Reborn As a Pirate

Twenty-two, why does it feel like I’m on a thief ship?

Seven days later, her first ship was built on the Artis Beauty.

Keren's skills are undeniably superb.

He built a three-meter-long, five-meter-wide, and nearly two-meter-high forecastle upper deck on the bow. The bow and mast of the sky is independent, and does not have any intersection with the deck.

This unique design makes the Harpoon Cannon basically maintain a wide shooting angle of 90 degrees straight ahead.

More importantly, by fine-tuning the position of the triangular bow sail, he vacated the sail operating area at the front of the deck, successfully retaining the limited headwind sailing ability of the standard Kirk type.

For a sail-powered sea vessel, this is very important.

After adjusting the bow, he aimed at the stern of the Beauty.

Lorraine and Henna captured an oar-powered fishing boat in Cherbourg Black Harbor and hung it on the starboard davit of the Artis Belle as an assault boat.

Zodiacs are of course important, as they give sailors the right to land in almost all types of natural harbors, whether they are shallow and silted or densely covered with reefs.

However, its weight also disrupted the overall balance of the beauty.

Keren's response was simple.

He built a dozen wooden barrels, filled them with gravel, and fixed them on the outside of the port side of the Beauty, so as not to affect the normal passage of the crew on the deck, but also brought back the center of gravity of the hull.

The only regret is that the stern is a lot heavier because of this.

But neither Lorraine nor Keren paid much attention to this side effect.

The standard Kirk model has never been a high-speed ship. Even with full sail, the speed of eight to ten knots is not enough to make the bow of the ship tilt when breaking the waves, and thus create the risk of the ship capsizing.

The free renovations were all done, and the energetic Karen set his sights on the mainmast again.

He suggested to Lorraine: "Captain, I plan to move the mainmast of the Beauty five meters forward, and then install a fifteen-meter-high auxiliary mast at a distance of ten meters."

While drawing the chart, Lorraine asked absently, "Why?"

"Why?" Karen choked on this answer for a long time, "Because double-sided sails can make the boat faster!"

"I have calculated that after the transformation, the speed of the Beauty can reach about ten knots, which is basically equivalent to the Brig type of the same level under full sail. We can also install a full set of sails in one step, full of spinnakers and Catching the sails. Even against the wind, the Beauty can maintain a speed of two to three, perfect!"

Lorraine put down the quill helplessly: "Mr. Scott, do you know how much such a modification will cost?"

"Uh... I can preside over the construction. If there are only materials and labor, it will be about 800 pounds."

"Eight hundred pounds." Lorraine smacked her lips, "Very good design, I reject it."

Keren clutched his hair in disbelief: "Why!"

"It's simple, I have no money."

"You told me that the family of the famous hereditary Baron Drake has no money?"

"Drake is Drake, and Lorraine Drake is Lorraine Drake. Didn't Ramos say when he introduced me to you that I'm an abandoned son of the Drake family?"

"He said it! He also said that the English nobles have always been hypocritical, old-fashioned, arrogant, and shameless. Every family with a long history has several outcasts like you!"

"What he said is generally correct. As far as I know, the Drake family does have two nominally abandoned sons, who are responsible for operating routes to the Americas and Asia respectively, earning profits for the family."

"What about you?"

"Unfortunately, I happen to be the first true outcast in Drake history, literally."

Karen suddenly had a bad premonition: "May I ask, how much do you pay the sailors?"

Lorraine seriously recalled: "The Drake Chamber of Commerce is still in its infancy,

For the time being, the sailor's salary will be controlled at 20 to 30 pounds a year, roughly in line with the market price. As for the sailors... food and lodging are included, and together with myself, we will share the glorious prospect of the chamber of commerce. "

Keren was shocked: "I don't have a salary?"

Lorraine shrugged embarrassingly: "Young man, having a future is enough, what do you want money for..."

Karen took a deep breath: "What shall we eat!"

"Grandma Rowling's secret food."

"Where's Grandma Rowling? I've been on the ship for seven days, and I haven't seen any cook come to cook on the ship!"

Lorraine replied earnestly: "It's a good thing you didn't see her, because she went to see God with joy and joy seven years ago. Before she went, she gave our dear little Pierce the secret recipe that was cherished all her life. His The craftsmanship is authentic."

"Then where do we live?"

"Didn't the dormitory be assigned to you seven days ago? The stern cabin."

"But my room is in the damned watertight cabin!"

Lorraine frowned: "You are a boatman, and I even prepared a separate working cabin for you. Apart from the watertight cabin, where can I find such a large space?"

Karen stared blankly at his shameless Mr. Captain, and muttered to himself, "Why do I feel... I seem to be on a pirate ship?"

"It's true." Lorraine patted her butt and stood up, "Although there are only four of us and a poor harpoon gun on the Artis Beauty, she is indeed a genuine privateer. Privateer permission The certificate now hangs in my captain's cabin, and it was issued by the Queen herself."


"No fish on Friday." Lorraine said with a Cockney accent, "That Queen is our great and wise Virgin Queen, the common master of England, France and Ireland, Elizabeth I... Her Majesty the Queen. "


Don't eat fish = embrace the leader.

Karen heard Lorraine's voice, not to mention getting along well with this outstanding and talented young captain these days.

He finally chose to stay on the Artis Beauty, even if the Drake Chamber of Commerce shamelessly deprived the sailors of their salaries, even if Lorraine had no money to satisfy his desire to modify the ship.

Like Lorraine said, they're still young, aren't they?

[Young people, having a future is enough, what do you want money for]

The proud Keren obtained the consent of the owner, Pierce Jr., and engraved this sentence completely on the mainmast, announcing that he had officially completed all the modification work on the Artis Beauty.

So, on a clear and calm afternoon, the Beauty pulled up the anchor.

Henna was at the helm, Karen was steering the sails, Lorraine was wearing a windbreaker, with his arms crossed, one foot on the railing of the forecastle deck, and his eyes were firmly looking straight ahead.

He shouted: "Left full rudder!"

Haina turned the handwheel immediately, and the Beauty reversed and drew a beautiful arc in the open Mali Firth, heading due east.

"The wind is due east, the wind is three knots, the breeze is full, and the sails are full!"

Karen moved into action, stowed the bowsail, and with the assistance of little Pierce, quickly pulled the wide square sail to the top.

Lorraine raised his arms, pointing straight ahead.

"The Beauty of Artis, destination Stavanger, leave port, set sail!"

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