Reborn As a Pirate

18. Voyage diary

[C.E.1776, April 28, Breeze, Four Festivals]

[East Longitude: 356.6, North Latitude: 57.7, Black Harbor, Elgin, Scotland]

【Specialties: Whiskey, Wool, Beef】

[Today is a special day for the new Drake Chamber of Commerce]

[We have our first permanent port, Port Elgin in Scotland]

[Only in Mr. Piddick's official documents, it's called Port Elgen]

[No matter what her name is, we have opened up the market, so that this small chamber of commerce with a total of three people, a standard Kirk and more than 400 pounds of funds has officially entered the track of development]

[The exquisite porcelain of the mysterious East is indispensable]

【Missing the East】

[When can I go back and have a look? 】

【It's 1776 now, it's nothing to hear people shouting, Mr. Foreigner, it's just money pigtails, it's too ugly...】

[Come back to business, it's time for the chamber of commerce to consider the next direction of development]

[For offshore trade, triangular trade is a good model]

[With Elgin as the fulcrum, which of the other two corners should I choose? 】

With the dim oil lamp on, Lorraine wrote his nautical diary seriously on the swaying waves.

The sailing diary is the basic homework of every sea captain.

While at sea, they recorded wind direction, ocean currents. When they were in the port, they recorded the latitude and longitude and special products.

Of course, daily experience and thinking are indispensable.

And precisely because of the existence of these important information, no matter in what era, the sailing diary is the most precious privacy and wealth of a captain, and its value is even more than the nautical charts they use for themselves.

The captains also have the strictest protection for the contents of the diary.

In addition to carrying it with them and keeping it secret, they often use secret words in key information when writing diaries.

Lorraine's secret language is pinyin, and the cursive pinyin is mixed with the English in the same font. At least in contemporary times, there is no possibility of his diary being deciphered.

After finishing writing the diary, Lorraine closed the book and put it in the dark cabinet of the captain's cabin. He shook out the charts of the North Sea and the Cantabrian Sea on the bed, and stared blankly at the list of auction items sent before nightfall.

This is the privilege of the VIPs of the auction. They can know the details of the auction two days in advance and decide whether to attend.

Lorraine therefore had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the rules of the auction.

Elgin's auctions are divided into morning and afternoon sessions. Special items are auctioned in the morning and bulk items are auctioned in the afternoon, lasting for two days.

Spices and pewter from Lorraine are also on the list this time.

The 470 catties of spices were divided into nine auctions in units of 50 catties, in the afternoon session, and 14 pieces of tinware were bid separately in the morning session.

According to Lorraine's own estimation, these goods can bring him about 230 to 270 pounds of income after tax. From the perspective of no capital business, this amount is not high.

He is struggling whether to clear out the porcelain in stock and sell it.

It's depressing to say.

Old Barry didn't have much porcelain in his hands, there were only seven sets in total, but each piece was actually a high-end tea set.

Three sets of cloisonne, two sets of bucket-colored porcelain, and two sets of blue-and-white porcelain. Tea sets of this level of craftsmanship can naturally be sold, and they can easily be sold for a high price of more than two hundred pounds.

But judging from Mr. Piddick's reaction, these things are obviously more effective when used as gifts. It is really wasteful to exchange gold pounds, and the cow chews peonies.

But Lorraine is short of money.

To open an exchange, to buy ships, to recruit sailors, to realize the healthy import and export of goods, and to reserve enough funds for the operation of the Chamber of Commerce to form a capital chain...

He scratched his hair irritably: "Damn it, if you are poor, you will be poor. It's a big deal to stay in the auction house for a few more months! Before the Eastern route is opened, one piece of this kind of good goods is used, and one piece is missing!"

"What's the use of one and one less?" Hana interjected without knowing what was going on.

Lorraine raised her head and saw that she was wrapped in a smock like she was during the day, but in the dead of night, she took off her veil and flaunted her delicate face. Against the backdrop of the moonlight, her emerald eyes sparkled.

Lorraine smiled and shook his head: "It's time for the guard change?"

"Yes." Hannah nodded, "Pierce is still young, his post is one hour, and then you."

"I won't abuse him." Lorraine beckoned Henna in, "the auction will be in two days. Elkin's specialty is whiskey, and I'm going to fill the cabin, in the snow and ice of Scandinavia , spirits are not worrying about selling."

"Selling alcohol?" Haina tilted her head, "Do you have a route to Norway's Black Harbor?"

"No. So for the first auction, we have to get that chart first. With it, we have the next anchor point..."


Two days passed in a flash.

On April 30, the black market auction in Port Elgin was held as scheduled in the small theater at 42 Fanhua Avenue.

A horse-drawn carriage gathers like fish, and hundreds of businessmen gather in groups.

Today's Lorraine put on a decent tuxedo, a wig, a top hat, a pure black umbrella folded in his hand, and shiny pointed leather shoes under his feet.

He jumped off the carriage outside the theater, turned around, and showed the back of his hand like a real gentleman.

Hannah froze for a moment.

She is wearing a light black gauze smock today, covering her hair and her pretty face.

Appropriate layering of gauze creates layers of shades for the smock, which can not only subtly cover the strange battle robe inside the smock, but also make the graceful figure looming, attracting people's imagination.

Her big eyes hidden behind the veil stared at Lorraine flickeringly, until she saw Lorraine's smiling and encouraging eyes, then she stretched out her brown plain hand from under the smock, and gently put it on the back of Lorraine's hand.

Such a wonderful scene naturally attracted the attention of passers-by.

An unfamiliar young gentleman from England, holding a young, light-brown African woman on his arm...

Judging by her complexion, she seems to be Egyptian. Could it be that she is a mixed descendant of Carthage or Macedonian, a member of the noble royal family?

They held their breaths and watched Lorraine walking towards the Piddicks with Henna on his arm.

Mrs. Piddick covered the feather fan and stretched out the back of her hand to Lorraine. Lorraine bowed her head to greet Mrs., hooked her slender fingers around Mrs.'s fingertips, brought them to her lips, and kissed with a distance of about one centimeter.

Haina's big eyes started to flicker again, wondering whether to follow Madam's example, and handed her hand to the half-baked old man opposite.

She is not very willing to...

Lorraine saw her entanglement, turned her head towards her intimately, and said in a low voice, "It's just a compliment, girls don't need to kiss hands."

Only then did Hana let out a long sigh of relief, and bowed slightly to Mr. Piddick.

Mr. Piddick laughed heartily: "Little Mr. Drake, you always surprise me every time we meet. Who are you by your side?"

"Hina, Heina Yesla, she is the lookout on the ship, my most trusted partner."

"Langcai, female-looking!" Mr. Piddick praised, "Your box is on No. 7, next to me. I sincerely hope that you have found the person you want."

"I found it indeed." Lorraine made a gesture of invitation to Mr. Piddick, "I just hope that the competition will not be too fierce for a while. It would be a pity if the asking price is too high."

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