Reborn As a Pirate

75 Shaq Drake

Plymouth, Royal Navy Administration Building, Devonport.

The administrative building is the onshore office and command post of the Straits Fleet. It is a large Georgian building with white walls and blue roofs, and rows of sliding windows are symmetrical and quiet.

The west head of the third floor is the office of Drake's current owner, the new captain of the HMS Lion, and Captain Shaq Francis Drake of the Royal Navy.

He was sitting upright behind his desk, listening to his helmsman Bell Judea's report with a blank expression.

"On October 4th, the first fleet of the Drake Chamber of Commerce launched a private plunder in the Cantabrian waters, west of the Isle of Jou, against the transshipment ships of the Fulque-Anjou Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of France, capturing one and sinking one. The news has been confirmed. "

"While cleaning the battlefield, they were intercepted by the destroyer Reindeer of the French Desai Chamber of Commerce. The Butterfly faced them, and the Momo fled. The news confirmed."

"On October 9th, the Reindeer returned to port in La Rochelle. Villen Desai claimed that the Pansy was sunk at the western edge of the Celtic Sea. None of the crew members survived. The news has not been confirmed."

"But..." Bell carefully glanced at his boss, "The two sides fought on the 4th, the Reindeer returned to Hong Kong on the 9th, and today is the 22nd. Ramos Pidik confirmed that the Butterfly was fleeing west I got hit at least three shots, Drake hasn't shown up so far, it's very likely..."

"Veron Desai, who is it?" Shaq asked suddenly.

"Reporting captain, Villen Desai is the vice president of the French Desai Chamber of Commerce, the admiral of the First Fleet, and the captain of the Reindeer!"

"He claims... to have sunk my stupid brother?"

"Yes Yes!"

Shaq had no joy or anger on his face, he found a document from the desk and looked through it for a while: "Three days later, the Lion has a cruise mission, our target is in the North Sea, and the cruise area of ​​the Spartan Guard is in Kyle Terhai... make me an appointment with Colonel Bro, and I'd like to have afternoon tea with him."

Bell blinked his eyes: "Captain, the commander asked us to exercise restraint and not take the initiative to start a war with France, you..."

"The Lion will never go against the command's opinion." Shaq played with his fingers, "But you have to know that the Lion was only established recently, and the officers who belonged to the Wandering were the only officers I brought along, including you. There are very few people."

"A new team always has a running-in period. It is an acceptable accident to deviate from the route. If a few crazy pirates happen to be wiped out during this accident, it should be regarded as an unexpected joy..."

"Your opinions are always pertinent." Bell shrugged helplessly, "Captain, you know that Drake and I were rare friends when we were studying under Sir Layton. I want to ask him a question... "

"Why did you kick him out of the house?"


Shaq was silent for a while, opened the window, and looked at Devonport in the distance.

"I'm not the father."

Upon hearing such an opening remark, Baker couldn't help but frown.

"Father has made outstanding military exploits, is famous, and has won the trust of His Majesty. The entire aristocratic circle in England knows that he will one day become the Minister of the Navy, and maybe the Prime Minister, so he has the ability to protect Lorraine and that disgusting woman. .”

"But I can't." Shaq laughed at himself, "I'm just an incompetent person with a cute father's shadow. When I was in the sea school, I even killed the heir of a noble family in a duel. It is only because of my father's reputation that I can barely stay in the army. , and become a tool for His Majesty to make up for his debts to his father."

"I can't shelter Lorraine."

"He is proud, and he doesn't need to bear the cold eyes and ridicule of the nobles for nothing because of this useless brother. I can give him what he wants, including the privateer certificate, and self-esteem."

Bell didn't understand Shaq's thoughts at all: "If you have this kind of thoughts, you can explain it to Drake..."

"Why?" Shaq suddenly interrupted, his eyes burning, "Lorraine is my younger brother,

It was that loathsome pagan woman who kept him from being a perfect nobleman, and I loathed her. "

"Mrs. Anason..."

"Before I went to see Lorraine, I went to see her tombstone. If I still felt a little guilty at first, after seeing that epitaph, I will never have it again." Shaq's voice was cold, making people shudder, "Yes She led Lorraine's betrayal of God, and to punish her I could lose everything."

"Go and invite Colonel Bro, this time, I hope the sooner the better."

Knowing that the conversation was over, Bell sighed and saluted: "Yes! Captain!"

He was about to carry out Shaq's order when the door of the office was suddenly pushed open: "Captain, Port Sale..."

"Sergeant Amani, what about your rules?" Shaq stood upright, looking at the new sailor with dissatisfaction, "Go out and report again!"


The sailor hurriedly saluted and exited. After a while, there was a light knock on the office door: "Report! Sergeant Mainmaster Di Amani, please see me!"


After tidying up his clothes, Sergeant Amani walked in, saluted Shaq first, then turned around, and saluted Bell solemnly.

"The captain, the captain, the scouts stationed in the Port of Purcell reported that at 10:12 this morning, a fleet of Brigantine and a Brig sailed into the Pirea Dock in the Port of Purcell. It has been confirmed that the two The escort ships are all armed merchant ships of the Drake Chamber of Commerce, namely the Butterfly and the Macaw, and the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Lorraine Anason Drake... is fine!"

"It's went up to ask?" Shaq couldn't see joy on his face, as if he didn't pay attention to the point.

Bell coughed twice with a wry smile: "Captain, when you asked me to arrange someone to take care of Mingang, I picked the old man on the Wandering Ship, and they all know the importance."

Shaq breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat back in his seat and solemnly said, "Sergeant Amani, we are going to deploy to the New World. The drills on the ship have been relaxed for the past few days, and we have informed all the sailors on the shore that they must be assembled on the ship in two days, and all vacations will be cancelled! "

two days later...

Sergeant Amani understood and stood at attention excitedly: "Yes! Sir! I will pass your order to every sailor's ears!"

"carry on."

"Yes, sir!"

Sergeant Amani backed away, Bell squinted his eyes and secretly made a weird face: "Captain, your afternoon tea with Colonel Bro..."

"Captain Judea." Shaq slowly sorted out the documents on the table and pulled out the sea atlas. Time to familiarize yourself with the nautical charts of the new defense zone."

Bell had such an expression on his face, and pursed his mouth: "Understood."

"By the way, I heard that your sister went to a missionary school. Is the family short of money?"

"You... plan to sponsor me?"

"There are a batch of long guns in the military quarter, about 40. Because the Lion is about to be deployed, it has not yet entered the inventory process. Those lawless privateers will probably pay a good price for them."

"Are you worried?"

"Lorraine has always been good at eating, and his temper is very grumpy. This time at that..." Shaq frowned.

Bell quickly reminded in a low voice: "Veron Desai."

"Veren Desai." Shaq nodded, "He suffered a big loss in the hands of Verun Desai, and he will definitely not let it go. The destroyer is already his prey, and he has nothing to do except boarding. Another way."

Bell raised his eyebrows: "Understood, I will sell the spear for a good price, and I will never let my sister at home suffer!"

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