Reborn As a Pirate

Eighty-five food and sex, sex also

Southampton, Herbert Walker Street, Drake General Chamber of Commerce.

Once upon a time, the kitchen was the exclusive domain of little Pierce. With the careful teaching of Grandma Rowling, he enjoyed the supreme authority in this square inch. Even if he asked Lorraine to arrange the dishes, Lorraine had to obey.

However, with the great battle in the Cantabrian waters three days ago, everything changed.

His position has been replaced, his status has been deprived, and the culprit who caused all this is now standing in front of him...

Wang Ye, a wanted criminal in France from the Qing Dynasty in the East!

Little Pierce looked at Wang Ye angrily.

The man is standing in his kitchen with a hippie smile, wearing a fitted cardigan and plaid trousers, cotton boots with a black surface on a white background, a cloth apron with bows around his waist, and a chef's hat , with a black scarf around the neck.

The clothes were chosen by Pierce, and they were roughly the same as what he was wearing, except that Pierce was wearing thick-soled slippers and the scarf around his neck was also white.

momentum! Can't relax for a moment!

Little Master Pierce seemed to clear his throat: "Record!"

Wang also quickly took out a small book and pen from the pocket of his apron.

"No matter what method you use to persuade brother to replace me, you have done it anyway. From now on, I will officially hand over the kitchen of the General Chamber of Commerce and the status of the flagship chef to you."

"Now we have the last handover, about breakfast on land!"

Pierce took a deep breath, and saw that Wang also put away his laughing expression, and only then did he find a little bit of satisfaction.

"You have to remember, brother is from England, and we are the English Chamber of Commerce. For England, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, evening tea, and occasionally supper. Among the six main meals, breakfast is the most formal."

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a nobleman, dinner like a beggar...don't laugh! English people value breakfast just like you Qing people value..."

"Elderly and inferior." Wang also reminded in a low voice, "We attach the most importance to the elders and inferiors. Little things that are big and fat will be beaten, Mr. Chef."

"I know you all value Zhang Youzunbei, but you just can't remember it for a while!" Pierce didn't know that he was following Wang Ye's way, but he was embarrassed, "Also, don't speak those strange languages ​​​​in front of me, I listen Gotta understand!"

"Yes, sir. You are wise, sir."

Pierce calmed down and continued: "Brother is the most orthodox English aristocrat, and he pays more attention to breakfast than commoners. Breakfast is noble, especially the land breakfast of sailors. It must be like a gentleman in England. Don't be careless."

"Yes, sir. You are wise, sir."

"Don't perfunctory me!"

"Yes, sir. You are wise, sir."


English morning tea is a treasure given to all mankind by English gentlemen, and every Englishman believes in it.

The orthodox English breakfast is hearty and rigorous, with main ingredients including tomatoes, sausages, eggs, bacon, baked beans, mushrooms, potato wedges and black pudding.

In addition, there are auxiliary materials, staple food, morning tea and fruit.

A perfect English breakfast is extremely important to a distinguished gentleman in England, and it is a symbol of status and taste, so Pierce talked about it, and Wang also remembered to do his best.

"Tomatoes should be cut in half, buttered, and baked in the oven. Sausages should also be grilled. There are chicken, beef, and pork. You can change the pattern, but Ms. Henna Yesra doesn't eat pork, so it's bold here .”

Wang was also taken aback for a moment: "Ms. Yezra doesn't eat dirty meat?"

"What dirty meat? Please respect personal beliefs!"

"Oh oh oh!"

"Eggs, the handling of eggs is the key to breakfast. Brother, sister Hana, Nuoya, and I are scrambled egg pies. Dry and delicate scrambled eggs should be sprinkled with green onions and black pepper. Karen and Carmen are fried egg pies,

Frying on one side, the yolk must be kept runny. The shameless Frenchman doesn't care about anything, he won't see if you forgot to put the eggs. "

"The disgraceful Frenchman is..."

"Gunner Chief Acharyn Desai."

Wang also crossed out [Yachalin] on the notebook and replaced it with two Chinese characters, [Piao San].

"There is no problem with the bacon. Fry it on both sides. The heat should be good. Sister Haina brought it out alone, so it can't appear on her dinner plate. Mushrooms are baked, potatoes are fried, and I will copy the recipe of baked beans for you. Remember to collect it." The juice should be carefully prepared, not to leave soup, and not to be burnt..."

The half-toned Chinese and Western chefs got dizzy and couldn't help asking: "Can I make silk?"


"Make some syrup, and then..."

Pierce flushed with anger: "Ketchup is the soul of baked beans! Does the soul understand! Without the natural sweet and sour flavor of tomatoes, even God will not forgive you!"


Wang also wanted to say that he was not under God's jurisdiction, but after thinking about it later, he decided to forget it.

He sighed: "Baked beans in tomato sauce, I understand."

"Black pudding...Brother wants one piece or not, Miss Hana doesn't want it, I and Karen have one piece, Nuoya and Carmen two pieces, fry it thoroughly or burn it."

"Black pudding...blood sausage?"

"From now on, it will only be called black pudding, not blood sausage!" Pierce glared at Wang Ye. "Fruits are fresh in season, and the supplementary ingredients are mainly milk oats, which can be replaced with yogurt oats occasionally. The staple foods include toast, croissants, Danish rolls and fried bread can be changed, but if it’s toast, it has to be fried on both sides.”

“Double-sided pan-fried toast…”

"One-sided!" Pierce corrected, "Finally, tea, gentleman's companion, I told you how to mix afternoon tea and evening tea on the boat two days ago, and now it's morning tea."

He flipped through Grandma Rowling's recipe and read it word by word: "Assam is used as the base, four teaspoons, Darjeeling and Ceylon increase the aroma, one teaspoon each, Kenya's quarter teaspoon, increase the degree of alcohol, Not too much, too much and it becomes Irish tea."

He closed the cookbook with a snap, his little face was full of seriousness: "Have you written it down?"

Wang also pursed his lips: "I wrote it down..."

"The last one is White Ear. It eats fresh fish, which must be sliced ​​into small strips to prevent it from choking. The quota for each meal is only 0.7 kg, which is not enough for it to eat, but it is losing weight."

"I still have to cook for the cat?"

Pierce nodded of course.

"Breakfast, remember, is the dignity of England. At lunch and dinner, you can make as much as you like, whether it's pompous French, or some strange Oriental dish eaten between slices of wood. But Breakfast must be strict, and when there are guests, no mistakes are allowed, this is the bounden duty of the chef."

"Yes, sir. You are wise, sir."

"The kitchen will be handed over to you from now on, and I will never come here again! Hmph!"

Pierce strode away with Grandma Rowling's cookbook under his arm, and Wang also swung out with a brow. He saw Karen leaning against the door, with folded arms and a smile.

"Jr. Pierce takes the galley job very seriously because it's his only full-time job as a trainee on board."

Wang also smiled bitterly: "You want to say that I robbed him of his job?"

"No." Karen straightened up and patted his clothes. "He handed you the most cherished kitchen, which means he is trying to accept you. This weird little group is not so easy to accept. If you don't want to be with Acharin Just like being a mere employee, you'd better learn to accept his kindness."

"Whispering... Is it actually a good intention?" Wang also thought for a while, took out his notebook and wrote a few more words, and said, "After this troublesome breakfast is over, I will try to talk to him like a man, by the way Kindly ask him to borrow that cookbook."

"The East is full of smart people." Karen smiled.

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