Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and twenty-two, the stupid brother of the Drake family

After bidding farewell to the Jackdaw, the disorganized Golden Deer did not hang around any more, tidied up and sailed straight to Jamaica Island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

Jamaica is an important transit point for Caribbean sea routes. It is adjacent to Cuba in the north, Hispaniola in the east, and Central and South America in the southwest. It can reach the Bahamas with dense islands and reefs through the Windward Strait, and cross the Yucatan Strait. It is the Gulf of Mexico with high winds and deep water, which can be called extending in all directions.

The island has a long colonial history.

In 1494, Columbus led his fleet to become the first Europeans to come here.

In 1509, Spain declared Jamaica to be its colony and changed its name to San Diego. In 1538, Spain established the town of Spain as its capital.

Their rule over Jamaica lasted a century and a half.

In 1655, William Bean and Robert Venables jointly led a British fleet to successfully occupy Jamaica.

They invited pirates to Port Loire, the largest port on the island, to help defend against possible Spanish counterattacks. They retreated twice in the next few years, thus opening the deep relationship between Jamaica and Caribbean pirates.

In 1670, Spain formally recognized British ownership of Jamaica in the Treaty of Madrid.

According to the promise given to the pirates by the two fleet admirals, Charles II handed over the management of the Loire Port to the pirates, turning the port into a common holy land for English privateers and Caribbean pirates.

In 1674, Henry Morgan was pardoned for his crimes in London, was named a Royal Knight, and became the Vice-Governor of Jamaica.

With the support of the British royal family, he returned to the Caribbean Sea. On the surface, he managed his vast manor dutifully, but secretly led a more elite pirate team to subdue the well-known and well-known pirates in the entire Caribbean Sea, and established a maritime empire. The Brotherhood promulgated the Pirate Code and became the only pirate emperor in the history of the Caribbean.

Where the emperor is, it is the capital of the country.

Port Loire thus became the capital of the pirate empire. When Morgan was alive, his limelight surpassed that of Tortoise Island, where the Brotherhood of the Sea was located, and it was the yearning place for thousands of pirates in the Caribbean.

However, the good times did not last long.

Morgan died in 1688 and Port Loire was destroyed in 1692.

A major earthquake sent half of Port Loire into the sea, and the pirates who had nothing to do with production soon abandoned the ruins. It was not until a few years later that the British began to build Kingston and built the old site of Port Loire. Port Royal, used as a dependent seaport for the city of Kingston.

This place became the anchorage of the New World Fleet of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, and the pirates’ wanton singing disappeared from the beaches of Jamaica, and it became mediocre, leaving only the class antagonism and racial discrimination buried deep in etiquette and order. It is the same as a backward country illuminated by the light of civilization.

Thinking of this, Lorraine couldn't help laughing.

Since that strange conversation, he found that he would often fall into a strange circle of literature and art, focusing on landscapes and groaning without illness.

Just like the mockery of Light of Civilization just now, he didn't understand why he had such a weird idea at all.

Did he still want to be like Robespierre in his bones, gathering a group of scoundrels, hooligans, bankrupt workers and peasants, tying up King George III in Buckingham Palace and beheading him for public display, and then being replaced by a farm boy in a small corner, dying with regret?

How idle...

While thinking wildly, the Golden Deer circled Cape Morant, overlooking the white sandy beach of Morant Bay, and slowly sailed into the bay of Port Royal.

A huge ship is coming.

With a huge hull and towering sides, Lorraine couldn't help but stare when he saw a mighty army on the high-spirited bow.

Shaq stood quietly on the bow of the ship, just like him, with his feet on the figurehead, and two long knives clasped around his waist.

Accessory double sword means he will go to fight,

The opponent may be the wolves and cheetahs of France, Spain, and Holland, or the sea rats of the United States, or the ubiquitous pirates of the Caribbean who roam the sea.

He saw Lorraine, his icy blue eyes remained motionless, as if looking at a strange passerby.

Lorraine grinned slowly, raised her head, and raised her middle finger high at him.

The two ships passed by, and neither Lorraine nor Shaq turned back.

Haina walked to Lorraine with a little worry: "That ship is so big..."

"HMS Lion, a cutting-edge third-tier battleship of the Royal Navy, is 52 meters long, 15 meters wide, with a mainmast height of 44 meters and a displacement of 1,800 tons."

"She is the top three-tier battleship of the Royal Navy of Great Britain. It has two fully covered gun decks. The lower deck is equipped with 28 32-pounder long-range guns, the upper deck is equipped with 30 18-pounder long-range guns, and the stern gun has three decks and 12 guns. 18-pound short guns, two tiers of bow guns, 2 18-pound medium guns on the lower tier, 2 48-pound super-heavy mortars on the upper tier, and a full crew of 550 sailors."

"Fighting, hand-to-hand combat, artillery battles, boarding, chasing, she is omnipotent. In small-scale battles, her adaptability and lethality even exceed the old second-tier battleships. She is the real main ship of the British Navy, and it is also a colony. The first choice for fleet admirals."

Hana opened her mouth slightly: "Lion, isn't that..."

"Colonel Shaq Francis Drake... No, I should call him Admiral of the Continental Squadron now, Mr. Rear Admiral. This is his flagship, and it was also my father's flagship back then."

"Is he the one who wore two swords like you just now?"

"Yes." Lorraine shook his head inexplicably, "Come into the port, I hope Lieutenant Colonel Nelson has prepared everything for us, which can save us a little time."


The Lion sailed slowly out of the bay of Port Royal, Shaq stood silently at the bow, his mind was full of passing by, Lorraine's provocative movements, and the wanton smile on his face.

Bell, who had just been promoted to major, walked over lazily with his trousers on, with a smile on his brow, without the appearance of an outstanding officer.

"Admiral, I caught a glimpse just now, and I seemed to see classmate Drake."

"If you have time to pay attention to the captains of the ships, you should print the portraits of all the pirates in the Caribbean in your mind in advance, which will help me gain military exploits."

"Uh... I just turned my head when I turned the rudder... You know, we have a high side."

Shaq glanced at him coldly, turned and returned to the cabin.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped: "Your sister, how are you doing recently?"

Bell blinked his eyes: "Admiral, the military funds in Port Hamilton have just been counted before the handover. Even if you want to support my sister's studies, I dare not touch the things there."

"Selling military assets is not a long-term solution." Shaq lowered his head and played with the tassels on his military uniform. "Your behavior in Plymouth has been exposed. If you don't want to go to court-martial, you'd better disembark in San Salvador."

"Exposure?" Bell couldn't believe it, and lost his voice for a moment, "When was it exposed?"

"Just now." Shaq's voice was so steady that it was impossible to tell the truth from the fake, "Because a sailor formally filed a written report to me, according to the procedure, I have to convene a court-martial on the day I arrive in Bermuda to try your crimes. We all know that you deserve it."

Bell rolled his eyes to the sky: "Admiral, is there any room for maneuver in this matter?"

"Yes, I can also make your whereabouts top secret in the name of the field service, so that you can keep your military status and escape trial. When the sailor dies in battle, the court-martial will naturally end without a problem because of the loss of the plaintiff."

"I knew it..." Bell muttered, "Where are you going to send me on field trips?"

"Kingston, the Drake Chamber of Commerce. I suspect that its chairman, Lorraine Drake, intends to engage in piracy that is not permitted by privateers. You must approach him and report to me all his whereabouts. The only way out."

"It's a crime, isn't it?" Bell could not wait to spit on Shaq's luxurious trench coat, "I need a forged trial order, at least five pounds in change. Also, when I am out on the job, my salary needs to be paid. A penny is sent to the mother, and the promotion is normal according to the number of years... There are only ladies left in the family, and I can't let them worry."

"The request is very reasonable." Shaq agreed without hesitation. "You will get these when you get off the ship. In addition, I will arrange reliable people to beat you up."

"Why the beating?"

"Because there is a torture session in the military court, my brother is stupid, but he is not easy to cheat."

Bell lowered his head heavily, and sighed as if accepting his fate: "Okay, you won, remember to tell them not to slap your face."

Shaq shook his head slightly.

"This request is unreasonable and I do not accept it," he said.

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