On the other side, Ouyang Yuanyuan, the father and daughter of the Yuan family were playing in the backyard of the hospital, like a family of three.

Ouyang Yuanyuan is very curious about Lin Feng's identity, which can make Dean Qiao come here.

She looked at Yuan Sihai and asked, "Mr. Yuan, what is this brother of yours doing?"

"Follow me as a security guard at the People's Hospital." Yuan Sihai replied.

Ouyang Yuanyuan was angry after hearing this, and cooperated with Yuan Sihai to treat her as a three-year-old child, and a security guard in a people's hospital could let President Qiao come to see her in person?

"Yuan Sihai, I'll be angry if you don't tell the truth again." Ouyang Yuanyuan's words were tinged with coquettishness.

Yuan Sihai felt aggrieved, isn't Lin Feng a security guard?

However, thinking that Lin Feng was not an ordinary person, he explained: "Lin Feng really worked as a security guard in the People's Hospital with me, but he has been a soldier for six years and has great skills.

I think it should be that we were fighting outside last night, and Dean Qiao saw Lin Feng's might and wanted to ask Lin Feng to come to the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Haicheng Medical University as a security guard. "

You got into a fight last night?" When Ouyang Yuanyuan heard this, the center of gravity was no longer Lin Feng, and she found that there were looming bruises on Yuan Sihai's face, and asked with concern.

"It's not a fight, it's just a fight, of course, it's not our fault that the fight started.

Last night we went to play, a rich boy also drove to play, and then found that there was no parking space, he saw that Lin Feng and I had just parked the car and asked Lin Feng to move the car out, saying that our car was too broken to park there, Lin Feng was unwilling to move the car, he came up and smashed the car, Lin Feng but also smashed his luxury car.

Ouyang Yuanyuan was shocked after hearing this: "You smashed other people's luxury cars?

"Yes, we went to play after smashing it, but after we came out, the guy actually asked someone to dismantle our car, and Lin Feng saw that the car was dismantled and beat him." Speaking of this, Yuan Sihai was indignant.

"Why are there such people who can mess around if they have money?" Ouyang Yuanyuan also felt unreasonable, first come, first come, why let people move cars, do not move cars, but also dismantle people's cars.

"After Lin Feng beat him up, he called a helper, but he couldn't beat Lin Feng, and finally Lin Feng cleaned up honestly, and he could only obediently repair the broken car." When Yuan Sihai said this, he felt very relieved, and he had time to learn two tricks from Lin Feng.

"Good fighting, this kind of person owes a beating, thinking that if he has money, he can do whatever he wants." Ouyang Yuanyuan gave a thumbs up and praised Lin Feng.

"But because of this incident, that brother Gongzi called someone to the hospital this morning to complain, and then the chief of our security department reversed black and white and fired Lin Feng, and I resigned in anger." Yuan Sihai recalled that he fought with Huang Daqiang, and regretted that he didn't beat that Wang Ming as well.

"What? Why, it's clear that it's not your fault first, they don't investigate? Ouyang Yuanyuan was also very angry when he heard this approach of the People's Hospital.

"Investigate a fart, they would rather fire us than offend that kind of rich person."

"It's excessive." Ouyang Yuanyuan was indignant.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Feng came over, and he didn't know what the two were talking about so excitedly, so he asked.

"Godfather, godfather, you are here, Xiao Yao has a gift for you." Seeing Lin Feng coming, Yuan Xiaoyao picked a small red flower and flew towards him.

Lin Feng squatted down and picked up Yuan Xiaoyao, Yuan Xiaoyao inserted the flower into Lin Feng's hair, and a big old man wore a small flower on his head, not to mention how beautiful.

These two are more like father and daughter, and the whole Yuan Sihai is a little jealous, and he has never received his daughter's tweed.

Lin Feng hugged Yuan Xiaoyao, and then asked Yuan Sihai: "You bullied Nurse Yuanyuan?"

"Where, how could I." Yuan Sihai denied it.

"Then why is Nurse Yuanyuan so angry?"

Ouyang Yuanyuan explained: "Lin Feng, you misunderstood, he didn't bully me, he complained to me about your expulsion, I was angry with the People's Hospital."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Little things, little things, expelling me is their loss."

Yuan Sihai was full of curiosity and asked, "Lin Feng, is Dean Qiao looking for you for something?"

Lin Feng replied: "It's nothing, he just wants to invite me to be a doctor here." "

What?" Yuan Sihai's eyes widened, but it was not surprising to think that Lin Feng cured himself with a few stitches in the morning.

"Lin Feng, are you a doctor?" Ouyang Yuanyuan said suspiciously.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "What a doctor, it's just that I have learned some acupuncture."

After listening, Ouyang Yuanyuan turned to stare at Yuan Sihai, she frowned and squinted, her lips bit gently, two small dimples appeared on both sides of her cheeks, and she pretended to be angry with her hands on her waist: "Yuan Sihai, you actually lied to me, didn't you say that Lin Feng was a security guard?"

"Nurse Yuanyuan, I really didn't lie to you, Lin Feng, did you say I lied." Yuan Sihai hurriedly asked Lin Feng for help.

Lin Feng looked at the two like a flirting little couple, and his heart warmed, and the good brother finally met Hong Yan's confidant.

He knew that there was only a layer of paper left in the distance between the two, but Yuan Sihai was trapped by the shackles of marriage, and he did not dare to love boldly, he was afraid of delaying others, and he felt that he was not worthy.

Lin Feng hurriedly relieved the siege: "Sihai didn't lie to you, I am indeed a security guard, but I know some medical skills, I just saved someone in the people's hospital, and I just happened to be fired, just Qiao Qingshi knew that I would be able to heal this matter, so he came to invite me." After

Ouyang Yuanyuan listened, he canceled his angry state: "Look at your brother, look at you again, people are much better than you, and they have a job as soon as they are fired."

Lin Feng knew that Ouyang Yuanyuan was saying angry words, she just hoped that Yuan Sihai would work harder, and he would help Yuan Sihai say a good word: "Nurse Yuanyuan, don't say that, maybe Sihai will become the richest person in Haicheng one day."

"Then hell." Ouyang Yuanyuan felt that Yuan Sihai's life was also the life of food and clothing, and he became the richest person in Haicheng, just think about it.

Yuan Sihai didn't want to hear this, and said: "Nurse Yuanyuan, what you said, I can't become rich with me Yuan Sihai."

"I wish you had money, lest Xiao Yao suffer with you." Ouyang Yuanyuan didn't answer angrily.

"Lin Feng, congratulations in advance on becoming a doctor in our hospital." Ouyang Yuanyuan congratulated.

Yuan Sihai was happy for Lin Feng in his heart, no matter how he said that being a doctor was more pressing than a security guard, and his social status was higher than that of a security guard, which could be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

"Don't rush to congratulations, I rejected Dean Qiao." Both of them were happy for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng said this coldly.

"What? Why? Yuan Sihai's jaw dropped in shock.

Lin Feng replied: "Dean Qiao said that the salary is 20,000 a month, and the six insurances and two housing funds are all paid according to the highest specifications, and he also said that I can come to work if I want, and I won't come if I don't want to come."

After Ouyang Yuanyuan heard this, the whole person froze, no doctor in the whole hospital could have this treatment, she couldn't believe that this was true.

"This, this, Lin Feng, are you serious? So what else do you refuse to do? Yuan Sihai was shocked by this treatment and was incoherent.

This treatment is still refused? Why refuse? Yuan Sihai was puzzled.

Ouyang Yuanyuan was also puzzled and asked, "Yes, why refuse?" This should be the highest standard treatment in our hospital.

Lin Feng replied seriously: "Because I don't like to be a doctor." Hearing

Lin Feng's words, Yuan Sihai persuaded like an old mother: "Lin Feng, you can't dislike this job and don't do it, many times we have to do what we don't like, the doctor's work has face, returning to the village is definitely beautiful, and your mother can also be proud of you."

Ouyang Yuanyuan also persuaded: "Lin Feng, this salary has already defeated nine adults in Haicheng, no one in our hospital has this treatment, why do you refuse the dean?" Seeing

the serious appearance of the two, Lin Feng finally couldn't help but laugh heartily.

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