Reborn As a Pirate

Twenty Four Viking Choir

Lorraine and Henna rushed into the battle group like the wind.

Unlike the battle that took place in Cherbourg, today's Lorraine was not seriously injured and dragged down, showing unparalleled fighting ability.

He entered from the narrow plank road, and the two pirates turned around immediately, swinging their knives from left to right to attack.

Lorraine was short to avoid the slash, raised his arms, and got up!

The sword gauntlet made of fine iron slammed on the first pirate's chin from bottom to top, and the pirate was sent flying with one blow, and fell into the sea with blood spitting out of his mouth.

The pirate didn't even have time to let out a scream.

After a successful blow, Lorraine stepped forward and turned around while maintaining the posture of raising his arms. Stepping heavily on the plank road with his right foot, his raised right arm was turned by his body, he bent his elbow, and hit the second pirate's face with a bang.

The pirate flew backwards and knocked over two or three people like a bowling ball.

Finally, they reacted quickly and avoided the scene of the car accident in time. They raised their knives and shouted fearlessly to kill Lorraine, the unexpected guest who appeared suddenly.

Lorraine turned his back on them.

Lorraine turned his back to them and faced Henna.

Henna jumped up, stepped on Lorraine's palm with her light body, touched her chest, stepped on her shoulder, rushed straight to the height of more than three meters, and turned around!

Her wide smock opened the skirt like flowers, and four cold rays of light shot out from the afterimage like a spinning top, aggressive and without time, precisely piercing through the feet of all four pirates!

The pirates who charged forward fell into one piece, holding their injured feet and howling loudly.

Lorraine started, and he rushed from among them like a bulldozer, and the group of thieves flew up wherever he came.

In the blink of an eye, the two overturned all the enemies on the plank road. Lorraine rushed directly under the boat, knelt down as a ladder, and threw Henna, who was closely behind, into the sky for the second time!

Haina flew up again, higher than the last time, jumped onto the deck more than four meters high, and pulled out the skinning knife on her thigh with a clang.

She pursed her lips and rushed between Karen and the pirates, as if she had thrown herself into the arms of the first pirate, and stabbed the diaphragm between her chest and abdomen.

The pirate clutched his chest and fell limp, Hana rolled on the spot, avoiding the blade, and got into the crotch of the second pirate.

Her straight and slender legs kicked straight up to the sky, and with a bang, she hit the middle of the pirate's legs.


The shrill screams like a wild fox stopped abruptly, and before the screams were over, the pirate had already passed out from pain.

Karen, who was helped by Heina, was finally freed.

The majestic but slightly clumsy Germanic man ran to the side of the boat in twos and threes, dropped the hammer, and lowered the planks.

Before the board was stabilized, Lorraine jumped up, leaped over Karen who was squatting on the side of the ship like a wooden horse, and kicked the third pirate who was swinging a knife at Hana.

This ups and downs directly stunned the last pirate.


There were more than ten of them, four were on the boat, ten were on the plank road, and only two of them came back from the other party...


They are bloody pirates, while the other party is just a sheep-like businessman...


The captain told them that the Englishman was so weak that he could only cry to God, and would never dare to hand out a knife to the brave Viking...


He shuddered and said hastily, "I tell you, my captain is..."


Lorraine slammed his fist heavily on the bridge of his nose, and the majestic force lifted him up like a mountain.

He spun around and flew out, but he couldn't finish speaking in the end.

The battle is over.


The sun has set, but the moon has not yet risen. The waves beat against the breakwater of the harbor, lazily, holding the sea boat to rock gently.

In the afterglow of sunset, the Artis Beauty is fishing.

The fishing rod is the thick pole of the boat, and the bait is four miserable pirates bundled together.

They were hung on the stern of the ship, more than two meters away from the hull and less than 20 centimeters from the sea level.

It wasn't like that at first.

Lorraine was merciful. Even if Pierce cut his index finger while cutting the hook line, and even though Keren had four cuts on his body, so that his arms were covered with bandages, he still let the pirates used as bait stay away from the sea level. Fifty centimeters away.

It's just that the top student in the sea school accidentally overlooked a small thing...

It's high tide.

In about ten more minutes, the sea water will fill their mouths. At that time, even if Odin drives him down from Asgard, they will definitely not be able to survive.

A good swimmer drowns in water... perhaps, this is fate.

With kindness in his heart, Lorraine raised his head and looked in the direction of the port area with melancholy eyes.

The merciful Viking warriors appeared.

The twin brothers of the Eriksson family, Leif and Bonet, led more than 30 people to attack aggressively, and they saw the pirates who were used as bait and hung upside down on the stern of the ship at a glance.

Leif bald with anger.

"Despicable Brit! Loki stole Sif's golden hair, Thor slammed the door and left home in a rage! Warriors will not spare a lowly enemy, even when dusk falls, they can laugh at death!"

The rhyming chants rumbled like thunder, blasting the expressions of seeing a ghost on the faces of a boatload of people.

At this moment, under the boat was a big Viking man who was at least two meters tall, and the ax on his back was taller than Pierce.

He is a pirate, with a bald head and a fleshy face, seeking revenge.

His horse boy is now hanged by Lorraine at the stern, and it will not be long before he will be drowned.

Faced with this situation, he actually recited a poem...

Also Tema sang it!

Are you mad?

The six eyes turned to the only half-Viking on board, and Lorraine felt particularly embarrassed by his strong thirst for knowledge.

He coughed.

"This... Let me explain to you. Although in legends, the Vikings are often regarded as barbaric, rude, and illiterate, they are actually poets..."


"For... barbaric, rough, violent poets, when they are angry, they like to use the form of singing to condemn the enemy."


"Crooked... because they believe that with the loudness of poetry, they can pass through the universe and reach Asgard. Valkyrie, who has a delicate mind, will detest the condemned person when he hears it. His soul was taken to the Hall of Valor to enjoy the blessing."

After Lorraine explained, seeing a ghost is no longer enough to describe the expressions of the crew.

Karen opened his mouth and murmured, "Are you serious?"

"100% serious." Lorraine spread his hands helplessly, "Anyway, I will go to Novacom after my death. I don't know much about the interview process of the Hall of Valor."

Six eyes suddenly realized.

Little Pierce glanced at the rising sea level: "Captain, there is a choir composed of more than thirty people below, what should we do?"

"Let's set up a boat plank. I really can't do such things as cursing..." Lorraine sighed, as if he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, put the bait down a little more, I think the tide will rise again... "

Lorraine and Henna disembarked, while Karen held on to the board on the deck.

The two walked slowly to the end of the plank road. Lorraine gently pulled out his sword and asked with eyes hanging: "Mr. Eriksson, may I ask... did I offend you?"

Leff couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Lorraine actually reasoned with him...

You must know that although Vikings are reckless, they are not real savages, and some principles of dealing with people are still applicable everywhere.

As for this matter specifically, he allowed his subordinates to rob the Artis Beauty first.

Although Lorraine's counterattack was a bit harsh, but he did not kill anyone, and he did not come to sing poems, so he had already shown enough restraint.

On the contrary, he not only acted resolutely, but also cut off Lorraine's passage to the Hall of Valor.

Counting it...he seems to be a bit unreasonable...

The biggest key is the issue of location.

He was a pirate, and it was his duty to rob merchant ships, but this was Sir Garman's black port.

Sir Garman's Black Harbor was the home of all the Vikings. If someone brings a gift to your house as a guest, how can you snatch his boat?

Could it be that... you want to apologize?

Leff glanced back guiltily.

I was excited just now, and I brought a lot of people...

It seems that the duck's mouth can only die.

"Talking is the shamelessness of the shameless!" He untied his giant axe, slammed it on the ground with a bang, and sang a poem loudly, "Ratatosk stands on the world tree, eagles and dragons are ashamed to be with each other! Mimir goes to Warner Haim was taken as a hostage, and his head was chopped off by the wise god!"

Lorraine translated next to him and said, "He means...he refuses to talk about it."

"Don't want to talk?"

Hannah didn't understand what was going on at all, and the poem rang again.

"The tragic winter lasted for three years, and the cruel dusk will finally come! Heimdall blew the Galar, and the gods and spirits gathered at the Rainbow Bridge!"

After singing the hymn, Bonnet beside Leif drew out his big sword.

Lorraine's expression finally became serious, and he said softly to Hana: "I will give you the hairless ones, and you will give you the hairy ones. Be careful, he just said...a fight to the death."

Leif picked up his giant axe, squatted down, and gained momentum.

"On the side of the three goddesses of fate is the broken net, and Mimir's head is silent! Victorious Frey, tell me! Is my opponent Fenrir or Galmura!"

Leif made a high-pitched sound, and Lorraine raised his sword.

He looked at the poet, as if the god of victory was responding to the doubts of the believers.

He replied softly, "Yes, you, Mom."

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