous than the school restaurant, and the price was also much more expensive. Colin said that he had some spare money, so they could order with confidence and he would treat them.

So Dana cheered and ordered some delicious looking dishes.

Ming Fei suffered too much money loss, so he didn't dare to be careless. After carefully looking at the price list, he carefully ordered a dish with high cost performance.

Colin didn't look at the menu at all and just ordered the name of the dish. Obviously it's not the first time.

Mingfei was stunned, and then he understood that Colin used to live in the inner would be very familiar and normal.

The meal was served very quickly and came with a lot of snacks. Dana ate it with gusto, and Mingfei was also very happy. No matter what, exquisite food always makes people happy.

Colin looked calm, didn't eat much, and seemed to have something on his mind.

Mingfei thought he was worried about the finals and didn't say much. Unlike Dana, Colin is a typical troubled person. Mingfei knew that no matter how much he said, this person might not listen.

Dana had previously ordered a small snack that was as delicate as a little sun. He picked it up and took a bite. There was actually a lot of juice in it, and a lot of it spilled out at once.

Unfortunately, Mingfei was sitting next to him and he sprayed him directly...

Dana obviously didn't expect it, he looked surprised and didn't know what to do.

Colin finally came to his senses and said angrily: "You have to use a spoon for this thing. I forgot to remind you..."

Mingfei waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay, Huang Liuliu tastes pretty good."

As soon as these words came out, Dana couldn't laugh or cry.

Mingfei stood up and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

Dana immediately got up and wanted to go with him, but was stopped by Colin: "I've finished eating. I'll just go with Mingfei."

Dana was holding the food in his mouth, and it was indeed difficult to move. So I didn’t force myself to follow.

After a simple rinse, Mingfei was done. When he left the bathroom, he saw Colin standing guard outside and said, "I said everything is fine, why are you following me?"

Colin looked at him steadily and said, "I have something to tell you."

Mingfei was stunned and was about to ask what was going on, but suddenly he saw a passing figure and stopped suddenly.

The man turned around, stared at Colin, and blurted out in a cold voice: "Colin?"

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