Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and thirty-five patriotic innocence

"Report the latest information."

An urgent seafarers meeting was held in the dining room of the Jackdaw, presided over by Lorraine and participated by all seamen.

Lorraine sat at the dining table, crossed his fingers and propped his chin: "Carmen, tell everyone the basic situation."

Carmen nodded and said clearly: "Gentlemen and ladies, we have received important news that New Orleans is in a state of war."

"What?" Karen's eyes widened. "Is this news accurate? We have been moored at the pier for several days, and we have gone out to find out the news. Is there even a trace of war in this city?"

"War has nothing to do with citizens, Karen." Yacharin laughed loudly. "Don't forget that this is a city built by the French. Every resident in the city knows that war is the business of the king and the army. They only Timely gratification is needed."

Carmen was amused by Yacharin's exaggerated speech, and explained softly: "What Yacharin said is only one of the reasons, and the other reason is that because of Count Galvez's exquisite command, the war has always been going on in the outer suburbs of New Orleans. No cannon was ever heard."

Katerina frowned: "In other words, this war has started for a while?"

"Forty-two days."

"But the day before yesterday, I also saw the New Orleans Army Corps patrolling the parade ground. I bought information from them. I am sure that they are not in a state of war."

"They are indeed not at war." Carmen grimaced, "The Spaniards chose to stand on the sidelines in this war. There are only French and English on the battlefield, and their allies are smugglers from New Orleans and those who are attached to England. Indians of man."

Katerina was stunned for a while: "The smugglers joined the war? Could it be that the French..."

"Coercion." Carmen spit out the word softly, "Count Galvez used the smuggling rights of Charleville rifles to hire smugglers. The captain and I have found out that only merchants who have gained military exploits on the battlefield can smuggle those smugglers." A sought-after rifle."

"Don't you want money?"

"Unfortunately, the purchase price of firearms remains unchanged, and the business tax that needs to be paid in New Orleans is also inconvenient. And because there are too many smugglers applying for the recruitment, there are too many monks and too few food, not every smuggler can get the opportunity to participate in the war."

"Is there anyone else who will rush to die?"

Carmen shrugged: "In fact, the application site is lively and orderly. The Earl has set up a perfect reservation and queuing system for those who want to die, which basically eliminates the possibility of scrambling. In other words, you need qualifications to rush to die. , not everyone is qualified to jump in line.”

The sailors looked at each other in amazement, and Katerina muttered to herself, "That he a devil?"

"I don't know if he's a devil." Lorraine smiled and asked Carmen to sit down, and then continued, "I just know that many people now want him to go to hell."

"The captain means..."

"This patriot broke the rules." Lorraine said lightly, "Let's first guess the purpose of the British in launching this war."

Pierce Jr. raised his hand with a bang: "New Orleans is the main port for Charleville rifle smuggling. It is through this smuggling line that the Yankees stopped the brave British soldiers on the battlefield! The capture of New Orleans will be a positive Great benefit on the battlefield."

"This statement is not entirely accurate." Lorraine gave Pierce a positive look, "The French chose New Orleans to smuggle out of political considerations. If they are determined to support the Americans, even if New Orleans falls, Pensac Ra can also take on the burden of smuggling."

He stood up and pulled out a map of North America, pointing to the Atlantic coast.

"On the battlefield of the War of Independence, the American militia blocked the British attack from a wide front, but the real opponent of the British was not them.

It was the sporadic but well-trained Spanish and French reinforcements. "

"What's the value of attacking New Orleans?" Lorraine moved his finger down to New Orleans. "First of all, this is an important port for the Spaniards to control the Gulf of Mexico. To defend her, the Spaniards need to draw reinforcements from the battlefield or Mexico."

"If the New World Fleet puts pressure on the coast of Mexico at this time, will the Mexican Governor's Office dare to deploy its own troops? The answer is obvious. The world will laugh at the stupid army, but no one dares to ignore the fighting power of the Royal Navy of Great Britain."

"In this way, Spain can only draw troops from the battlefield and give up the flank protection of the Americans. This is one of them."

"Secondly, the French." Lorraine stroked the Mississippi River lightly with his hand, "Almost all the major cities in New France are built on both sides of the Mississippi River, and New Orleans is the only channel for the Navy to enter the Mississippi River."

"Occupying here, the British Royal Navy can organize a large and elite destroyer group to enter the hinterland of New France. There is no force on the waters of the Mississippi River that can compete with it. If New Orleans is lost, the French will lose clean."

"The British attack on New Orleans is a strategic first mover. Once they gain an advantage on the battlefield, the French army will not be able to survive alone. They must support New Orleans, thereby weakening the strength on the main battlefield."

"Three birds with one stone." Lorraine patted the map with a smile, "Once the New Orleans Raider goes according to the British's expectations, it is equivalent to combating the increasingly rampant arms smuggling, weakening the American firepower, and mobilizing Spain and France." The battlefield force. The American defense line will become a sieve, reduced to nothing."

"And the most subtle thing about it is that the British only need to gain a short-term advantage to achieve the goal of the campaign, and there is no need to actually capture New Orleans. This means that the British do not need to invest too much in this war."

"The British have actually calculated this far?" Katerina sighed with emotion, "Captain, you just said that many people want the life of Count Galvez... Could it be because he bankrupted the British plan? gone?"

"Almost." Lorraine raised his wooden cup and took a sip of the spicy rum. "But the more important reason is that Earl Galvez is an excellent commander, but he seems to be just a commander."

"There are many masters in this little war. The British played the first hand and launched the Battle of New Orleans. The Spanish governor of New Orleans played the second hand and saw through the essence of New Orleans at a glance. Although she is a Spanish territory , but more important to the French."

"He chose to withdraw from the war, and even used surrender to force Earl Galvez to independently take responsibility for fighting the British."

"Later, the magical French nationality took the leading role." Lorraine bowed slightly to Acharin, apologizing in advance.

Acharin raised his eyebrows immediately, with a proud look on his face, and he didn't know what he was proud of.

"Just look at Acharin. He doesn't care whether this war is about the future of France in the New World, and the large number of French pioneers in New Orleans also don't care. From the information we have collected, even the elite Baton Rouge The legion doesn't care, and it is conceivable that in the faraway mainland of France, those nobles and gentlemen who profited from smuggling also don't care too much."

"The whole world doesn't care, only the earl is concerned about the country and the people. Forced and helpless, he chose to forcibly collect the smuggling rights, using the name of employment to coerce businessmen to work for him, and go to the battlefield to bleed and die."

"As a result, you have seen it. The effect of this seems to be surprisingly good. France did not participate in the war, Spain did not participate in the war, and the earl who participated in the war alone withstood the attack of the British army by himself. Even the smuggling business in the port of New Orleans was not affected. any effect."

"The British plan has gone bankrupt, and taking revenge on the Earl is a very good way to vent their anger."

"Many smugglers died or went bankrupt during this war, and their hatred also needs a channel to pour out."

"There are also the French nobles who have vested interests in this arms smuggling. Have you ever thought about it, if the earl wins this war, will they still have a chance to recover their losses? Those who were eaten up by the earl and the legion Is there anyone willing to spit out the interests of the family?"

"The malice of the whole world is concentrating on the high-spirited earl. His patriotism and good war directly tore down the dining table, so that everyone can only squat on the ground, grabbing the steak on the dinner plate and biting it, just like a humble primitive."

Acharin shrugged his shoulders empathetically, while Karen looked bewildered.

He hesitated and asked: "Captain, I understand why the British and smugglers hate the Earl, but the French... If New Orleans fell, wouldn't they even lose their plates?"

"As I said before, even if New Orleans is lost, the French can still smuggle, and no one's interests will be harmed. And will New Orleans really be lost? The Baton Rouge Army is in the suburbs, and the New Orleans Army is in the In the city, more than 100,000 French and Spanish armies wandered along the Atlantic coast, and it took less than a month to rush to the battlefield and restore the situation."

"Only the Americans need to pay for this assassination. The rest, such as the British, French, Spaniards and even smugglers, will not have any losses. Those who should enjoy life continue to enjoy life, and those who should make profits still earn profit."

"Besides, the heavy losses of the Americans are not necessarily a bad thing for everyone. The United States is big and there are many Americans. Once the Continental Army suffers heavy losses, it means that they will have to mobilize more militias, and the demand for arms will also increase. Bigger. It's perfect marketing, isn't it?"

Karen was horrified and couldn't help shivering: "Then... what should we do now?"

"We've always been on the side of justice." Lorraine laughed heartily. "It's too stupid to go to the battlefield, and it's too uncontrollable to wait for the earl to die. I'm going to do something we are good at to protect the hero."

"Gentlemen and ladies, let us protect the heroes of France. Patriotic, innocent!"

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