Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and thirteen sea brotherhood

The rest days came to an end soon.

On the day of leaving the port, the sky was cloudy, the wind was playing, and the sea was covered with a faint shadow of fog.

Lorraine and his sailors got out of the private rooms of the hotel early, and returned to the ship in the first ray of gloomy sky, ate a simple breakfast on board, and waited for the return of their sailors.

The agreed boarding time was eight o'clock in the morning, and by seven thirty, the sailors appeared in the port one after another, hangover hangover, rubbing their waists, all of them looked embarrassed and pale.

These are the sequelae of excessive indulgence.

Donna stood on the poop and watched everything with cold eyes.

In recent days, the stories of the generous Captain Desai and his generous sailors have been circulating in the streets and alleys of Bridgetown. Even Donna, who seldom goes out under the supervision of Hannah, has heard of it. The absurdity of this ship can only be imagined. Know.

Donna just didn't understand why this group of unsightly sailors on land seemed to be different people when they stepped on the board.

Is it because their real captain is sitting on the edge of the boat fishing?

Or is this what English sailors really are, landed like worms and boarded like dragons?

If this is the case, wouldn't the people on this boat be well-trained and able to move freely?

Is it possible?

Donna was almost amused by her own thoughts. The smile was complicated, with five points of self-deprecation, three points of worry, and two points of unwillingness at the bottom.

She stayed in Bridgetown for six full days, and could have done a lot of things, but Hannah stalked her so much that she had nowhere to use her full of clever ideas. To this day, she has not been able to contact anyone. an old friend.

It's too late to say anything now...

She is about to go to sea, and the future is uncertain. She has already begun to consider more realistic issues, whether to go to sea with the Golden Deer to die, or to find an excuse to get off the ship and seek a safer way to go to New Orleans.

what to do?

Donna caressed the railing of the stern, biting her lips in thought, not noticing that Lorraine was looking at her with a half-smile.

Hannah sat next to Lorraine, not saying a word, not moving.

Lorraine leaned closer to Hana's ear: "I heard she was trying to contact someone?"

"On the first day off the ship, she made a mark in an alley not far from the hotel."

"What mark?"

Hannah took out a small piece of parchment from the gown and handed it to Lorraine. Lorraine opened and folded it casually, and saw a strange pattern.

Two crossed axes, below are the four numbers [1640], and below that is a silhouette of a bird, resembling a flying seagull.

Haina said softly: "I copied this. You were dealing with the charts on the boat two days ago, and I haven't had a chance to give it to you."

"It doesn't matter if it's a few days late, I haven't seen it anyway." Lorraine put away the parchment, "Is anyone coming to discuss it?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

Hana's eyes flicked over Donna intentionally or unintentionally: "She was very vigilant, she only visited once the next morning, and then gave up. I think she should have noticed that I was staring at her."

"You didn't split up?"

"Wang Ye and Nuoya took turns staring at them for three days. There were more than 10 people who stopped by, and there were all kinds of sects. They couldn't distinguish any special targets."

"I forgot, this is not Europe..." Lorraine shrugged helplessly, "That's it, anyway, I accidentally picked up the line of the New World Fleet, and as for Ms. It doesn't matter anymore."



"Full right rudder!"

"The wind blows from southwest to south, with three knots and half sail!"

"Half-sail! Hoist the schooner!"

A sound of orders followed one after another, and the big sail of the Golden Deer slowly rose.

Crane stood in the middle of the deck and shouted loudly like a captain: "Golden Hart, destination Jamaica, set sail, set sail!"

"Left rudder 5 degrees! Set sail!"

"set sail!"

warships set sail,

Blowing the wind, stepping on the waves, slowly sailing out of the calm waters of Castriel Bay and into the Caribbean Sea.

Donna did not disembark in the end.

The moment the Golden Deer left the port, Lorraine saw her kick the guardrail angrily, muttering, and slipped into the poop like a pissed off daughter-in-law.

This made Lorraine feel a little fond of her for no reason.

Facing a boatload of sailing idiots, at least she didn't choose to ignore them. Compared with the result, other details such as position, motivation, concealment, and purpose are actually not that important.

The warship sailed on the sea for half a day, and a sailor ran over to inform Lorraine in a low voice. At four o'clock, the shadow of the ship was found, and it had been following the side of the Golden Deer for half an hour.

This news made Lorraine frown.

He was mentally prepared for the attack. After all, he had experienced the stern of a fishing boat when he was going to Bridgetown, and he knew who was being targeted.

But unlike the certainty in Donna's heart, Lorraine still has reservations about this possible encounter.

For on the seas, the only forces that sail with claws and fangs are navies, pirates, and privateers.

Lorraine has carefully analyzed the three forces.

The essence of contemporary privateers is merchants. Like Lorraine, chambers of commerce and trade lines are the foundation of their livelihood.

Lorraine has not yet established a Caribbean branch. Even if it is established, it will not be enough to leverage the profits of those established chambers of commerce in the short term.

They have no conflict of interest, and those privateers have no incentive to risk attacking a powerful destroyer.

Naval and pirate motives are clear.

In the New World, the British colonial authorities were at war with France, Holland, Spain, and the United States. The navy might launch attacks on British merchant ships in order to cut off the British trade line.

But they will not sneak into British colonial waters, nor will they stare at the Golden Hart.

In this way, only pirates are left who may attack Lorraine.

The Caribbean has a long history of piracy, which can be traced back to the sixteenth century when Lorraine's ancestors, Francis and John Hawkins, roamed the seas.

From the middle of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century, Pirates of the Caribbean reached its peak, including the pirate emperor Henry Morgan, the black baron Pavlomy, Blackbeard Edward, and the pirate prince Bellamy. It rages wherever the trade winds go, making the whole world tremble.

This era is known as the Golden Age of Piracy.

In the golden age, the pirates in the Caribbean not only promulgated the world-famous piracy code, but also established a pirate empire called "Sea Brotherhood", which was in the limelight for a while.

But pirates are pirates after all. With the upgrading of naval firepower, it is difficult for the pirate fleet with light ships and fast ships as the core to shake the dominance of battleships.

This situation is like a decisive battle in Cantabrian. In order to win the Golden Deer under his feet, not only Lorraine risked his life, but the British merchants also paid a heavy price.

Thinking of this, Lorraine smiled contemptuously.

"Can such an armed force with only light boats and fast boats really threaten the Golden Deer?"

"If it could, the reputation of Pirates of the Caribbean wouldn't have fallen to what it is now, right?"

"Sea Brotherhood..."

Lorraine's complexion changed suddenly, and he quickly took out the small piece of parchment with patterns drawn in his arms, staring at the paper in a daze.

If you replace the crossed axes with flags, draw a skull on the black flag and a turtle on the blue flag.

1640 was the year Henry Morgan inherited the Brotherhood of the Sea and promulgated the Piracy Code.

The seagull below is added with three-dimensional borders and straight lines to complete the appearance of a book...

The emblem of the Brotherhood of the Sea!

Donna Linka is from the Brotherhood of the Sea? She is a pirate!

Lorraine jumped up suddenly: "Hina! Put Don..."

"The tail ship is hoisting the pirate flag! She is charging towards us!" The sailor's scream interrupted Lorraine, and the sound shook the deck. "The battle is expected to take place within fifteen minutes!"

"Enemy attack!"

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