With helpers who are familiar with the local area, Lorraine can no longer hold back the idea of ​​saving lives.

Even if Lake's stupid knife made it difficult for him to walk, even if he was now unarmed and without clothes.

Saving people is like putting out a fire, he has been in a coma for two days, if he drags on, Lake will really die.

The sun was hot at noon.

Lorraine shuffled, and was supported by Hana down the mountain into the port area, and got into a dirty alley.

He waited against the wall, on the count of forty-seven, when Henna in her soiled smock threw in a drunken corpse of a sailor.

He was wearing a dirty sweatshirt with blue and white stripes, loose blue trousers, and a blue turban on his head.

Lorraine couldn't help pursing her mouth: "I don't like blue."

"This is land, you won't mix with sea water."

"It seems... there is some truth to it."

The two took off the sailors, and after a while, Lorraine became a standard forced sailor, staggering on the road, looking like a hangover.

The two parted ways.

Lorraine walked along the long street and found the signboard of [Grass Flavored Foie Gras] beside the ruins of reclining oak trees.

The business of the store was very bad. Even though it was lunch time, there was not even a single customer to be found.

He gently opened the swing door, took the first seat on the left, and rang the waiter's bell on the table.

jingle! jingle!

Mr. Pete, who was in a daze behind the counter, was inexplicably surprised. He rushed to the back kitchen in a few strides, and after a while, a handsome blond woman in her thirties drove out.

The woman was wearing a maid outfit that was cut to only cover the key parts, walking awkwardly and reluctantly.

"Sir, our restaurant's specialties today are butter-fried foie gras and lettuce salad. The foie gras is very fresh, thick and juicy..." She paused for a moment, struggling to force a smile, "Just like me ..."

"I don't like foie gras that's too old."

The woman's face immediately changed: "Sir, please pay attention..."

"As far as your clothes are concerned, I don't think I need to pay attention to my words." Lorraine flipped through the menu without raising his eyelids, "A salad and a glass of Bordeaux, please wear more when serving, thank you."

Along with the endless quarrels and complaints from the back kitchen, the salad and red wine were quickly brought to Lorraine by a newly dressed waitress.

Lorraine picked up a fork, took a sip, and said with a smile, "As my friend told me, you have the freshest lettuce in Black Harbor."

"Yes, sir!" The waitress cheered up, "Our lettuce is picked from Plymouth, and there is a special shipping channel, which is fresh from the next day!"

"Really?" Lorraine took another sip, pursing her lips with an expression of enjoyment, "Fresh vegetables are always good companions for sailors. Ma'am, may I thank Mr. Chef in person?"

For a restaurant on the verge of bankruptcy, thanking the chef in person would give them a lot of fame and word of mouth, an invitation Mr. Pitt could not refuse.

Mr. Pete, wearing a chef's hat, quickly stood in front of Lorraine's table with smiling eyes and a serious attitude.

"Sir, I heard from Caroline that you would like to give your valuable opinion on our salad."

"It's almost..." Lorraine ate the salad to himself, "Ms. Caroline...let's call her Mrs. Pete, it's more polite."

Mr. Pete showed a look of surprise: "Why do you..."

"It's not important." Lorraine took a sip of the red wine, pushed away the plate and crossed her fingers, "Mrs. Pete said just now that your lettuce is fresh from the next day, but as far as I know, because of the wind, these vegetables are not transported to the next day." It took four days to get to Black Harbor, and now it should be six days."

He raised his head and grinned at Mr. Pete: "My captain told me that reputation is the foundation of a businessman, and fraud...will make you bankrupt."

Pete finally recognized Lorraine.

His pupils narrowed into needlepoints, and he asked in a trembling voice, "You...you are that..."

"Artis Chamber of Commerce, Lorraine Drake sends you greetings."

"Aren't you dead? I heard rumors, rumors say..."

"Seeing is believing." Lorraine pointed to Pete's eyes, and slowly made a digging motion.

Pete was terrified.

He backed away in horror, grabbing Caroline, just trying to escape through the door.

But Lorraine said again: "If I were you, I would never dare to abandon my daughter in front of the mob."

Pete and Caroline, who had already run to the door, froze.

He turned his head mechanically and looked at Lorraine's back viciously: "What... do you want to do!"

"For the time being, I just want to taste the lettuce from my hometown, and try the red wine from France by the way... not so good."

Lorraine looked at the clock on the cabinet and said slowly: "I heard that your daughter likes to play a piece of piano on the second floor at six o'clock every night, and it's only one o'clock now... I sincerely hope she can read the wrong time today."

As soon as he finished speaking, a pleasant piano sound suddenly sounded on the second floor.

The tune is G.B. Martini's famous song "The Joy of Love", but the pianist falls a little hastily, and there is not much joy in the melody.

But that's enough.

Lorraine smiled and made a gesture of invitation: "May I invite you and your wife to the table? Although it is delicious food, there is always a time to pay."

More than an hour later, Lorraine changed into a new well-fitting shirt with a slender rapier on his waist, and drove the carriage with Henna out of the back door of the restaurant.

Hannah frowned and drove: "Why don't you kill them?"

"Why kill them?"

"They'll probably notify Thomas and Barry Sr."

"No." Lorraine lazily leaned in the carriage, playing with a pocket of jingling gold pounds, "They are not friends, not even partners. Pete didn't get much in the matter of plotting the captain The good thing is, in a sense, he was also forced."

"You think he's innocent?"

"There is no doubt that he is the culprit, at least one of them."

Lorraine laughed playfully: "It's just that for a businessman who has been tortured by bankruptcy for a long time, letting him go bankrupt is far more cruel than killing him. Killing people is a good way to solve the problem, but it may not be a good way to get revenge. "

"So you ransacked him and made him sign a hundred-pound IOU that couldn't be honored. All revenge?"

"Forty-seven pounds, sixteen shillings and threepence are the money he paid to buy vegetables from the captain, and the IOU is his revenge... By the way, do you have a businessman you know? I can transfer the IOU for only five pounds. "


Five pounds were exchanged for three white slaves and a not-so-small property. This transaction did not require skill, and Hanna transferred the IOU to Old Hansa without any effort.

To express his gratitude, Hansa allowed them to stay in the private room of the tavern until late at night.

Not only did they enjoy a free dinner, they also bought a good wound medicine and some small things that Henna needed for three pounds.

The cool and special ointment made Lorraine's wound feel comfortable in just one afternoon. Although it still doesn't use much force, at least it becomes vigorous when moving, and it seems that it is not much better than normal people.

This is very important to Lorraine.

They were going to old Barry's warehouse next, and unlike Pete, Barry had ten thugs.

"Ten thugs..." Lorraine shook his head and muttered to himself, "He only sent eight people to snatch the boat. I didn't expect...our Mr. Barry is actually a cautious person."

"Isn't this... asking for trouble for me..."

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