Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and ninety-seven DAY four: The disease is called love

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

The white jade plate hangs high in the sky, but few floating clouds can be found far and near, and the star spots are obscured by the light.

"It's a good day to write poetry..."

Acharin sighed with emotion, and sincerely hoped that he could hold back two lines of crooked poetry.

However, no. He couldn't search for poems or anything in his inspiration, but he found quite a few suitable hit points. As long as he had an 18-pound gun at hand, he was sure to blast the mansion in front of him into rubbish within five rounds of bombardment.

It's a bad idea.

Because people's behavior patterns are determined by their thinking patterns, thinking about killing and setting fire, speaking, doing things, metaphors, reflections, etc., will naturally reveal a sinister and treacherous atmosphere.

In other words, real actors do not exist. If a person's acting skills are so good that it is difficult to tell the real from the fake, he is definitely not acting, but completely transforming himself into another person while acting. .

Violent brain, military brain, love brain... The paranoid description of human behavior in later generations is in the final analysis a description of this large-scale fine-splitting scene.

Siegfried's personality is a standard literary brain plus a sage brain. This kind of person is insulated from darkness, no matter how unstable his mood is, it is impossible to show a murderous look.

Therefore, in order not to collapse, Yacharin had no choice but to release himself from the state of combat readiness and return to the Siegfried Narlo who "expects everyone to be happy".

He closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

"I'm Zig von Narlo...I'm Zig von Narlo, the second son of Porto Narlo, an innocent sissy who likes drama."

With a loud voice, he opened his eyes suddenly.

"In the name of love!"

"In the name of love!"

"Justify the name with love!"

Acharin raised his face and recited Shakespeare's famous line in a chant tone: "Love! Can create miracles!"

Siegfried was resurrected, with soft eyes and a bright smile, like a radiant sun, even in a dark courtyard, his light could not be concealed.

He spun around on the ground with one foot as if dancing, raised his arm, and threw a brand new gold louis towards the second room at the east end of the second floor.

The small gold coin flipped in the air, passed the small balcony covered with green plants in a parabola, and hit the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, making a light and crisp sound.

Acharin listened quietly, and silently recited ten in his heart. After the lingering sound dissipated, he threw out the second one, then the third, and the fourth...

Ding... Ding... Ding...

One after another, one after another, the golden chirping came into the room, spread out like a spider's thread, swayed on the big bed, and got into the ear of the weeping Miss Emily.

"What... is ringing?"

Miss Emily wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and stood up, looking in the direction of the balcony suspiciously.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

"Is anyone there? Who's hiding on the balcony?"

Unmoved by the strange voice, it maintained a steady rhythm and struck one after another.

The young lady climbed out of the bed curiously, stepped on the blanket with her bare feet, followed the sound and timidly opened a crack in the door, and tentatively stuck her head out like a newborn chick.

She saw a piece of land wrapped in silver makeup.

The bright white moonlight scattered all over the corners of the field of vision, covering every visible object with a silver veil. The colorful roofs and mottled walls lost their usual colors, and the filth disappeared, turning into a holy glow.

There is a night wind blowing from the direction of the sea, and the earth evaporates the heat accumulated during the day, and the two combine together to form a faint mist, lingering in the courtyard, rippling on the street corner, and adding a thin layer of light to the silver yarn everywhere. The snow-white lace is dazzlingly beautiful.

Miss Emily was stunned, she walked out of the door unknowingly, covered her mouth and muttered: "It turns out that Le Luolan is so... ah! It hurts!"

Something hit Miss Emily on the forehead and bounced to the balcony floor, clattering, clattering metal.

"Gold...Louis?" Miss Emily knelt down to pick up one, but when she looked up, she found more coins scattered on the balcony floor, like a mysterious star map passed down from ancient times.

"Who... why did you throw gold coins at my window? Who is it?"

Another gold coin was tossed up, skimmed Miss Emily's shoulder, brushed her hair and hit the glass.

Ding! Crash la la la la...

Miss Emily's heart throbbed suddenly. She ran over quickly, stepped on the gold coins, and held on to the guardrail. Her searching eyes crossed the space and locked onto a handsome and tall figure.

Yacharin looked at her with a smile in the dark courtyard: "My thoughts have finally reached your ears."

Miss Emily's tears flowed out unconvincingly: "Q...Mr. Narlo, didn't you leave?"

"Leaving and coming back."


"I found that I was sick, and it went deep into the bone marrow, and the medicine was useless."

Miss Emily felt a throbbing pain in her chest, and even if she squeezed her clothes tightly, she couldn't relieve it in the slightest: " could...did the doctor make a mistake? You were fine a few days ago, and you were always in good spirits... ..."

"I'm sick and have an incurable disease, even if the best doctors in the world can't be cured."

Yacharin opened his hands and moved towards Miss Emily, embracing affectionately.

"Ani, that is the most terrifying disease in the world. Its called love!"


On a quiet night, in a quiet boudoir, Acharin and Emily cuddled together in the soft blanket.

"I have never told you my real identity. My name is Zig von Narlo, a descendant of the Narlo family, Marquis of Porto, and the second son of the Bourbon family. Counting from bloodlines, His Majesty the King is now me. cousin, although I haven't had the honor to meet Shengyan yet."

"I know." Miss Emily arched her head into Yacharin's arms, blushing and said softly, "Actually, before the banquet, my mother told me about your identity."

"Ms. Prio... yes, I allow the teacher to tell Sir Prio my identity. It is not surprising that Madam knows this."

Miss Emily shook her head: "Actually, most of Leloran's family knows your identity. The circle here is very small, and such important news cannot be kept secret."

"Is that why I was favored by the ladies that night at the party?"

"No... no! You are full of charm, no lady in Leloran can keep awake in your eyes..."

"Including... you?"

At that moment, the two looked at each other, and Yacharin's eyes were calm and fierce, constantly burning Emily's reason, but she had nowhere to dodge.

"Does that include you too?"

Acharin asked again, speaking softly, Emily fell into that damn tenderness completely, her eyelashes quivered slightly, and her red lips parted slightly.

"Yes... yes... um!"

Clothes come off.


The wind blew away the clouds, the heavens and the earth first opened, and Emily's boudoir was in a mess. The hostess of the room was lazily lying in Yachalin's arms, pulling a thin silk quilt.

"I think I must be crazy..."

Acharin is still Siegfried, and there is no satisfaction after the clouds and rain on his face. Behind the tenderness, there is only pain and remorse.

"Ani, do you know? Actually, the reason why I came to the New World this time is to go to New France and marry the eldest daughter of Esruber."

"She is my fiancée. The marriage contract has been concluded for fourteen years, but I have never seen her. Fourteen years ago, she was still babbling, and she couldn't bear the heavy responsibility of going on a blind date with a teenager."

"But she will still be my wife, it is destined, there is no doubt. In France, where love is most admired, the nobles who rule the country regard love as a dispensable embellishment. Our marriage has been ruled from the very beginning. Treat it as family wealth, a tool, an object."

"I have never questioned the correctness of doing this before. If I hadn't met you, I'm afraid I wouldn't question it now."

"I'm so stupid..."

It was only halfway through the self-destruct declaration, when Emily suddenly put her arms around Yacharin's neck, raised her head and firmly blocked his mouth with her red lips.

A long long wet kiss.

"I don't like you slandering yourself like this. You are like a prince in a fairy tale, with a flawless soul. You are noble, even if it is only for a short moment, it is the greatest honor in my life to have you."

"I'm not as good as you think, silly girl."

"Then please let me live in my dream, Your Highness."

The silk quilt had another ups and downs, but this time the initiative fell into Emily's hands.

Strong winds, showers, waves, waves.

Yacharin gently plucked Emily's hair on her forehead and sang in a low voice.

"Emily, Emily! Why are you Emily? The Lord hid the angels in this desolate mountain and sea, so that I could not see your face early. Ah! We are so well matched, why can't we Stay together forever?"

Emily stood up tiredly, moved back into Acharin's arms.

"Gentle Chigurh! If you really love me, please tell me sincerely; if you think I'm too easy to give in, I'll pile up an angry face and put on a stubborn look to refuse your kindness. Let you tactfully plead with me."

"I love you!" Yacharin suddenly avoided Emily and stood up naked, "I have been a marionette for half my life, and today I finally have my own mind!"

"I'm going to fight, Annie!"

He leaned down, gently kissed Emily on the forehead, and took away a red silk handkerchief, holding it in his hand.

"I'm going to fight, tell Esruber that I don't want to marry his daughter, go back to Europe, and convince my father to propose marriage to you. I may fail, but even Don Quixote has the courage to challenge the windmill, I Is it not as good as a downcast Spanish knight?"

"I will win, Ai Ni! Believe me, wait for me, if I haven't come to see you in half a will be free. At that time, please take my!"

"Goodbye, my...beloved!"

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