Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and sixty-six is ​​a loss a blessing?

Disadvantage is a blessing.

People say that the Caribbean Sea is passionate and unrestrained. Under Yachalin's persuasive guidance, Lorraine must have done psychological construction for encountering an affair.

But he never thought that the love affair would come so quickly.

He just touched the edge of the Caribbean Sea... Aventure came to him by himself.

The embrace is soft and charming, and the lips are fragrant.

Lorraine was only stunned for a moment, and immediately decided to turn against the customer.

He retreated according to the woman's wishes, from the alley to the middle alley, and then to the alley at the other end, until he reached the end of the alley.

During the process, his hands went their own way.

The right hand is wrapped around the woman's waist and lifted slightly, which not only shows intimacy, but also relieves her from the hardship of walking on tiptoe.

With his left hand free, he unbuttoned his captain's windbreaker with a click, raised it up, and covered the beauty in his arms tightly from the head, preventing half of the conspicuous red hair from showing.

The woman was visibly taken aback.

The woman's soft body froze in an instant, her big beautiful eyes widened, her pupils dilated, and she was panic-stricken.

But Lorraine didn't intend to let her go.

He hugged her, lifted her, opened the arc with the most standard aristocratic dance steps, and turned half a circle in just two steps, and then... Bidong!

The woman's back touched the pile of debris at the end of the alley, only her toes were touching the ground, and she had nowhere to bear force.

Her hands were around Lorraine's head from beginning to end, but the posture of her palms changed from pressing to pushing, pushing hard, but she couldn't twist Lorraine's strength.

She was terrified.

A good expedient measure, how could it become like this?

At this moment, a broken wooden box flew out from the other side of the alley, clanging and smashing against the wall, smashing it to pieces.

A few sailors with dirty clothes but clean hands and feet rushed out from the middle alley and the end alley, cursing and searching.

They easily found the man and woman who were hiding in the corner of the alley and having a passionate adultery.

The man was launching a fierce attack on the woman, his strong and broad back completely blocked the woman in his arms, except for a pair of snow-white slender forearms, he could not miss the slightest spring.

The sailors laughed lewdly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, she is a high-end product! Third officer, do you think this girl is a wandering warbler from a tavern, or a lady from a plantation?"

The third officer couldn't help laughing: "Where did Bashiba come from the tavern? I think it's probably... Don't interrupt, where is the person we are looking for?"

"People..." The sailor looked around in embarrassment, and soon looked back at the little lover at the end of the alley, feeling jealous and envious at the same time.

He suddenly had a plan: "Third officer, this young couple has been here all the time, I think I must have seen someone?"

"You mean?"

"Wait! I will keep you and find out the whereabouts of the red hair!"

The sailor who suggested cheered up, pulled out the scimitar with a curly blade, and walked into the alley with a grinning grin.

Five steps, four steps, three steps...

The sailors were unscrupulous, and the dialogue was not intended to be deceptive from the beginning, and the connection was always in a domineering posture.

The woman in Lorraine's arms became more and more stiff, and she put her hands down very quickly, but Lorraine held her waist tightly, and the heat from the vest was obviously telling her not to act rashly.

Could it be that he has other ways?

Nervous, curious, oblivious.

A woman's attention is all drawn to what is about to happen.

There was a golden clang in the alley!

No one knows exactly what happened at that moment.

Eyes dazzled, and the wind blew, and before the sailor who was about to beat the mandarin duck with a stick made an attack, Lorraine had already put the tip of the knife at his throat, as if he had eyes in the back of his head.

With the tip of the knife forward and the blade pointing up, the sailor was forced to lift his chin high and look at the sky. The cold sweat soaked through his clothes while he was panting, and his whole body was shivering under the warm wind.

He felt a monstrous killing intent.

Lorraine smiled and let go of the woman,

He gestured with his eyes, asking her to wrap her windbreaker and face the wall to think about her mistakes.

After she hid herself like an ostrich, she turned around slowly, picked up the sailor's chin, and walked out of the alley slowly.

"Gentlemen, love!" he sneered, "passionate love is an irresistible longing."

"I don't know which of you our love has disturbed, or which of you is the thug hired by Isabella's incompetent husband."

He slowly drew out the long knife in his right hand, dragged the ground, gently splashed the solid soil, and drew a deep mark between the two sides in front of the sailors.

"Anyone who gets in the way of my love will be dragged to hell. And you won't be alone, because that idiot who used his family fortune to rob me of my beloved George . . . will come to you tomorrow."

"Come on! Kill me."

The wind blew up, and the third officer swallowed hard.

He is innocent.

He was just chasing a target under the order of the captain, and he had no intention of breaking through this adulterous relationship, let alone getting involved in the struggle between two life-and-death love rivals.

But the young man on the opposite side obviously misunderstood.

Lorraine's eyes burst with anger, like a dragon guarding gold coins staring at a thief who stole the treasure, taking the stolen goods.

The third officer felt more wronged than Dou E, but for the sake of face, he had to keep his face.

He also slowly drew out the knife, and his men gathered together, followed his footsteps, and drew the knife towards Lorraine.

It's no longer important to inquire about something.

The young people on the opposite side are very strong, and they are not weak either. The two are fighting each other, and one is killed and the other is injured. The third officer just wants to avoid such a result.

"Sir, I hope you can stay sane and let go of my subordinates slowly."

The voice of the third officer was slow, trying to be sincere.

"It was a misunderstanding. I can swear to God we don't have any employment relationship with that George. I don't even know a single person named George, even though people in England seem to have that goddamn name!"

"Really?" Lorraine just showed confusion, "Since you have nothing to do with George, why do your subordinates approach me with knives?"

Lorraine moved the knife a little forward, the sailor's face showed pain, and a drop of bright red leaked from the tip of the knife.

Anger loomed on the face of the third officer: "You will regret it, sir. You are teasing a group of powerful pirates! We are the loyal subordinates of Captain Amy Ferrard, the Caribbean black mamba, and have nothing to do with your love, nor Not prepared to have the slightest relationship!"

"You are pirates!" Lorraine took a sudden step back, drawing his sword back to defend, hanging down by his side, covering the entrance of the alley.

"We are pirates!"

"Boys at sea don't associate with dirt dogs. If you are really pirates... don't you really have nothing to do with George?"

"I've been telling you, we have nothing to do with that goddamn George!"

"Really?" Lorraine sighed lightly, and smiled apologetically at the unlucky pirate who stood between the two sides with blood on his throat, "Since it was a misunderstanding, you guys go away."

The subordinates of the third officer narrowly escaped death and fled back to their own team in a hurry.

The third officer had long been fooled and forgot his original purpose, so he glanced at Lorraine angrily, raised his hand, and put the knife back into its sheath.

"Enjoy your love, boy! Don't let me meet you at sea!"

After uttering harsh words, the sailors of the Black Mamba Pirates cheered and dispersed into the distance.

Lorraine watched them disappear at the end of the alley, leaning against the wall and leaning back, with a playful face.

"A beautiful lady actually got involved with a group of rough pirates...Miss, I have wine, do you have a story?"


The woman called herself Donna, Donna Linka, a Spaniard living in New Orleans.

She took the family's merchant ship to attend her best friend's wedding, but was caught in a storm and had to stop briefly in Barbados.

Unexpectedly, there was a problem with this stop.

The merchant ship is gone...

These are her exact words, her family's merchant ship abandoned her as a young lady of the family, full of excited people, and ran to Rio de Janeiro to attend her best friend's wedding...

Lorraine felt as if he had heard the beginning of a standard Spanish chivalric novel.

Abandoned by his family, the desolate knight embarked on a journey alone.

And the story that follows is even more bloody.

She was wandering in Barbados and was discovered by the famous Caribbean human trafficker Amy Ferrard.

Philard coveted her beauty and wanted to capture her and sell her to Indian chiefs in the New World for gold. She escaped until she met Lorraine and survived.

That's the whole story.

"Mr. Drake." Donna blushed, "I can see that you are an upright gentleman."

"You're too much of an award." Lorraine licked her lips deliberately, making Donna think of that sweet and humiliating kiss again.

Donna wished she could poke Lorraine to death now.

"You shouldn't laugh at a lady's first kiss like that!"

"First kiss?" Lorraine laughed more and more playfully, making Donna anxious and unable to disperse.

She endured herself and pretended to be calm: "If you don't believe me, I can swear to God, if..."

"I believe you, Miss Linka, in fact, your clumsiness has already betrayed you."

Lorraine nodded her lips, looked at Donna's shameful and angry expression, and said with a smile, "You must be asking for something from me because you are working so hard to raise yourself up. Tell me, maybe I will agree?"

"You..." Donna bit her lip, "I know you offended the black mamba, and it's not the best time to go to sea. But I hope you can send me to New Orleans, where my family is, this adventure, You will be rewarded with satisfaction!"

"A commission, is it?"


"Since it's an entrustment, it has to be in business." Lorraine stretched his waist, "I have received my reward, which is enough for me. But my crew, they don't have enough reason to take risks... "

"I promise, they will be satisfied."

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