Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and ninety-five DAY four: there is nothing to be afraid of

Already... nothing to be afraid of!

That night, at exactly eight o'clock, Zirned stood in front of the Prio Manor with a stern expression in full military uniform.

He felt uneasy.

Even though I told myself over and over again that I don't need to be afraid of the result, the uneasy feeling still lingered in my heart, and I couldn't calm down in the slightest.

This is probably the difference between chasing the future and giving in to desire?

He was not sure, and in doubt, he did not know how many times he recalled the farewell to Siegfried.

The time obviously passed not long ago, it was at noon today, on that bustling central street.

"Mr. Major."

With the bright sunlight on his shoulders, the brilliance on Siegfried's body was as dazzling as usual. Zirneder subconsciously looked away and bowed weakly.

"Mr. Narlo, I didn't expect such a coincidence..."

"Is it really a coincidence?" Yacharin smiled, "The teacher told me that the entire Central Street is the property of those celebrities, so there is no chance encounter here."

"Mr. Renault's words are always difficult to refute."

Zirned's behavior greatly exceeded Yacharin's expectations. He froze for a moment, quickly adjusted his expression, and restarted the topic.

"I didn't expect the teacher to be right... Can you tell me which gentleman became your eyes and ears."

"It's a certain gentleman from the Port Authority. The Lucky Horseshoe was ordered to escort him, so I have some personal acquaintances."

"He told you I was here, and you rushed over... did you need me? About Em...Miss Emily?"

"Yes. When I came out of the manor last night, I tried to invite the lady, but failed." Zirned smiled bitterly, "The lady refused my invitation, although she didn't explain the reason, but sure enough, she only has you in her heart s position."

"Are you jealous?"

"How is it possible!" Zirned denied hastily, "Mr. is an angel sent by God to the world, and even his soul is pure and pure. I never expected that I could compare with you. Really, Miss Ruo after meeting you I still think that I have merits, but I only think that the young lady is ignorant."

"Then why did you tell me?" Acharin was still soft-spoken, "You want to tell me that you are ashamed, so you want to save the gentleman's last face, and punish me and Miss Emily. bless?"

"Yes, it is."

"I'm really disappointed, Mr. Major."

Zirned raised his head in shock, only to realize that the smile on Yacharin's face had disappeared without a trace.


"You've misunderstood one thing, Mr. Major. A Frenchman never gives way to another's love and desire, and I don't care if you get Miss Emily's love. I'm only giving in because I want you both to to have a better life.”

"A better life?"

"A high-ranking navy star, a young girl with a happy marriage, these are the memories I want to stay in Leloran. I don't want your life to be messed up because of meeting me, and I don't want to be happy after a night , leaving behind a poor woman who may never meet again, so I fulfilled you."

There was a touch of sadness in Yacharin's words, and the syllables were twisted and gathered into sharp arrows, piercing straight into Zirned's heart.

Zirneder believes that this is the severe pain Siegfried is suffering.

"Sir, you don't have to be like this..."

"I have already made a decision. My ship will leave the port tonight, and the next stop is Fort-de-France. I heard that Admiral Marni of the New Continental Fleet happened to be there for some reason? I have to see this Uncle , I will probably recommend one or two excellent navy rookies to him.” Let’s do it

"Are you going to see Admiral Marni? Tonight?"

"Is it weird? I like Leloran, and I don't want to stay any longer." Yacharin smiled, "In my impression, Admiral Marni is a staid and stubborn nobleman, but I don't know how many years I haven't seen, has his family background theory changed a bit..."

The memories came to an abrupt end, Zirned sighed softly.

The conversation at noon ended in this unfinished atmosphere. Siegfried is as proficient in speech skills as every truly noble person. They can always express their opinions accurately without overly influencing others. Thought.

The final decision is still left to Zirned.

Should he give up this hard-won opportunity in pursuit of vain love, or risk everything to change the trajectory of his life?

He ultimately chose the latter.

"Mr.'s boat left the port half an hour ago, and the news that he left without saying goodbye should have reached Miss Emily's ears."

"Now is the time when Miss is most vulnerable. As long as Sir Prio can be persuaded to accept my marriage, even if there is no love, the sad lady will not refuse..."

"This is the last chance Mr. created for me... No failure!"

"The kindness owed to Mr. and the harm done to Miss, I can only repay with my whole life's loyalty! I'm sorry, Miss Emily."

Like a devil whispering in his ear, Zirneder finally tightened his mind and strengthened his faith.

He raised his head high, raised his hand, and rang the doorbell beside the gate.

"Affiliated to the New World Fleet of the Kingdom of France, under the command of the Atlantic Defense Squadron, the captain of the Lucky Horseshoe, Lieutenant Commander Nessie Chirned, has called on Sir Prio, the Speaker of the Le Lorain region. Please inform me!"


Meanwhile, on the west side of the manor.

Henna leaped over the high wall lightly, bent down, and looked around on the soft grass.

There was no sign of movement anywhere.

This is normal.

Leloran is a calm town that can't be called rich, and Prio Manor is built in the center of a densely populated town, which is far better than most remote plantations in terms of law and order.

Just out of the need to prevent theft, Sir Prio didn't need to arrange too dense patrols and hounds in his manor.

Pierce, who had gone to the banquet with Yacharin as a squire, had already found out with his own eyes that the manor only set up two groups of guards at the front and rear concierges. Each group consisted of two people and a dog, and the interval between patrols was even longer. An hour is useless.

Hana easily sneaked into the west wall closest to the mansion, and after confirming the safety, she immediately sent a signal to the outside of the wall.

Not long after, Lorraine, Pierce, and Yacharin in a dress climbed over the high wall one after another.

The four of them gathered together in silence, and Lorraine said in a deep voice: "Haina monitors the front door, and I monitor the back door. Pierce will set up shooting points here to guard the back road in case of accidents. Yacharin, I know Miss Emily for sure." room?"

Acharin smiled charmingly: "Captain, do you ask me if I would mistake the lady's boudoir? My answer is absolutely not. In my long life, I have been in countless boudoirs, but I have not been busy when I entered the room." Overthrowing the master's boudoir is just one room, it means a lot to me!"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly want to see Miss Emily throw you off the balcony..."

Lorraine smacked her mouth.

"Not much gossip, Major Collingwood wrote back, he and Admiral Nelson have already set up the net. Bell told me five minutes ago that Zirned had entered the manor, so the final operation began. It is now 8:05 , At 11:30, we will meet again at the Golden Deer, take care of yourself."

"Yes, sir!"

"So, act!"

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