Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and eighty nine DAY three: the eve of the storm

Overnight, many strange rumors hatched in the streets and alleys of Le Laurent.

Some said [the pirates are preparing to loot Leloran, the Lucky Horseshoe was ordered to come to retreat], and some said [the pirates who looted are the fleet directly under a certain pirate king, and the bloody battle with the defense fleet in the open sea has ended].

Some said [the pirates were successfully repelled, but the defense fleet suffered heavy losses, and the Lucky Horseshoe was the only unscathed warship], while others said [the Lucky Horseshoe fled the battle, and the entire defense fleet was wiped out].

Some said [Admiral of the Defense Fleet was killed, Zirned was promoted to Admiral of the Fleet], and some said [Zirned betrayed France, this time he came to fight for the pirates].

There are also those who say [the news about the pirates is just a despicable lie, Zirned spreads the panic, so that he can rush from the station to Leloran, use the public to benefit his own interests, and pursue beautiful women]...

Every news has believers, and every believer speaks convincingly, claiming that the news he has heard is the truth.

They quarreled when shopping, quarreled when eating, tried their best to persuade each other, and continued to add fuel and vinegar in the process of persuasion, leading the rumors to more and more strange directions.

There is romance in the veins of the French. Compared with the legends of the pirates, Captain Zirned's desire for beauties is the real delicacy.

[Miss Emily's declaration of celibacy is a complete lie. She and Captain Zirned had an engagement two years ago. This time, the captain also came to get married]

[The marriage contract is all fake, but it is true that Captain Zirned admires Miss Emily. In order to embrace the beauty, he made a promise to Chairman Prio to marry him, and received a positive response]

[There is no positive response at all. Sir Prio despises the humble Captain Zirned, so yesterday, the captain forcibly took away Miss Emily's virginity in the woods under the pretext of hunting]

[Miss Emily and Captain Kierneder are in love with each other and have a private decision for life. Sir Prio is very angry and publicly declares that he will use his contacts to ruin the captain's future]

It's confusing...

This kind of centralized and dispersed rumors is full of destructive power. In just one morning, the speculation about the relationship between Zirned and Miss Emily has transcended class and become the most popular topic of discussion for a rich breakfast in the upper class.

Their familiarity with the two protagonists is far beyond that of ordinary people, and their interpretation of this love story is more in line with the tradition of the aristocratic world.

Zirned, who is known as a playboy, Miss Emily, who is fledgling but shows amazing charm, and Siegfinallo, a stranger who is unknown to ordinary people but has a mysterious identity but must be extraordinary.

The banquet last night was full of excitement. The unknown Mr. Renault rose strongly. As Mr. Narro's guide, he targeted the nominal guest of honor, Zirned, and almost took away all the attention of the guest of honor.

What's ridiculous is that the fox is fierce on the tiger's back, but the tiger always protects Zirned just right, and the old and cunning Sir Prio mediates in the middle, which saves Zirned's face and lets him To get out of the body.

There was also the unforgettable Shura field last night. Zirned, Siegfried, and Emily, three young people put on a big show in front of the celebrities in the town. The wonderful relationship between people.

Is it two men competing for a wife? Or the triangular loop of Emily in love with Siegfried, Siegfried in love with Zierneder, Zirneder in love with Emily? Or the lady and the captain fell in love with the mysterious noble young man together,

Putting on a forbidden purple light for jealousy?

How long has it been since Le Luolan had such a complicated and confusing love?

How much will these three outstanding young people contribute to everyone's talk?

Everyone is very concerned, and with the help of rumors, the whole Le Luolan is paying attention to this misty ore sadomasochism!

As one of the parties involved in the story, Zirned got up energetically, and with the assistance of his adjutant, he put on his favorite uniform.

Last night's banquet was something he will never forget.

He was raided by a little-known owner of a small plantation named Renault, and the entire elite of Le Laurent deserted him, almost ruining his reputation.

He was completely unequipped for this, and naturally it was impossible to respond gracefully.

Fortunately, the mysterious Siegfried, whom he only met that afternoon, extended a helping hand to him when he was about to face disgrace in life.

Immediately afterwards, the wind direction of the venue reversed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The celebrities were no longer aggressive, and even Sir Prio, the organizer of the banquet, extended his kindness to him.

Although these precious goodwills were not enough for him to make a complete comeback in the duel with Renault, at least he maintained his dignity as the guest of honor, and was able to walk out of Jazz's mansion with his head held high at the end.

Is this called not being acquainted with each other?

To be honest, Zirned felt that he couldn't see Siegfried through.

Siegfried obviously had a dignified status, and there were not a few people in the town who knew it, but no one would come to tell him.

The first acquaintance of the two parties was not pleasant.

Zirneder wanted to frame Siegfried and hurt the opponent's life, but suffered a disastrous defeat in front of the opponent's elite guards.

Siegfried could have humiliated him severely then, but because of Miss Emily's plea, Siegfried gave up. Not only gave up, but also invited him to enjoy a top-notch French meal, and offered an olive branch of reconciliation.

The same is true at banquets.

Confident, gentle, noble, tolerant, rich...

In Zirneder's eyes, Siegfried is almost a perfect man.

But such a person miraculously appeared in a remote seaside town like Leloran, miraculously got involved with the humble Mr. Renault, miraculously became friends with him and Miss Emily...

Probably a friend?

Siegfried has been conveying his goodwill to him, and at the end of the banquet yesterday, he solemnly invited him and Miss Emily to Renault Manor for afternoon tea and dinner!

Zirneder no longer values ​​a mere game of sex hunting.

Even though Miss Emily's chastity was his original purpose of coming to Leloran, now, God has placed a more precious opportunity in front of him, and he will never miss it!

Thinking of this, Zirned carefully smoothed out the tiny wrinkles on the collar, and patted his face heavily.

The afternoon invitation is crucial! Be upright, rigorous, respectful, show the quality of an outstanding talent, and continue to strengthen Siegfried's affection for him.

By the way, Siegfried seems to have a little appreciation for Miss Emily's beauty, and when it's appropriate, he can push her up and do her part in assisting, and from then on she will become a nobleman and rise to the top.

That's the plan!

Zirneder clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

For a better future, in order to get rid of the lowly status of a lowly noble and concubine, and gain a broader stage of life, the plan must succeed!

There was a knock on the door, and the adjutant gently pushed the door open with a stack of documents, and stood beside him silently.

"Second Lieutenant, is there any news that interests me today?"

"A lot, sir." The adjutant pressed his voice and handed over the paperwork, "There are a lot of news that you are interested in, but there is probably nothing that will make you happy..."

Zirned frowned deeply, took the document and read it carefully, the more he read, the redder his face became.

"These... these hearsay, where did you get them?"

"The whole town is discussing the topic of you and Miss Emily, and there are many slanderous words among them. I have already issued a stern warning to the mayor."

"But the crux of the problem is not here at all!" Zirned was furious, and he slapped the heavy document on the adjutant's face with a flick of his hand, "Serious warning? You want to tell everyone that I once had something wrong with the speaker's daughter What do you think?"

"Uh..." the adjutant covered his face, "I don't quite understand what you said..."

"Then learn to understand! You are an adjutant, and it is your job to understand what the superior thinks! Idiot!" Zirned gasped heavily, and the corner of his eye suddenly caught the clock on the fireplace cabinet, "12 o'clock... I should go I have an appointment. Before the matter is completely out of control, solve it, and don't let the gentleman at Renault Manor misunderstand me."

"Yes... yes! Sir!"


Renault Manor, horse farm.

Lorraine and Acharin rode side by side on the horse, looking at the bright summer sun.

"It was an emergency last night. I thought I didn't explain it clearly enough, but I didn't expect you to really catch my mind."

"Actually, I couldn't guess what the captain was thinking before comparing the rumors you concocted with the news from Mr. Renault."

"Really? Then why did you think of inviting Kierneder together?"

"Because of theatrical principles, once the climax of the plot is reached, the main characters must gather in the center of the stage."

"That makes sense." Lorraine nodded with a smile, "But since you've already seen it, you shouldn't need me to explain the next script specifically, right?"

"No need." Yacharin stretched his arms forward, like a sad actor monologue, "Throw it up, throw it down, throw it up, throw it down again, until the heartstrings break, hapless Zirney There will be no peace or relaxation for Major De. This is a storm, and he is doomed to shipwreck."

"It's enough to die. The Lucky Horseshoe is a good ship. We have paid so much this time, and we should have some income, otherwise the board of directors will have opinions."

"Yes, sir."

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