Reborn As a Pirate

Six hundred and eighty-fourth Masonic serial murder case

On December 20th, another strange murder case found the turbulent New York.

In the early morning, Lori Anta, a flower shop employee, passed the vestibule square of St. Mark's Church in the East District on the way to carry goods.

She saw two pillars, one red and one blue, crossed and supported in the middle of the fountain. A rope was tied at their intersection, and a barefoot man was hanging upside down on the other end of the rope.

The man's entire head was buried in the water of the fountain, and he had been hanging for an unknown amount of time, and his life was long gone.

New York woke up with a bang.

At 9:00 a.m., all officers from the Criminal Department of the New York Public Security Department arrived on time, and blocked St. Mark's Church Square for the third time in eight days.

The first detective, Sherlock Belitt, made great achievements quickly with his superb professional ability.

He found "Abel" on the red column, "Latras" on the blue column, and the words "Imperfect Copy" on the stone brick wall of the fountain. Like the Saigon Abif murder case that occurred on the 13th, all the handwriting that appeared at the scene was in Hebrew.

The victim's identity and cause of death were also quickly determined by his assistant, George Watson.

The deceased, Ronier Eugene, was 39 years old, a French pioneer and a famous tea merchant in Rhode Island.

No trauma was found on his body, the bones were intact, there were no bruises, and the trousers and the hem of the clothes were very dry. According to preliminary judgments, he should have been drowned during the process of hanging upside down.

Detective Sherlock sees this as an unmistakable follow-up to Saigon Abif's murder.

Because in the history recorded by the Masonic Society, Lamech married two wives, Adah and Zilah.

Adah begat Jabal (building and herding) and Jubal (music), and Zilah begat Tubal-cain (melting) and Naamath (weaving).

The four brothers and sisters knew that their exploration of nature would arouse the wrath of the gods, and the great master of the universe would punish the human beings who peeped into the secrets of the gods with water and fire.

When the flood came, in order to pass on the great knowledge to the world, they specially engraved the knowledge on two stone pillars, one was "Abel" who would not be destroyed by fire, and the other was not destroyed by water. "Latras".

Then the flood came, drowning the four siblings and almost destroying human civilization.

The homicide this time is obviously intertwined with this mythical history. The red pillar refers to fire, the blue pillar refers to water, the fountain is an allusion to Noah's flood, and the drowned Royni Eugene is a freemason. The replacement of the four official ancestors is similar to William Gyllenhaal who played the victim in the Saigon Abiff case.

There is also "imperfect replica", which has a special meaning in the history of Freemasonry. It is the special evaluation of the skills of the stonemasons who inherited the inheritance of the Latras stone pillar after the flood receded.

The New York Public Security Department was convinced by Detective Sherlock's rigorous reasoning, and the files of the two cases were merged into one volume, and the name of the file was "Masonic Serial Murder Case" personally determined by Director Conan Bell.

The scene was a mess.

The Public Security Department has issued an emergency notice throughout the city, telling the citizens that a perverted killer is killing people everywhere based on the legend of the Freemasonry.

Citizens are required to reduce going out at night, close their doors, be careful behind them, and walk together.

Hundreds of good-natured people were attracted to the blocked square by the notice, and the media searched for clues outside the square. The citizens chatted with each other, guessing which legend the powerful murderer would use next time, and which successful businessman would become the next... a victim.

Most people think that this serial murder has nothing to do with their lives.

Because of the long-term empty propaganda of the media,

The serial murderer in the hearts of the people is not only a thug, but also the most critical artist in the world.

This time, the murderer Mr. A's target is obviously a successful businessman. Someone has already summed up the characteristics of the victim: Caucasian, male, aged 30-40, non-resident of New York, with a wealth of nearly one million pounds.

Now in New York, there are more than 10 people who meet the above characteristics at the same time.

Although ordinary citizens don't know the whereabouts of these chaebols and the reasons for gathering in New York, in the eyes of the people who eat melons, these high-ranking people are the people who need to worry about their own safety the most right now!

At this time, Stephen Girard, a member of the high-risk group, an ordinary chaebol, and the lord of the Canaanite ritual was mixing in the crowd like an ordinary employee.


He watched as his most powerful assistant in these years was carried off the wooden frame by the sheriff, put into a body bag, and buried in the carriage.

"I have received your gauntlet, Lorraine Drake, and I will let you know what kind of reckless decision I made."

"No one has ever lived to challenge the dignity of the Canaanite ritual. There has never been one before, and there will never be one in the future..."


At 11 a.m., the U.S. Interim Department of Finance held a press conference at the Publication Center of the Federal Office, announcing that the Christmas dinner scheduled for the Department of Finance had been officially cancelled, due to Secretary Hamilton’s illness.

At the same time, all of the 47 additional chambers of commerce that received invitations to the dinner salon, whether their current presidents were alive or dead, received letters of apology dictated by Hamilton.

The letter mentioned that he is currently seriously injured, so he had to postpone the important salon.

In order to restore his health as much as possible, he has accepted the invitation of Lorraine Drake, the president of the Drake Chamber of Commerce, to go to Governor's Island in the south of Manhattan to recuperate his body. And until he regains mobility, he will stay temporarily at the Hudson Manor Villa on Governors Island.

Governor's Island is Governor's Island, located between Manhattan and Brooklyn County, only one kilometer away from Manhattan.

She was the first island that the Dutch colonists landed on when they developed the New Netherlands. It was originally a port for fur trading with the Indians. Later, with the development of Manhattan and the completion of Fort George, it began to become the private official residence of the Dutch Governor.

The British inherited this virtue. From the mid-17th century to the withdrawal of troops not long ago, Governor's Island has always been the first official residence of the Governor's Mansion.

Until the recovery of New York and the independence of the United States, some people suggested that Washington put Governor Island under the jurisdiction of the government and use legislation to turn this island with a special history into the presidential residence.

But Washington refused.

He hopes to use a new capital district to erect the new beginnings of the United States, instead of inheriting the old mansions of the colonists and stamping himself with the ugly stencil of the heirs of the colonists.

The most luxurious Governor's Island in the United States has thus become a tourist industry in New York State. The state government has arranged a special asset management bureau to maintain this ultra-luxury island with a total area of ​​only 90 acres (about 36.5 hectares, more than 364,000 square meters). Xiao Dao, as long as he has money, anyone can experience the luxurious life of the colonial governor for a short time.

On the 19th, Lorraine rented the right to use the entire island from New York State at a price of 800 pounds per day.

At 8 a.m. on the 20th, the New York State Asset Management Bureau left the island, and 600 waiters carefully selected by the Illumination Council took over the property.

At 10 o'clock, ten presidents except Lorraine left New York and set off for the island.

At 12 o'clock, Hamilton was carried onto the ferry under the guard of the best medical team in New York, accompanied by Lorraine and Carmen, and all this was done in full view.

New York Old Port.

Sitting on the top floor of the Harbor Hall, Girard's eyes were dark.

"Brother Mason Wilfort," he said, "Eugene died. That lowly Viking savage taunted us the way we sanctioned him, abused and killed the pious Brother Eugene, and left a battlefield on the spot. Book."

"He calls us imperfect replicas!"

"The Canaanites cannot accept such insults, whether it is the death of Brother Eugene, the overseer, or the denigration of the synagogue's dignity. That's why I asked you to come from Eleuthera."

Blackbeard lowered his head humbly, and there was no trace of usual madness on his face.

"My lord, Bai Qi is the most cunning murderer in the world. He must have made perfect preparations for choosing the battlefield on Governor's Island. I think..."

"Are you afraid, Brother Mason Wilfort?"

The sinister voice made Black Beard's heart tighten.

"No, my lord! I'm just questioning the plan to attack the island." He hastened to say, "It's not normal for someone to expect you and a few other honorable gentlemen to go to the island and take command in person."

Girard frowned: "We were just invited to set up a command post in Fort Williams. You should know that the commander and colonel there are also our American brothers."

"I trust Colonel Kay, but because he is pious, it doesn't mean that the whole of Fort Williams is reliable." Blackbeard's eyes flickered, "My lord, you and the honorable gentlemen both suspect that Superintendent Eugene is dead. Because of the betrayal of the Philadelphia ceremony, but what if it is not?"

"It's not the hypocrites of Philadelphia Li, is it still..."

Girard's voice was torn apart in mid-air, and smoke drifted from the fracture, converging into Susan Morgan's body full of desire and temptation.

The Morgan family snatched the most powerful third-class ship of the Canaan Rites. With powerful force in hand, this time should have been the most appropriate opportunity, but they refused to fight.

Is it sitting on the wall and watching? Or eat inside and outside? Borrowing a knife to kill someone?

"What good will the loss of Canaanite do them?" Girard asked suddenly.

"There is no benefit, and there seems to be no harm." Blackbeard said softly, "The association war a few years ago severely damaged the vitality of the pirate empire, but my prestige was established precisely at that time."

"It was the fall of Turtle Island that made me a Pirate King who has been echoed by everyone, so I know that even if this history repeats itself, even if I knew that Pavlomy would fail, I would still sit back and watch him stand alone against the Hundred Merchants Association. "

"His failure doesn't do me any favors, but it's not bad either, like... today!"

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