Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and eighty DAY 1: The touching friendship between master and apprentice

The morning sun hangs high, the earth warms up, and the transpiring dew has dyed the sparse forest in the outer suburbs of Lelorin with a layer of morning mist as thin as gauze.

This fog is the curtain of the ecological theater.

Nocturnal animals hide in their caves wrapped in dampness, and diurnal animals enjoy freshness to start another day of existence.

The birds have to get up earlier, and they gather in the branches of the tree chirping, combing their slightly damp feathers, looking forward to flapping their wings and flying high.

This may be the most peaceful time of the day in Shulin.

However, today, the rare peace was broken by the sudden sound of horseshoes.

A huge cavalry team rolled from the direction of the town. They formed a loose cavalry formation, leaped out of the horizon with strong winds and dust, and rushed along the forest path to Renault Manor not far away.

The beasts run away in fright, and the resting birds panic. The little bird panicked and didn't even care about the way forward, plunging into the canopy of the tree with a puff, flapping its wings and trying to go straight to the sky.

There are scattered feathers everywhere, and many birds accidentally knocked themselves unconscious and fell into the soft fallen leaves. Fortunately, the passing beasts paid no attention to the delicacies delivered to their mouths. Coyotes and rabbits stood next to each other. The fox and the wild boar huddled together.

They just want to escape!

Escape from those knights, escape from this disaster.

Lorraine swung his whip and charged at the arrow of the cavalry. The lithe Henna was only half a body behind him. She covered her face scarf and pursed the corners of her mouth. Only a pair of emerald eyes shone with indescribable focus and seriousness.

The cavalry passed through two forks like lightning, and the third fork could already be seen in the distance.

Lorraine turned back and shouted to Heina: "Leloran is not big, and Acharin can only buy us two hours at most, and we will split up in front of the fork in the road. Heina, you take ten people to detour and sneak in from the side. If the negotiation doesn't work , just wipe out the top and bottom, and replace it!"

"Understood! Be careful!" Without any hesitation, Hai Na raised her hand and immediately divided half of the cavalry formation.

The knights formed two squads according to the grouping. The shape was like two distinct shuttles. The more they separated, the farther and farther they were, until they reached the fork and suddenly split into two.

Haina led the second team to continue to accelerate along the main road, preparing to sneak in, or break in, from the west wall of the manor.

Lorraine led the first team and turned into the fork road, which was a flat tree-lined road leading to Renault Manor, and at the end of the road was the manor's wrought iron gate painted pure white.

"Mountain...bandit! Enemy attack!"

A scream erupted in the woods, and the pale-faced guards came out of the woods, scrambling and running towards the manor, and within a few breaths, they were far away by the speeding cavalry.

Lorraine lowered his body and shouted: "Don't pay attention to the guards along the way! Our goal is the gate! Assault, shock, put on the momentum of slaughtering the whole manor, and use the shortest time to get the alliance we need! Assault!"


While shouting, the speed of the horses of the cavalry was further increased. These inferior horses that were rented out temporarily and usually only used as poor horses had already exerted their limit, each of them was foaming, and a few of their footsteps had already staggered. Signs of reeling.

Their speed far surpassed that of humans, but the overwhelming dust still made the manor react one step earlier.

The manor's guards assembled urgently, and the heavy iron gate slowly closed with a harsh creaking sound, and everything happened before Lorraine's eyes.

fifty meters,

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters...

The door bolt was snapped to death with a bang, Lorraine slammed the horse's neck and jumped up, squatting on the galloping horse with his feet in a T shape: "Draw your gun! Prepare for battle! Don't rein in the horse! Kill!"

He jumped up high, the force of pedaling directly crushed the galloping horse under his feet, and fell heavily on the hard stone floor with a miserable hiss.

Lorraine flew up, stretched in mid-air, and rolled over under the dull eyes of the guards and sailors. His hands clenched the handle of the knife at his waist, he pulled it out with a clang, twisted his waist, and slashed down!

The sharp blade hit the iron frame heavily, and the unparalleled force was transmitted through the blade, and the flaps fixed to the doorposts on both sides let out a distorted scream.


There was a bang! The huge iron gate flew upside down, and the iron rod poked in the bolt hole twisted and plowed the soft ground. Smoke and dust erupted from the gate, blocking everyone's sight.

In the invisible blur, the messy horseshoes poured into the manor, and then became quieter with the crisp sound of the hammer being loaded.

No more voices and noise.

The leader of the guards held a short gun and stared at the dust that filled the gate, and suddenly heard a young man's voice whispering in the middle of the dust: "Hey, Niord, can you help clean up the scene?"

The breeze rose without warning, and gently brushed through the trees, blowing away the sand and dust, revealing the scene in the middle.

On the heavy door, a tall young man was panting heavily with his knees bent. The inhuman blow seemed to drain his strength, so that he had to lean on the ground with two knives to barely support his body.

His strength obviously surpassed the judgment of the leader of the guards on the strength of the human species.

But no matter how powerful he is, it is difficult for him in this state to pose a threat to the guards gathered nearby.

If...he is only one person.

Lorraine is certainly not alone.

The elite sailors of the first team rode their horses around him, each standing upright on the horse, with two guns raised high in their hands, aiming firmly at every head visible to the naked eye.

In contrast, the reaction of the guards was much worse.

After all, they were some colonial peasants who had never seen the world. It was the first time they saw such a brutal impact, and they lost the command of the leader in their ears. Aim, and use your trembling arms and finger slaves to threaten the unidentified uninvited guests in front of you.

Lorraine took a few deep breaths, and finally felt some energy flow back to her body.

He stood up straight, with the saber in his arm, and both sabers back in their sheaths.

"Your personal server!" He said loudly in a stern voice without ups and downs, "The noble personal server from Porto is visiting and is going to stay at Renault Manor for a short time. Ask your master to come out. Before the nobleman arrives, I need to discuss some details with him question."


Fleischer Renaud, aged 67, is the owner of the Renault estate in Lelorin and the current patriarch of the Renault family in Martinique.

The scale of Renault Manor is not large. The plantation covers an area of ​​1,000 mu. It has more than 500 black slaves and 50 guards and servants. In the French overseas province of Martinique, where there are large plantation owners everywhere, it can only barely rank in the middle.

His family members are not happy, there are no side branches, and there are only two daughters under his knees. Three years ago, Xuan's grandson came to the world, barely extending the family to the fourth generation.

But it would be a big mistake to think that Mr. Renault has no status and respect in Martinique because of this.

Mr. Reynolds has an illustrious past.

When he was young, he was an expert in French court etiquette. He was responsible for the etiquette enlightenment of the royal family members many times. The most famous experience was hosting the bride of Miss Marie Antoinette, the youngest daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor Franz I. A crash course in etiquette.

This lady later became the queen of Louis XVI, the real power of the Kingdom of France, Queen Mary, the helmsman behind the smuggling operation in the New World of Lorraine.

In his heyday, Mr. Renault had the opportunity to inherit the distinguished family title. His morals were good, and he was widely praised in the French first-level parliament, and his voice was quite high. But under such circumstances, he was suddenly involved in a court scandal as the protagonist.

Times have changed, and the scandal itself is irrelevant.

All Lorraine knew was the final disposition. He was kicked out of the family, exiled to Martinique with his wife, and then built the Renault Manor with limited funds. For more than 20 years, he has lived in this small Fu Ji'an's pastoral life.

The Intelligence Department of the British colonial government once regarded him as a spy with major suspicions, and also formed a special intelligence team, and the level of detail of the intelligence was among the best among all intelligence items.

The results of the investigation proved that he was just an ordinary unlucky guy. Whether it was because of the battle over the inheritance rights that led to his loss of power or because of his lower body problems, in short, his life was cut short in half when he was young and powerful.

Acharim chose him because of his experience.

This person has been in contact with a large number of Bourbon teenagers. Even after losing power, he has also taught etiquette courses for most noble teenagers and girls in Martinique. Shorten the time for Acharin to be recognized by the high society of Leloran.

As for how to ensure that he can fully cooperate...

In the study of the manor, Lorraine smiled and snapped his fingers at the vigilant Mr. Renault.

With a crackling sound, four sailors with big arms smashed four identical plain suitcases on Mr. Renault's desk, and opened the lids of the suitcases at him.

The room is full of golden light!

Mr. Renault had a dull expression on his face: "This... sir..."

"The young master came to the Caribbean Sea to play, and the original destination was New France. But when the Le François was moored, the young master accidentally heard an interesting story... Sir, the merchant ship under the name of your second son-in-law died more than four months ago. Was it robbed by pirates?"


"Personnel compensation, goods compensation, the young master heard that his chamber of commerce has encountered a crisis, although he is trying to persevere, he is not far from bankruptcy."

Lorraine raised Erlang's legs casually.

"The octagonal gold coins here are worth 4,000 gold louis. They are the funds that the young master entrusted me to give to the husband. Because it is a temporary change of the itinerary, if you only stay for a few days, the money is probably enough."

"You...your young master..."

"Zig von Aigner, the youngest son of the Marquis of Porto Aigner's family. The young master was taught by you many years ago, and he always regards you as a mentor. He highly respects your knowledge and cultivation."

Mr. Renault opened his mouth blankly: "Sorry, you said...Master Zieg from the Aigner family?"

"You really don't remember, do you?" Lorraine laughed. "The young master told me that when you were instructing him, he was facing a crisis in his life. He was exiled to Martinique shortly after the course ended. I think he will not remember him as a student. But It doesn't matter, students' gratitude to teachers is a personal feeling, and there is no need for an equal return."

"Is...was it one of the six children at that time? When I got older, I actually completely..."

"You don't need to feel indebted. It's me, in order to save the time of visiting you, I chose the rudest behavior, please forgive me." As he spoke, Lorraine stood up and bowed deeply, "The young master will be here soon, sir , instead of immersing yourself in guilt, you might as well be ready to welcome it. In the next few days, I sincerely hope that you master and apprentice... can get along happily."

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