Plymouth's City Hall is a small light brown building with a rather classical style. Its history can be traced back to 1439. It is the first building after Plymouth was established and named.

This building has witnessed the glorious history of Plymouth, including Francis Drake's two round-the-world tours in 1557 and 1580, the Royal Navy's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the Mayflower's voyage to the New World in 1620, and Since 1640, the Puritan revolution that changed the history of England and once overthrew the rule of the king.

The Department of Commerce, which is in charge of the registration and preparation of the chamber of commerce, is on the east side of the third floor of the small building, facing the direction of the red lighthouse in Devonport.

Deputy Director Victor Wesley received Lorraine. There was an atlas on his desk. The atlas was opened, displaying two flags, one black and one white.

The white one is the flag of the Chamber of Commerce, based on the St. George's Cross in England, with a delicate pansy flower painted in the center, mainly purple, bright yellow in the middle circle, and snow-white in the center.

The black one is the pirate flag, with a plain black background, and a pure white skull in the middle. The eye sockets of the skull are burning with fireballs of different colors, the left eye is purple, and the right eye is yellow. The X-shaped crosses are harpoons and oars.

Mr. Wesley flipped through the letters of introduction on the table...

"Roy Chamber of Commerce, Stica Chamber of Commerce, Elminder Chamber of Commerce...Mr. Drake has a wide range of friends in the business world, but the law does not force the nationals to specialize, does it?"

Lorraine nodded slightly: "It's not easy for small business groups to make a living. They basically sell whatever they catch. Thank you Mr. Wesley for your understanding."

"Gentlemen's recommendations... Viscount Rod Scher, Chief of Administration of Mary County Kayas Ladis, and Councilor of Mary County Carl Piddick." He frowned, "Mr. Drake is from Scotland. people?"

"I'm English and a native of Devon."

"A gentleman in Devonshire who can be recognized by Scotchmen..." Mr. Wesley's expression became more cordial, "Devonshire is proud of you."

"Thank you for your boast."

"You have the basic conditions for establishing a chamber of commerce. I believe that a deposit of one thousand pounds will not be difficult for you." Mr. Wesley gathered and folded all the letters, revealing the flag picture on the album, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "De Mr. Lake..."

"You say."

"You're one of us, so I'm going to be rude when I speak." He took a breath, "Did you misunderstand the Chamber of Commerce? You know, we are merchants, not pirates."

Lorraine picked up his suitcase, took out the privateer license and laid it flat in front of Mr. Wesley.

"Sir, what I want to register is not an ordinary chamber of commerce, but a privateer chamber of commerce."

"Private...this is..." Mr. Wesley's eyes gradually widened, "You are actually Drake of the Drake family!"

"As an abandoned son, I'm not proud of my family." Lorraine tapped on the glass of the privateer certificate, "Sir, I'm only proud of my great ancestor."


The Drake Chamber of Commerce is officially established.

Mr. Wesley processed the original and copy of the Chamber of Commerce license, ship and artillery trading license, and the trading license of the Kingdom of England for Lorraine as quickly as possible. At the same time, he noted the chamber of commerce information, flag and privateering license.

This means that Drake's privateer license will no longer represent Lorraine alone from today, and the scope of authorization will be extended to the entire fleet under the jurisdiction of the Drake Chamber of Commerce.

Lorraine reservedly expressed his gratitude to Mr. Wesley. Accompanied by him, he walked out of the city hall. He couldn't bear the impulse in his heart any longer, and drove straight to Salem, the largest civilian port in Plymouth, in a carriage. .

At the ship exchange in Port Serre, he met Keren, who came here first, and asked, "I hope that in this day and a half, you have selected a new flagship for the chamber of commerce."

"Actually, I may have done better than expected..." the big Karen rubbed the tip of his nose with a shy expression on his face.

He took Lorraine into the meeting room of the exchange,

Two sets of charters were handed over to Lorraine.

There are a total of two Brigantine type two-masted fast ships with mixed sails, one is twelve years old and the other is fifteen years old. Canadian fir.

They were originally the property of a colonial chamber of commerce. Due to the impact of the War of Independence, the chamber of commerce encountered financial difficulties in its operation. The original owner reluctantly gave up and chose to sell the ship.

Karen has already gone to the dock to inspect the actual ship. Although the ship is old, the performance of the ship is very complete because of the proper maintenance. It only needs a simple maintenance, and it is enough to cope with any situation at sea.

They were sold as a package, and the package price... £3,700.

The price was a bit shockingly cheap, and Lorraine couldn't understand why he had such good luck.

When placing the order, Karen paid 4,000 pounds to the trader without changing his face, and only whispered to Lorraine after the boat deed was officially assigned to the Chamber of Commerce.

"Every trader has some unique inventory in their hands. They will never appear in the trading hall of the trading card. I knew this when I was an apprentice in Devonport."

Lorraine suddenly realized.

Two Brigantines were officially delivered, the young one was named Butterfly, and the old one was named Clover.

At this time, the Chamber of Commerce still had 6,800 pounds of activity funds left, and Lorraine did not blink, and directly purchased 20 cannons for the Butterfly Flower according to the standard configuration, costing a total of 5,300 pounds.

The remaining money could no longer be moved, and the Clover headed north with the empty ship, collecting all the six-pounder guns in Elgin as temporary firepower on board.

After a whole week of preparations like this, the two majestic Brittingen and Artis Beauty flew the brand-new pansy flag together, and returned to Elgin along the winding coastline of the British Isle, in the Drake Trading House. , held the first general meeting of shareholders after the establishment of the chamber of commerce.

Heina, Karen, Noah, Pierce, Ramos, Eddie and Carmen, they are all shareholders of the new chamber of commerce, and each of them attended in costumes.

"My dear friends, the Drake General Chamber of Commerce and the European North Branch Chamber of Commerce have been established."

There was thunderous applause.

A group of young people, the oldest Eddie is 29 years old, and the youngest Pierce is 10 years old. From this moment, they have their own real industry, and they have since left the black merchant class and become real maritime merchants in this era.

Lorraine raised his glass to them. The azure blue cocktail was as deep as the sea, swaying gently in the goblet like waves.

"Our Chamber of Commerce is still very weak for the time being. 1,500 pounds in cash, two Brigantines, four Kirks, and less than 4,000 pounds of goods in stock."

"These things signify wealth in Elgin, but in the merchant's world . . . they're not worth mentioning."

"But we are young!" Lorraine laughed suddenly, "Young people, it is enough to have dreams, what do you want money for?"

Everyone laughed loudly and raised their glasses of wine.

Karen's voice was particularly loud in the crowd, and he shouted: "Salute to our poor young people!"

"Salute to our great dream!"

"Salute to our admiral!"


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