Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

The black fog suddenly rose, and a young man with black hair and red eyes appeared in the hall. After a brief confusion, he vaguely whispered a name. But after seeing the strange woman in front of him clearly, his red eyes suddenly turned cold: "Who are you?"

Looking at the guarded young man in front of her, Elena felt very sad. To be honest, this face and character were extremely familiar, but after all, it was so long ago that she couldn't imagine what the sixteen-year-old Van La was thinking.

Because of this brief silence, the young man had already keenly understood the current situation, and he would probably wait for an opportunity to escape after weighing the situation.

Elena stopped thinking about it and first expressed her sincerity: "I won't hurt you."

The young man was unmoved.

Elena was just about to say something more.

The palace door opened, and a low and steady voice sounded: "I hope you can cooperate, in order to save your little pea."

The young man turned his head suddenly and looked at the person.

The man walking slowly with the light behind him has a rare short light blue hair, wearing a luxurious dress with a white background and gold trim, and a cloak of the same color that touches the floor. Although he is stern, his face is extremely young and handsome. Holding a brown civilization staff in one hand.

A discerning person will exclaim in surprise when he sees his stick. A small section of Podocarpus will naturally fall off after thousands of years. There is such a long one, and its preciousness is truly beyond words. But most importantly,

However, the most important thing is that this staff was made by the imperial monarch Vanla himself when he was three hundred years old and bestowed upon him with the supreme honor. Since then, he has never left his stick and cherished it very much.

At this time, he looked at the young man in front of him, as if he were facing Valla, and performed appropriate courtesy, but the words he spoke were approachable: "Hello, I am Meyer."

The red-eyed boy was staring straight at him. All his attention was taken away by what the man said before. He asked almost unceremoniously: "Where is Mingfei?"

"I will explain it to you later." After speaking, he turned to look at Elena: "Elena, leave this to me first. I have analyzed the images transmitted by Betty, and the results are with Sophiel. Go and have a look first.”

Elena nodded, Meyer was better at handling this situation than she was.

However, in just ten minutes, Elena had finished reading Meyer's analysis, and Meyer happened to walk out.

Elena pondered for a moment and ignored the analysis results. Instead, she asked, "You got him so quickly?" Then she frowned and thought for a moment, "I remember that Van La was very difficult to deal with at that time."

Meyer said calmly: "I know him too well."

Elena paused and said nothing else. Indeed, the five of them later went their separate ways, but only Meyer was still with Van La. Hundreds of years were enough to understand someone.

When she thought of that young man whose face was exactly the same as Van La's, but who was cold and unapproachable, Elena couldn't help but recall the past.

As if talking to herself, she murmured in a low voice: "Every time we break up, we stay at the age of sixteen..." After a moment of hesitation, she added, "He still can't come out."

Meyer just listened but didn't answer.

Elena thought to herself.

That year, too many things happened. Ivory disappeared, Seans left, and Salvador passed away...

Just thinking of this name makes my heart ache.

Mingfei is in a petrified state, messy in the infinite wind...

"You...are you Xiaofan?"

"To be precise, your Xiaofan is me."

What's the difference? Mingfei was confused, turned around and thought again, there is no difference, absolutely no difference, these two people are the same person...

I have imagined countless possibilities, including twins, younger brothers, passers-by... I have even suspected an illegitimate child, but I never expected that it would be the same person.

Impossible, Mingfei looked at Fanla blankly. Indeed, the two people looked exactly the same. One was just a boy, while the other had a mature charm.

However, if it is a person, then his temperament should not change...

How could the fox-like monster in front of him be the innocent and cute Xiaofan? The gap was too big!

In order to dispel his doubts, Fanla used an neither fast nor slow voice to describe the details of how he and Xiao Fan met and got along, from beginning to end, absolutely, this was definitely something only the two of them would know.

So...this is really a person.

After digesting the news, Mingfei became furious again. His feelings were being played around with him all the time!

Seeing his anger rising, Fan La quickly added: "Xiao Fan really likes you."

Hearing this suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and at the same time, most of his anger was suppressed.

Fanla was still explaining: "It was by chance that you and Xiaofan met. Xiaofan only appeared because of some special reasons due to my physical condition."

Mingfei was startled, his attention was drawn to him, and he asked, "What's going on?" Speaking of which, Xiaofan has all the qualities of a dark elf, but Vanla is the supreme monarch of Palant. Why? Vanra, who completely represents light, will produce Xiaofan, who is completely dark.

Next, Vanla explained the entire process in detail. Although he had some reservations, he almost explained the entire incident clearly.

In fact, it is precisely because of Valla's physique, Palant's only pure light attribute physique, that there is no precedent before. There is no record of this property. Therefore, Vanla's growth was not as glorious as imagined.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

In that era, the four main attributes were highly respected, and rare attributes were always looked down upon, especially attributes like Vanla that were not even recorded.

In particular, Vanla is a natural elf born directly from the Tree of Life. He originally had a very noble status, but due to his special physique, he was completely ignored.

Although Fanla didn't elaborate, Mingfei still keenly caught the slightest hint of his words.

When he was young, he was an outcast.

Because he had no guidance or guidance, but he was born with a strong character, he did not neglect his cultivation. He worked a hundred times harder than others, and finally achieved a thousand times more achievements than others.

In a country where strength is respected, the power of light attributes has finally been recognized.

And Vanla is indeed superior to many of his peers, both in strength and wisdom. However, the shadow of childhood has always remained in the heart, which has a great impact on the entire personality of the person.

When he was ostracized, looked down upon, and all alone, something happened. It was almost the biggest turning point in his life.

He was adopted. When he was a young boy, he was adopted by an elf. He was a low-level elf, but he had a gentle temperament and treated him sincerely.

That was the first time he felt the warmth given by others.

Because of Salvador, his surly temperament was restrained, his hostility towards others gradually eased, and he even made friends.

The lively and cheerful Irina, the quiet and elegant Ivory, the rigorous and slightly rigid Meyer, and Salvador's other godson: Siens.

The friendship in childhood is the most sincere and beautiful, but it is also like a castle made of sand, falling apart in an instant.

Fanla didn't tell what happened after that, and Mingfei didn't ask instinctively.

But that time, the young man's rashness had huge consequences.

Ivory disappeared, Seans left, and Salvador... left forever in order to bear their faults.

At that time, Valla was greatly shocked, and the dark side of the light attribute completely broke out.

The pure light constitution has been eroded.

Behind the extreme light is deep darkness.

Van La himself couldn't imagine that that rampage completely inspired the darkness hidden behind his body.

Even if you try your best to suppress it, there is nothing you can do because of that inducement, the darkness is like the sparks burning on the grassland, the less it is, the more intense it is. I want to restrain myself from the ultimate light, but I can't eliminate it no matter what.

Finally enduring the pain of energy collision, the strength will also be greatly weakened. This process lasted for nearly a hundred years.

Later, with the help of Meyer and Elena, Vanla finally found a solution.

Separate this darkness from your body.

There are some records of this separation technique. In the past, there was a nature elf with a special constitution of water and fire. These two constitutions were mixed together. Most people would die at birth, but this nature elf managed to survive. After exhausting a lifetime of research, he successfully separated the two elements of water and fire in the body, and achieved a greater degree of development...

And he also wrote down this method. Based on the incomplete notes, this separation technique is very dangerous. If it is made public to the world, it will definitely be classified as a forbidden technique.

There are many difficulties in operation, and it requires extremely high personal abilities, but there is no other way except this method. The only thing in front of Vanla is one try.

After a full five years of preparation, perhaps the dark element in Vala's body was derived later and was not as stubborn as it was born. In short, it was finally successful, completely separating the main body of light and the possession of darkness.

Thus, Valla, a young man with black hair and red eyes who resembled a night elf, was born.

After hearing this, Mingfei looked at Fanla and asked, "In other words, you actually exist independently?"

Fanla nodded and said, "Yes, he and I existed at the same time, but Xiaofan has no memory or past. He just carries the dark elements in my body and my teenage temperament."

Mingfei frowned and asked, "Then why did he turn into ruby?"

Van La said: "I have never been clear about this. It seems to be a kind of self-protection."

Mingfei nodded and then thought: "Since you are independent, why do you know that Xiaofan and I get along?"

"He and I are indeed separated, and he doesn't know my existence, but in fact, the body and the elements can be separated, but the thoughts are still unique, so I can feel what he is experiencing through the shared thoughts. Everything, all his thoughts..."

Mingfei was stunned for a moment, this was unexpected.

Fan La continued: "Xiao Fan cannot detect my existence because his energy is too low and his sense of thought has not been developed. When his sense of thought is released, he will sense me." After a pause, He added, "Of course when you sense me, we will become one."

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