After the matter was settled, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and booked a private room at the Imperial Hotel for dinner at night.

Then he and Su Qingxue came to the happy community and began to move things outside.

Many old acquaintances in the happy community went out and saw the two people moving large bags and small bags to the car, and even the mattress was tied to the roof of the car.

This is the rhythm of moving, Lin Feng's clever hand rejuvenates, who is willing to let him go?

However, there is no banquet in the world, and Lin Feng cannot live in this community all his life.

When he learned that Lin Feng moved to Silver Moon Guanshan Mansion, the conditions were thousands of times better than here, and everyone didn't say anything more.

Of course, Lin Feng couldn't leave these people alone, and told them that if he had any physical discomfort in the future, he could come to the people's hospital, and he would open a Chinese medicine hall in the hospital.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone was also relieved, people were afraid that there would be no place to treat them when they were old and had some evil diseases.

Lin Feng lived in the happy community during this time, and he could help many of them cure their old problems for many years.

Many uncles and aunts took the initiative to help Lin Feng and Su Qingxue move things.

In the morning, I made a few trips back and forth, and finally finished moving things.

However, before Lin Feng could rest, Qin Shengshou called him.

It happened that Lin Feng also had something to find Qin Shengshou, so Lin Feng asked him to wait for him in the hospital office.

When Lin Feng entered the office, he saw Qin Sheng holding a bunch of materials in his hand, standing inside waiting for him.

"What are you doing so restrained? Sit down quickly. Lin Feng asked Qin Shengshou to sit down.

Qin Shengshou did not sit down directly, and only after Lin Feng sat down.

"What's the matter with looking for me?" Lin Feng asked.

Qin Shengshou said: "Master, the scar removal cream and hair growth agent have been developed, and I found a few people to test the medicine, the effect of the scar removal cream is obvious, it will be effective after a few days, and the hair growth agent will also be effective, but the effect has not yet come out too obvious."

As soon as Lin Feng heard this, the scar removal cream was ready, then his mother's face could also be treated, and he said to Qin Shengshou: "You go back and purify a few copies of scar removal cream several times into one copy, and then give it to me, I will take it to my mother to use."

Qin Shengshou was surprised and asked, "Can the scar removal cream be purified again?"

"Naturally, the purer it is, the faster it will work." Lin Feng replied.

"Is that also dilutable?" Qin Shengshou continued to ask.

"Yes, just add water to it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Shengshou was very excited.

Lin Feng was curious about how Qin Sheng's hand was as unstable as a child.

Seeing his elated look, Lin Feng asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Shengshou explained: "Master, this medicinal effect is very strong, but the production requires huge medicinal materials to make the medicinal slurry, the steps are troublesome, after calculating the cost of medicine and sales costs, if you want to make a profit, the sale price set at that time will definitely be very high."

But it can be diluted, which is easy to do, the current drug as a drug introduction, according to the concentration of different products, the price can be high or low, so that both rich people or no money can afford it. As

soon as Lin Feng heard this, this Qin Shengshou was very business-minded, and he was a talented practitioner.

"It's good to do this, the high-end market and the low-end market are killed, the hair growth agent can also be diluted, and you can produce and sell it in the same way." Lin Feng said again.

The hair tonic can also be diluted, and Qin Sheng's hand closed his mouth with a smile, and it took a while to calm down.

"Master, both drugs have been taken for testing and testing, and the certificate of conformity has also been obtained, you can take a look." Qin Sheng handed a few pieces of paper to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was too lazy to look at the medicine list he issued, if he couldn't even pass the test, those thousands of years of cultivation were cultivated in vain, he said: "In the future, you can be fully responsible for this kind of thing, and you don't need to ask me about everything."

"Okay, master, I know, the main reason for looking for you today is that I registered a new company with your information two days ago, so that it is more convenient to enter and manage, this is the company's information, you take a look." Qin Sheng's hand took the company information to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at it, the company's name is "Mumufeng Group", and several branches have been registered under the group, namely "Mumufeng Medicinal Materials Procurement Company", "Mumufeng Pharmaceutical Production Company", and "Mumufeng Pharmaceutical Sales Company".

Lin Feng was not angry because Qin Shengshou helped him register the company privately, after all, Qin Shengshou was also kind.

It's just that Lin Feng doesn't want to be this chairman, so he doesn't bother to worry about these things, otherwise he wouldn't let the Qin family do this.

Lin Feng said: "The company registration is good, and I am very satisfied with the name, but I don't have time to manage the company, so I won't do this chairman's position."

Qin Shengshou had already thought about it and said, "Master rest assured, everything in the company is the responsibility of my Qin family, and you can just put a name on the company." "

Lin Feng heard this, this is very good, Qin Shengshou, this person is quite good at doing things, although the talent is not very good, Lin Feng also has the intention of teaching.

Such a person can't be treated badly, and Lin Feng plans to go back at night to write a needle technique that Qin Shengshou can learn for him.

After Qin Shengshou's search for Lin Feng's affairs, Lin Feng began to say that he wanted to find Qin Shengshou.

Lin Feng said: "Actually, I also have something I want to ask you if you want to do it?"

Qin Shengshou didn't even think about it, and replied, "Master needs me to say something."

"Maybe in the future, there will be many grandpas and aunts looking for me to see a doctor, I can't be here in the hospital all the time, so I want you to open a Chinese medicine hall here in the hospital, and when I'm away, you help me show the old people who come to me for treatment." Lin Feng said.

As soon as Qin Shengshou heard it, this is a good thing, as long as there is an incurable disease, he can't cure Lin Feng, so that he can have the opportunity to learn.

Qin Shengshou directly agreed: "Master, this matter is wrapped up in me." "

Lin Feng is very satisfied.

Qin Shengshou left Lin Feng's office and went directly to Chen Guoli, and he told Chen Guoli about this.

Qin Shengshou opened a medical hall here, this is a pie in the sky, Chen Guoli closed his mouth happily, where did he need to consider.

Chen Guoli felt that Qin Shengshou's occasional treatment of people here in his hospital had made the hospital famous.

Now because of Lin Feng's words, Qin Shengshou directly entered the First People's Hospital of Haicheng to open a medical hall, how could he not be happy.

Chen Guoli only felt that it was too worthwhile to spend that little money to ask Lin Feng to stay in the hospital, and now he asked him to give Lin Feng a million a month, and Chen Guoli was willing.

Of course, if you are willing to return, Lin Feng will not raise his salary if he does not take the initiative to raise it.

However, Chen Guoli suddenly had a problem, that is, how should the salary of this Qin Holy Hand be given?

Chen Guoli asked, "It is really an honor for Elder Qin to stay in our hospital and open a medical hall, I wonder what salary Elder Qin is looking forward to in his heart?"

Qin Shengshou didn't think about working for Chen Guoli, he explained: "Director Chen, I opened a medical hall in the hospital, but I didn't say that I would join your hospital. "

This Chen Guoli is puzzled, if he doesn't join the hospital, how can he open a medical hall here in the People's Hospital?"

Seeing Chen Guoli thinking, Qin Shengshou directly said: "This medical hall is what my master wants to open, using the land of your hospital, but the ownership of the medical hall belongs to my master."


Chen Guoli was a little hesitant, this is like your wife worked hard to give birth to a child, and the child is not yours, you still have to hold it in your arms and grab food with your own son, what is this called?

"Is Dean Chen unwilling? I don't want to go to another hospital and ask. Qin Shengshou said.

"Yes! Willing! "Chen Guoli has no reason to be willing, if Lin Feng and Qin Shengshou go to another hospital, it will be picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

Although it is said that the hospital does not belong to the hospital, as long as it is opened in the hospital, Qin Shengshou remains in the people's hospital, and Lin Feng is still working as a security guard in the people's hospital, then he Chen Guoli will never lose.

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