Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and seventy bastards with

The waves gently beat on the beach, squashing to suppress the noise of the pier plank road, making people peaceful.

Nature is born with the magic power to soothe the mind, and even Lorraine couldn't help adjusting her breathing with the sound of the waves, and slowly approached the beautiful second lieutenant overlooking the ocean.

Chatting is chatting, and Lorraine does not intend to discuss any details with Rashid. This is not his duty as a mercenary, and his relationship with Nelson cannot tolerate this level of offense.

Chatting is not chatting. Now that he has deliberately asked Nelson for permission to talk, he must gain something in the next time and prove that he is worthy of trust and expectations.

Tie your hands and feet like walking on thin ice.

Relatively equal and relatively unfamiliar interpersonal relationships are a difficult subject to deal with, which is essentially the same as a double-headed crush with a stomachache.

It's just that Lorraine would never think about it that way.

After all, treating normal social behavior as a relationship, and arbitrarily imagining that an important same-sex social partner has secret feelings for him, this kind of harsh perspective...

Lorraine couldn't help shivering, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a warm smile again.

He had already stood shoulder to shoulder with Rashid by the sea.

"The weather is fine, Mr. Company Commander."

"I'm the only one with an umbrella among us, so from the bottom of my heart, I hope it will rain now, Mr. President." Reixide admired the sea view without turning his head.

Lorraine didn't look at him either, and responded softly with a sneer: "Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Barbados is not London, and the weather here is easy to guess."

"It's also very boring." Laixide pursed his mouth and paused, "How about getting straight to the point? Your height makes me very uncomfortable."

"Height? I heard that short people have a better chance of surviving on the battlefield."

"Intelligence can be exchanged for a chance of survival, sir." Lechde poked his head angrily, "No matter how tall a stupid person grows, he is still just a striking beast."

"It sounds like you like to hide yourself."

"What's wrong? Ah! A mighty man like you probably doesn't understand the difference between tactics and combat."

Lechde stepped back half a step, and made an exaggerated gentleman's salute to Lorraine.

"Let me give you an example. In the Battle of Bunker Hill, the idiot Gage ordered my Eighth Company to occupy the Sunny Slope position first. I refused, and led my men around Bunker Hill, moving towards Roxbury Throat."

"It turns out I was right. Not long after I disobeyed, another idiot, Prescott, took Bunker Hill with a regiment of Continental Army. If the Eighth Company stayed there, there probably wouldn't even be a scum left. "

"The eighth company that was freed became a free force in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Even the headquarters didn't know where I was."

"Later, William Howe took over the command of the idiot Gage, and when he was smashed down the mountain, it was I who lost the command of the Continental Army at the throat of Roxbury, forcing those country bumpkins to decide to retreat. The determination to avoid greater losses."

Having said that, Rashid raised his slender neck from bottom to top, looking up at Lorraine's eyes proudly.

Lorraine touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment: "I guessed that your eighth company has a glorious past, but I didn't expect it to be so brilliant."

"This is just the basics of tactics, sir, you can kill the enemy only by living."

"But you seem to have forgotten one thing..."


"The Charleston peninsula is surrounded on three sides by water,

Under the rule of the Royal Navy, it was a living area extending in all directions. Martinique is not the case. Sir Parker's main fleet will not approach the lair of the French. Once on the island, the only way for you to leave is us. "

Ignoring Rashid's slightly open mouth expression, Lorraine imitated him and made an exaggerated salute.

"There is one thing we agree on, that is, you can kill the enemy only by living, so I will try my best to persuade my admiral to live well. By the way, do you know what the essence of the navy is?"


"A moving island." Lorraine paused, "In the boundless sea, we can go anywhere, and no one can get stuck."

Rashid's face was a bit ugly: "In my opinion, Lieutenant Colonel Nelson is a competent and brave soldier."

"He is, but unfortunately I am not."

The chat ended neatly, and before both parties felt embarrassed, Lorraine concluded with a bow, and turned back to Nelson with his belt crossed.

This development seems to be somewhat unexpected by Nelson.

"What? Is this the end of the conversation?"

"Just chatting, weather, history, and a few more gossips, and we don't know each other well. If we talk about it again, I should ask Captain Reshid if he has an unmarried younger sister."

"That would be inappropriate for your relationship."

"Really?" Lorraine raised his eyebrows, "Admiral, are you familiar with the Battle of Bunker Hill?"

"Bunker Hill?"

"In June 1775, the first battle after the shooting of Lexington, I read my father's battle report at that time, I remember, it was a miserable victory... right?"

Nelson frowned and recalled for a while: "I remember that because the Continental Army seized Bunker Hill in advance, General Gage was dismissed from the front line, and Viscount Howe, who replaced him, paid a painful price. More than a thousand people were injured, and more than two hundred people die in battle..."

"By the way, the main force in that battle was the 52nd Infantry Regiment. The first company of the Grenadiers was almost wiped out. Captain Lechide's Eighth Company made remarkable achievements, but for some reason, there was no praise."

Nelson seemed to have completely recalled the contents of the military newspaper, and the more he spoke, the smoother he spoke.

"The 52nd Infantry Regiment was originally the most elite regiment in Boston. It also had a reputation for defeating the enemy in the entire colonial army system. It seems that after this battle, this regiment completely lost its combat effectiveness. There are speculations that it was due to excessive battle losses. and unfair treatment."

"The Grenadier Company has not yet been rebuilt, and they fled without a fight in the subsequent Battle of Boston, which was a shame. General Clinton seems to have intended to transfer them back to the mainland, but it has not been announced yet..."

Lorraine was dumbfounded: "Since you know this army so well, why..."

"The Eighth Company was highly recommended by General Clinton to Sir. I heard that they have been very active and have participated in counter-insurgency wars many times. If it weren't for Captain Rashid's inability to communicate with people, he would never be treated fairly. , They should have been famous long ago."

"Boston has long been lost. According to what you said, the 52nd Legion has not achieved a good record. Captain Leched's active activities in the past few years have probably replaced many partners. It is unsociable to be at odds with one person, but to be with everyone Discord, but favored by the highest official? The admiral..."

"The Marine Corps has evaluated the combat plan and rejected it. They think that landing on the island is tantamount to death." Nelson interrupted Lorraine in a calm tone, "I know that the Eighth Company and Rexed are not good partners, but the Jazz only Because of the trust in me, the Halloween operation was promoted, and I can't hold him accountable due to emotion and reason."

"The kindness of knowing you..." Lorraine looked at Nelson in silence for a while, "I suggest you talk to Captain Rashid again. If the result is still the same as it is now... then just changing the plan without authorization leads to the failure of the operation. You also have enough reasons to bear all the faults. How about it, do you want to give it a try?"

"Try again... eh?"

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