Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and thirty-seven rewards

"Take off your hat in front of the third mirror, stroke your breasts, bow..."

"Say [Long Live Free France] silently."

"Read it three times."

"Hang the hat you took off on the second hook on the left in front of the fourth dressing mirror, go to the sofa, and ask the tailor shop to provide you with a glass of [pure drinking water, sea-flavored]..."

Yacharin tried his best to maintain his dignity and dignity, while earnestly implementing those strange and weird rules, while muttering in a low voice.

"Damn it, don't the people who designed this ritual have no sense of shame?"

Daniel stood aside holding Achali's woolen coat, and replied softly: "Looking for the shame of the French? This is the first time I know that you are so naive."

Yacharin rolled his eyes suddenly: "You know, you are insulting France!"

"Let her condemn me." Seeing that Yacharin successfully hung the hat on the required hook, Daniel turned around and opened the sofa behind him, "Waiter, please pass me a glass of pure drinking water for my officer, Add a touch of sea breeze."

As soon as the password was issued, the beautiful waitress immediately put on a smiling face: "Gentlemen, don't you plan to try coffee? Pepper and pepper coffee, there is no other place."

"No need, beautiful lady." Yacharin sat on the sofa with an orchid finger raised, "I have sworn to God that I will only taste the brandy of the Cognac region in my life, and I will never give in to any temptation. "

"Understood." The waitress bowed deeply to Yacharin, and opened the sixth dressing mirror, revealing the entrance to the basement, "The steps are a bit slippery, sir, please watch your feet and be careful not to fall."

"I'll pay attention."


Five gold pounds can buy a whole set of secondary information, as many as ten or twenty. Bach used his extraordinary memory to recite one by one to Katerina. When he recited the sixteenth article, the doorbell of the tavern rang again.

Two weird guests came in, the one holding the door was dressed as if he was going to a banquet, and the one who walked in was wearing an exaggerated costume. From a long distance, Bach could smell the strong scent of the lady. Cavity smell.

The sissy covered her nose with a handkerchief, frowned and avoided the passing drinkers in disgust, and walked all the way to the vacant booth in the center of the tavern.

The one who was going to the banquet passed him in two or three steps, pulled out the chair, took out the handkerchief and carefully dusted off the remaining dust on the chair.

Only then is the sissy willing to sit down.

When the sissy sat down firmly, she waved her hand and called the person who was going to the banquet to her side, and whispered a few words in her soft voice.

Those who attended the banquet straightened up and ordered to Bach's dignity: "A glass of brandy, with ice, preferably from the Cognac region. If not, you can also make it from the Armagnac region."

Bach was stunned for a while.

He knew about the Cognac area, after all, there was this sentence in the incision when entering the tavern, but he never knew that wine was really produced there... As for the Armaniac area, sorry, he wasted thirty-six years, and today is only the first time. once heard...

He couldn't help turning his eyes for help to his old friend Katerina, who was the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable in his mind.

Caterina told him in a low voice: "Cognac is the best brandy region in the world, and in France, the Armagnac region is the same."

"But all I have here is rum, from New Orleans, from Mexico, and from the Greater Antilles."

"You can tell him directly." Katerina shrugged. "I told you before that the ceremony of entering the tavern should be revised. After going through such a conversation, every guest who comes here will think that you provide brandy here."

"But I'm running an information trading station in the underground world, not a real tavern!" Bach hammered down the bar in frustration, "Sophia, go introduce to the new guests..."

"You better leave Sophia alone."

Bach was interrupted by Katerina before he finished speaking.

She leaned over the bar,

Suppressing his voice and covering his face: "Look at the clothes of those two."

"Wearing...for an opera? And for a banquet?"

"You really should learn more common sense of the nobility, so that one day you will not die for no reason!"

"You said... dead?"

Katerina took a deep breath: "Do you know who they are?"

Bach shook his head blankly.

"The sissy in the costume you mentioned... he is not wearing a costume, it is the most popular dress among the upper-class French nobles. This kind of dress belongs to the retro style, and because of the cumbersome maintenance, it is no longer available in most countries. No matter how popular it is, only the small circles of France, Spain and Holy Rome still love it, and they call it the tradition and glory of the mainland nobility."

"Mainland nobles?" Bach widened his one eye in horror, "You mean, that lady... no, the nobles are French nobles? Not ordinary nobles?"

Katerina nodded solemnly: "As you guessed, he should be a real French nobleman. Have you seen the entourage beside him? His every move reveals the aristocratic temperament, and only the noble French nobleman in this world can let him Young children from ordinary noble families become followers, and they are willing."

"Then...then what should I do?"

"Don't let Sophia entertain them. Sophia's work is rough. If she accidentally angers the nobleman, she may be angered and injured, or even die unexpectedly."

Bach was horrified by Katerina's expression.

"But...but I don't know how to entertain a real noble, what should I do..."

"You!" Katerina shook her head helplessly, and stood up with a hoot, "Aren't you good at fancy bartending? That Iceberg Flame, go show them and delay the time. Sophia still has a clean waitress Right? I'll be there in a moment."

A moment later, Katerina changed into a standard French-style black and white maid outfit, and walked out of the bar holding a glass of clear lime rum.

Poor Bach was hard at work performing Iceberg Flame for Yacharin.

This is a technology of mixing rum, sugarcane juice and high-concentration distilled spirits. It requires a special bartending technique to layer the two spirits and sugarcane juice, pour them into a wine glass with ice cubes, and then Light the spirits on the upper deck.

Once successful, the blue flames will float on the ice, evaporate the spirits, and burn part of the sugarcane juice at the same time, condensing fresh caramel floating in the wine, sweet in the mouth and long aftertaste.

This is Bach's housekeeping craft and the only bartending skill he has mastered as a bartender.

Seeing the wine glass ignite, Katerina stepped up in time, gently put down the tray, and bowed deeply to Acharin.

"Dear sir, in order to allow our guests to enjoy the best quality French brandy, we have very high requirements on the quality of the wine, so that the stock is scarce. You came by accident, the brandy in the wine cellar was sold out three days ago, next time The batches take two months to arrive, so…”

Yacharin raised his chin proudly: "So, I performed outside like an idiot, but I can't drink the taste of my hometown?"

"I'm very sorry. In order to make up for your loss, Mr. Bach has prepared for you the best rum in the New World, Iceberg Flame and Blue Sky Sun. Please believe us, although the brewing technology in the New World is not as rich and fragrant as France, it still has a special flavor. You will never be disappointed."


"You can taste it yourself, or ask your servants to taste it for you. We believe in the taste of the two gentlemen, and sincerely hope to gain your affirmation."

At this point in the play, Bach has completely entered the script prepared in advance by the Jackdaw.

Yacharin noticed this, and began to consciously control his sharpness, just like Katerina managed to win his appreciation with her neither humble nor overbearing attitude, and by the way, she also freed poor Bach from that inexplicable sense of crisis come out.

Serving nobles is really not a human job...

Bach was feeling deep in his heart, and suddenly heard Yacharin's condescending voice.

"A friend told me that this is the best tavern in New Orleans." Yacharin played with the burning flame with his gloved hand, "You not only sell alcohol, but also seem to sell some other things. "

Bach's eyes suddenly lit up: "What do you want to buy?"


"Is there a reward? Who is the target?"

"Bernardo de Galvez, he recently lived in the beautiful Mrs. Kent's manor, and I heard that he often goes to the northern suburbs to play. He is really a disgusting guy."

"Bernardo de Galvez..." Bach chewed on the name, and cold sweat gradually covered his forehead. He screamed in despair, "You... you want to offer a reward to Earl Galvez? Governor of Louisiana in New France, that Earl Galvez?"

"What's the matter? Is this tavern still owned by Galvez?"

Bach was keenly aware of the dissatisfaction in Acharin's tone, and then he realized that the person in front of him was a French nobleman who was more noble than Count Galvez.

The reason why a French nobleman wants to assassinate the kingdom's important town in the New World by offering a reward... is obvious!

He swallowed forcefully: "Sir, we take on all the orders. It's just that Earl Galvez has a special guard to protect him. Recently, a large number of good players have been enlisted by him to the front line. I'm afraid that the remaining people will not be able to break through the guard's block." .”

"I'll take care of the guards." Acharin stood up with a sneer, took off his gloves slowly and threw them into the burning cup, "In three days, he will be separated from the guards on the way to Kent Manor, you just need to catch him If you seize the opportunity, you can get a good reward."


Yacharin did not answer Bach's question.

He covered his nose and waved his hands, and said disgustedly: "The air here is too bad, Pierre, let's go."

"Yes, sir."

Daniel picked up his small suitcase and put it on the table, turned around, and guided Acharin out of the tavern, where he disappeared.

Bach stared blankly at the suitcase in front of him and the silk gloves blackened by the blue flames, opened the suitcase dumbly, and saw a suitcase full of louis d'or.

"Red hair, how many gold coins do you think are in the box?"

"Who knows? Earl Galvez's deposit ranges from two hundred pounds to five hundred pounds."

"A reward worth 1,000 to 3,000 pounds..." Bach took a deep breath, "Are you interested in your new captain?"

"You don't even know the nobleman's name, Bach."

"Even if you ask, it's a pseudonym." Bach closed the box, "This kind of nobleman cherishes his reputation and will not lose his promise for a mere few thousand pounds, so this order is very reliable. I hope you accept the order and we can work together. Eighty percent."

"You were tempted by the devil." Katerina shook her head resolutely, "Don't try to pull us in, Bach. We are serious smugglers and have no interest in this kind of unsecured life money."

"That's a pity... If you don't go, I may have to organize a lot of people."

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