Reborn As a Pirate

Six hundred and thirty first bellows mouse

Text 0631 The Bellows Mouse

The water column in front of me was like a wall, blocking the view and shaking the sky with sound.

From time to time, a flickering tongue of fire flashed in the water wall, appearing and disappearing like a real phantom, and a whole cannon flew out high, and the fragments chasing after it were not like sawdust, but rather like the wreckage of a burning man .

Henry the Hound's pupils shrank to the point of a needle.

"Asia Minor, Ronan, Splendid Court...the hell..."

"Captain! Commander!" Lookout Asher yelled to slide down from the mast tip of the Phantasm, "Asia Minor and Ronan rushed out of the wall and were seriously injured!"

He hit the ground with a loud bang, ignoring the severe pain in his knee, panting heavily: "Asia Minor reported that a large ship sneaked in under the cover of the island and launched a surprise attack on them."

"The Gorgeous Palace is finished. Someone saw her break from it. It doesn't look like a martyrdom, as if it was smashed to pieces!"

" big a ship, how many guns?"

"Captain!" The first mate ran over from the bow of the ship and collided with Asher with a bang, "Valkyrie... Bai Banner's ship interrupted the adjustment of the ship's attitude. From the perspective of navigation, she is getting closer to the ridge. I'm worried she's trying to squeeze the space we've got on board!"

"Regimental Commander! The shelling at the mouth of the bay has stopped!"

"Found a new ship... Oh my god! Three-story fort! It's a battleship, a 70-meter-class battleship!"

"The unknown battleship is sailing to the mouth of the bay! She wants to block us inside!"

"I can't run away! I can't run away!"

"Glando was shot directly! She was hit by the white flag, the bow of the ship was shattered, and she was disabled!"

"What do the group of people on the Big Pink Butterfly want to do?! If they rush to the mouth of the bay at this time..."

boom! boom!

The huge roar that seemed to open up the world shook Henry the hound out of the noise and hesitation.

He looked around and saw the dilapidated fifth-tier Galen Dreamland and the Bagg ship Glandor, which had lost half of its forecastle, floating at the end of the plank road like a coffin.

Rotating clockwise, the seriously injured Brigantine ships Asia Minor and Ronan shivered at the east shelter.

The side hull of Asia Minor is half-lined with two terrifying big holes, one big and one small, surrounded by green smoke.

Ronan's injury was also on the bow. Unlike Glandor, her bow was completely gone, leaving only the bare keel and the suspended upper deck facing each other, like a child crying with its mouth open.

The hour hand continued to turn, turning to the south, the direction of the mouth of the bay, and the direction of roaring.

The Brigantine Splendid Court, broken into three pieces, is sinking, and another Brigantine Big Butterfly is not far away. It is impossible to imagine what hit her. Crooked, even the contents of the cabin are clearly visible.

"Sixty-eight pounds..." Ascher, the lookout who had served as a sailor on a French ship, tremblingly said, "Two solid shells went in from the after deck of the mainmast, one came out of the port hull, and the other The bombs shredded the bow and punched holes through the center rudder."

"Only the sixty-eight-pound mortars equipped with the Royal Navy's first-class battleships in the world can cause such damage. They are called the hammers of God. If they hit directly, even the most expensive teak wood can't stop the power of a blow... ..."

"God... what did we do wrong..."

"We didn't do anything wrong!" Henry the Hound thumped heavily on the guardrail, "Blackbeard said that the biggest flaw of White Flag's ship is the sensitive center of gravity, but I don't think so."

"Sensitive center of gravity is not a fatal flaw. Otherwise, when Black Beard clearly seized the opportunity in Basseterre, it would be impossible for Bai Qi to escape death!"

"The real fatal flaw of that ship is that it fights alone and its crew is insufficient. Because of the lack of crew, she dare not let us join the ship, and because she fights alone, she will use limited naval guns to disperse and shoot, and will Regardless of the effect of the attack..."

"We've got her cornered! In this small bay, she can't get up to speed, she's having trouble turning, she's besieged from all sides, she's hard to see from bow to stern.


"So what if her protection is strong? As long as the shelling distance is close enough and the number of hits is enough, even if there is a mountain blocking the front, we can blow out the gap, let alone a ship covered in iron?"

"It has been proven that small-scale strangulation poses a threat to Bai Qi, and the era of hounds is coming... just give me another half an hour..."


"This damn reinforcement..."

In a rage, the hound Henry broke the guardrail on the ship abruptly. The first mate's eyes were full of despair. He looked at Henry: "Captain, now..."

"It is impossible for the injured ship to escape. The time and place are favorable to the opponent. We have lost the chance to sink the white flag."

"We want to escape!" Henry the Hound gritted his teeth, "Immediately, order all moving ships to gather around the Phantasm to break through!"

"Centered on the Phantasm?"

"Yes! We will go with them, share the risk, and stay together..."

"Bombardment!" The pirate watching the Valkyrie screamed, "Bai Banner's bow gun was fired on the port side!"

Henry the Hound looked up in disbelief.

Just when they were shocked by the Neptune's invincible aura, Valkyrie, who had given up on the deadly net, once again used the width of the harbor to complete the U-turn.

Her speed is not faster than before, and although Bell's helm has expanded, it is not enough to accumulate qualitative changes in a short period of time.

But the Phantasm's movements were much slower than during the strangling movement. When both sides were unprepared, the standard T-strike was formed unexpectedly.

The Phantasm is placed horizontally at the head of the t, and the Valkyrie is vertical at the end of the t, with a distance of 70 meters between the two sides. This shape should have been the battlefield advantage of the Phantasm, but Valkyrie still has a forty-eight-pound bow mortar.


Just like the previous 20 minutes, the pirate gunners who had become accustomed to full-speed fire fired their hairlines without waiting for the order from Henry the Hound. The port side of the Phantasm sounded alternately, and the red-hot shells whizzed straight towards the target.

Unlike the previous twenty minutes or so, Valkyrie did not evade this time. Bell held the steering wheel firmly, and Yacharin completed the entire process from loading to calibrating the bow gun in the shortest time.

The shells are falling!

One shot, two shots, three shots...

The soaring water jets rose around Valkyrie, and three of them hit, two of which hit the nail blade near the bow, smashing a nail blade and knocking it into the air.

There was a more dangerous one, scraping the Valkyrie's bow like flying all the way over the deck, crashing into the starboard cabin, smashing the exquisite decoration in the cabin.

Bell shrank his neck subconsciously.

"Hina cabin... Forget it, at least it's better than the smashed Kamen cabin..."

The ninth cannon rang.

Yacharin spat out the toothpick with a bah, and tightened the string of the cannon around his wrist.

"The thrilling day is over. Anyway, who is that mysterious good-hearted man?"

"Well...whatever, let's fire."

boom! boom!

Two cannons sounded, sparks filled the sky, the hound Henry opened his mouth in a different place: "Use shotguns at this time?"

The sail... caught fire.

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