Reborn as a Pea Shooter

81, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Xia Zuo was stunned, his silver-gray eyes were a little dazed.

Yulika naturally understood Ming Fei's intention, he was happy to see it happen, and whispered: "The right to choose has always been in the hands of the superior."

This has been said very clearly. Although it seems that the two are talking, they are actually talking to Xia Zuo.

Some things cannot be solved by escaping. Hiding in a corner can certainly get a moment of peace, but it also lays a greater disaster for the future.

Because you are used to peace and forget the danger, after being lazy and comfortable, you will face the disaster again, which will only make you more vulnerable...

The ending... will also be a hundred times more miserable.

No one can predict the future, but in the process of facing the unknown, whether to treat it passively or bravely will directly affect the final result.

These... Xia Zuo didn't think about it before, but now he has to think about it...

He won't listen to what others say, but he can't help but listen to what Ming Fei says.

It's not safe to stay in Sarsa! If he stays below the fifth level forever, he can't do anything to a high elf, let alone an ordinary elf.

Now he has the status of the Archon's godson, no one will look down on him, but if he can't get out of Sarsa and become strong, Elena will eventually give up on him. By then, he will have nothing. What can he use to protect Ming Fei?

The last string in his mind broke, and Xia Zuo was completely awake...

His Majesty Vanla was able to protect Avri because he stood at the highest point of the entire Palant!

The originally scattered silver-gray pupils slowly focused, and after suddenly becoming sharp, the thoughts in his heart became more and more firm.

Xia Zuo resumed his cold look. He glanced at Yulika and then at Ming Fei, and snorted: "I don't have time to chat with you here, let's go!"

After that, he strode away without looking back.

Ming Fei and Yulika were left staring at each other...

Yulika shrugged: "It's really not cute."

Ming Fei squinted at him.

Yurika coughed uncomfortably.

Ming Fei wanted to ignore it, but could he not say "not cute" with those sparkling peach blossom eyes... He couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to...

Xia Zuo left, and Ming Fei was ready to leave, but he hesitated for a while when he just stood up, and asked Yurika tentatively: "Why help me?"

Yurika... finally recovered from the brother control mode, he looked at Ming Fei, slightly curved his eyes and said: "You are a good friend of Xia Zuo, I naturally have to take care of you, you can't pass the test, and Xia Zuo won't leave Sarsa, which is not good for both of you..."

Ming Fei raised his eyebrows and said: "I thought you would be more direct."

"Oh?" Yurika looked at him with interest.

"Kill me silently and completely cut off Xia Zuo's thoughts... His future will be brighter..."

The smile froze at the corner of his mouth, and murderous intent flashed in his narrow eyes. It was only a second, and Yulika smiled elegantly again, but the look he gave Ming Fei was more meaningful: "Am I that kind of person?"

Ming Fei stared at him without saying a word.

Yurika suddenly laughed out loud, and he said with his eyes bent: "I was just entrusted by someone."

Ming Fei frowned in confusion, but just missed Yulika's meaningful look when she looked at the ruby ​​on his chest.

Although Yulika didn't say anything more until the end, Ming Fei was still in a good mood on the way back to the dormitory.

How could he not feel happy after dealing with Xia Zuo's little pea?

Without the behind-the-scenes operation, he didn't believe that he could be so unlucky and get that one-tenth chance!

As long as they don't run into Xia Zuo, other middle-level seedlings can come at will. He said that in front of Ming Fei's team, which has already climbed over three mountains, it's nothing!

This good mood lasted until the day of drawing the opponent.

Compared with his ease, Colin and Dana were worried.

How could they not be worried... This is the last game, and also the most crucial one.

Success or failure...

Pass or be eliminated...

Just after this game.

In view of their previous brilliant draw records, Colin and Dana did not have good hopes at all.

In a total of three games, they drew two high-level qualifications and the only middle-to-high-level qualification in Sarsha... This really can't be explained by the two words of bad luck.

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To be honest, if they draw the legendary high-level qualification "Your Highness" in the last game, they will not be surprised at all.

Therefore, when they saw Ming Fei's spirited appearance, they could only sigh silently at him.

Because it was the last game, the seedlings who had lost three games were already eliminated, but according to the rules of the game, they had to bite the bullet and participate in the last game, so their morale was naturally very low.

However, in the eyes of Ming Fei's team, which had only won one game and still had hope, they couldn't help but have some small thoughts.

How great it would be if they were lucky enough to draw the seedlings who had lost all three games in the first three games!

It would be hard not to win against this team that had no motivation at all!

However, is there really such good luck? Ming Fei coughed and was still a little nervous.

After a while, Xia Zuo also came.

Mingfei saw him at a glance, and was just thinking about saying hello, but who knew that this kid turned his head and ignored him...

However, he didn't know if it was his misunderstanding, but he always felt that Xia Zuo's eyes were a little erratic.

Okay, Mingfei comforted himself. Most likely, this kid was embarrassed and was still making trouble. In this state, it was better not to mess with him.

Fortunately, there was not much time left. The seedlings all went to scan the big leaves one after another. Soon it was Mingfei's turn. After he, Colin and Dana finished scanning, they slipped to the big screen and nervously waited for the results. announced.

After the last group of seedlings has been scanned, the system starts random allocation.

This critical moment is the most thrilling moment for a seedling like Mingfei who has only won one game.

When the screen dimmed and then lit up again, row after row had been successfully paired.

At the same time, the crystal elements of the participating seedlings were flashing, obviously the information had been transmitted.

Mingfei was a little dazzled by the dense screen, so he simply lowered his head and clicked on the communicator.

A message popped up, but when he saw it clearly... he was stunned.

The crystal fell from the hand, and the information on the screen was also revealed——

Mingfei's team faced off against Xia Zuo's team.

Colin and Dana also saw the message, and for a moment, they both fell into extreme silence. could it be such a coincidence?

Ming Fei was stunned, his mind was in chaos, how could this be possible... There was obviously no interference behind the scenes, so why was Xia Zuo still drawn?


Mingfei felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly became unsure. Why was he so sure that there was no behind-the-scenes operation? Why do you think so firmly that Xia Zuo will give up?

If... if... Xia Zuo is still stubborn and insists on making him fail to pass the assessment...

He slowly turned his head and looked towards Xia Zuo.

I happened to see Xia Zuo staring at the screen. Although his silver-gray eyes were slightly narrowed, the pleasure in them was undisguised.

The answer in his heart was almost confirmed, and inexplicable anger rushed to his forehead. Mingfei walked straight towards Xia Zuo.

Seeing him coming, Xia Zuo turned around, the smile in his eyes not diminishing. Just as he was about to speak, Mingfei asked coldly: "It's interesting, isn't it?"

Xia Zuo was slightly startled and looked at him in surprise.

Ming Fei sneered: "You insist on having your own way, act arbitrarily, and control others at will. You are very proud, right?"

Being asked like this... his silver-gray pupils suddenly shrank, and the corners of his slightly upward mouth fell down. Xia Zuo looked at him coldly: "So... you think so?"

Then he raised his chin again and sneered: "Yes, I am very proud of it."

Hearing his direct admission, Mingfei's chest almost exploded with anger. He even began to doubt Yurika's words. What kind of friend or protection? In fact, Xia Zuo just hates him!

Not wanting to say more, Mingfei turned around and left.

As we were leaving, the seedlings around us were talking a lot:

"What a pity that His Highness Xia Zuo was chosen..."

"Yeah... I originally thought that this only team of low-qualified seedlings would have a chance of passing the assessment?"

"Speaking of which, this group's luck is really not that bad. In four games, three have advanced qualifications and one has mid-to-high qualifications... tsk tsk... it's really..."

This sentence just happened to slip into Ming Fei's ears. It was better not to say it, but as soon as he said it, he became angry. It really hit his sore spot. He really wanted to yell at the person who said Feng Liang: What a damn bad luck, it's all man-made!

Colin sensitively felt Mingfei's anger. He adjusted slightly before saying, "It's okay. Prepare well and work hard until the end." He thought Mingfei was disappointed with the prediction of the result.

Hearing Colin's words, Mingfei became even more depressed. In fact... there was another reason why he was so angry.

That's... Colin and Dana.

The grudge between Xia Zuo and him only affected Colin and Dana.

If it weren't for him, Xia Zuo wouldn't have made things difficult for their group, and Colin and Dana wouldn't have gone through such a difficult three games... and even ended in failure in the end.

Mingfei had discovered a long time ago that Colin and Dana were not weak. If they had not met him and had better luck, they might have been able to pass the test. because of Xia Zuo, it's all over.

Annoyed and unwilling, Mingfei didn't even know how to face Colin and Dana.

Dana also noticed something strange about Ming Fei. He took out a box of snacks from his backpack and handed it to Ming Fei and said, "This is delicious. The store said that after eating it, you will... you will... well, you will be in a good mood! "

Colin also looked at him worriedly: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Mingfei was stunned... Suddenly he didn't know what to say.

But... after looking directly at Colin and Dana's deeply concerned eyes, the irritability in my heart slowly calmed down.

Mingfei sighed, comforted Dana, and then turned to Colin and said, "It's okay. I just thought too much. Have a good rest. In the final battle tomorrow, I will fight no matter what!"

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