"Tsk, tsk, why are you so persistent, Your Highness the Second Prince? Even if you can defeat our two brothers, the Dragon King will never take you seriously."

"Your status among those dragons is considered to be at the bottom. It's better to serve the demons obediently."

"When the army enters Dragon City, the Demon Lord will definitely make you the new Dragon King."

Ao Wuming shouted: "Bah, shameless old thief, you should die."

Wen Yuan glanced at his twin brother: "Abo, this little golden dragon wants to die. Let us two brothers give him a ride."

"Okay big brother!"

The two brothers activated their combined skills, and their bodies instantly increased several times. One side was red and the other was black.

It looks extremely ugly, with bloody fangs exposed, and venomous spikes all over its back. It combines the characteristics of more than a dozen large creatures.

It's like a super mutated sea creature that has been eroded by nuclear sewage in childhood. No one knows what species it is.

Suddenly, a large ball of black mucus wrapped around the terrifying combination of the two elders, and the giant purple python rushed into the demon army and started shooting wildly.

"Your brain is rusty. These two old guys are so perverted together, and you still want to be tough."

Ao Wuming was overjoyed: "Why is the queen here? There is an old ghost."

Gui Jianchou shouted loudly: "Queen, do it quickly, I can't control it for long, I can use the purple light of your third eye to force them apart."

"As long as they are not in a unified state, their combat effectiveness will plummet, otherwise we will have no chance of winning."

Feng Yun kicked Ao Wuming on the butt: "Why are you so dazed? Why don't you go help quickly? Have you been practicing your marksmanship in a brothel during this time?"

Chapter 275 The Queen’s Powerful Purple Light


After the Wenyuan brothers merged, their strength increased greatly, and they constantly broke free from the shackles of the black slime of Guijianchou.

Ao Wuming transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon and used his huge body to forcefully press on the combined monster.

Wen Yuan kept roaring, mixed with the voice of his brother Wen Bo.

"You weaklings, do you think you can control the combined skills of our two brothers in this way? It's simply wishful thinking."

Guijianchou almost used all his strength to contain the furious combined monster.

"Queen, please do it, I can't control it anymore."

Feng Yun quickly activates the third eye. This is not instant and requires some brewing time.

And she also had to adjust her posture, for fear of accidentally injuring Gui Jianchou and Ao Wuming, especially this kind of purple light, which would cause greater harm to the two demon clans.

"Be careful!"

Feng Yun shot out a dazzling purple light from the third eye on her forehead, aiming it at the combined body of Wen Yuan and the two brothers.

The body of the terrifying monster began to twist violently, roaring continuously, throwing Ao Wuming away a hundred meters away, and all the black mucus that bound them was severed.

Gui Jianchou quickly retreated to Feng Yun. Before leaving, Tian Kui gave him an order to ensure the queen's safety no matter what.

"Queen, be careful, the combined terrifying monster seems to be out of control."

"It's okay. The purple light is probably disintegrating their combination. You inject some mana into me to give them the final blow."

"no problem!"

Immediately afterwards, Ao Wuming rushed over and instilled magic power into Feng Yun.

With the concerted efforts of the three of them, the combined monster finally separated.


A violent explosion sounded, and along with several dazzling lights, the two brothers Wenyuan flew to the left and right respectively.

Feng Yun turned on the purple light on his forehead this time, which consumed a lot of mana. He shouted loudly: "We can't let these two old guys go."

Gui Jianchou was extremely fast and wrapped the two Wenyuan brothers with black mucus at the same time. Ao Wuming, who arrived later, penetrated his entire body with the Longyuan Spear.

The demon core inside the body was also picked out and crushed, and the two demon elders were instantly wiped out.

Then all the demon soldiers in this area were killed by Gui Jianchou and Ao Wuming.

"Old ghost, your black slime attack is so fierce that these rabble-rousers don't even have a chance to escape."

Guijianchou smiled calmly: "If it weren't for the Queen's purple light, we would all have died from the combined skills of these two elders."

Ao Wuming walked to Feng Yun and bowed his hands: "Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen, for risking your life to come to the rescue. Your love for me will be engraved in my heart for the rest of my life."

"Where's Brother Bai? Why aren't you with me?"

Feng Yun's face was solemn and she didn't speak. Gui Jianchou quickly interrupted: "Hurry up and repair the defensive shield. Brother Bai is dealing with other things."

At this moment, Shadow led the ghost clan elites from another place. The moment he saw the ghosts looking sad, he couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

I didn't take advantage of them in previous fights, and even suffered a small loss.

"Rebel, do you want to go through the troubled waters of the Dragon Clan?"

Gui Jianchou sneered: "So what? You can come, why can't I."

"We haven't finished the fight last time, so let's settle the old and new grudges together."

Shadow showed a smirk. His escape skills were second to none among the entire ghost clan. If he hadn't arranged the formation in advance, no one in the Imperial Realm would be able to catch him.

Even in terms of weird movements, it surpasses Guijianchou.

Gui Jianchou possesses the Feiying Armor. Even though the shadow movement skills are weird, the attack power is insufficient and cannot break the armor's defense, and Gui Jianchou may be countered by him.

Last time, he suffered the loss of underestimating the enemy and escaped back to Ghost Emperor City after being injured.

Shadow decisively took out the messenger token: "Emperor, my subordinates discovered the traitor Gui Jianchou in the northeast."

Suddenly, a black space was torn out in the sky, and the Nine Evil Ghost Emperor appeared in this area instantly with two elders around him.

This is an exclusive skill for those in the Imperial Realm. It can tear apart space and teleport to a designated location, and it can also bring a small number of teammates with it.

Tiankui found out about the movements of the Nine Evil Ghost Emperor, arranged the next raid mission, and led two elders to come for support.

She was very worried that Feng Yun would encounter an accident and be kidnapped. Jiu Sha Ghost Emperor was notoriously lecherous, but now that his cultivation level had broken through, his previous abstinence was lifted.

Shadow stepped forward respectfully and saluted: "See you, Emperor."

He pointed at Gui Jianchou: "The traitor is next to the Snake Queen. Just now these three cooperated with each other to crack the combined skills of the Wenyuan brothers and killed them."

The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor gently raised his right hand and used magic power to form a circle of confinement around him, preventing Feng Yun and Gui Jianchou from escaping.

"What a snake queen. She has such a stunning face and an unparalleled figure."

"There are many beauties in my harem, whether they are ghost mothers or ghosts, they are inferior."

The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor licked the corners of his mouth obscenely, stared straight at Feng Yun, and said a lot of greasy words of praise.

The queen's nobility and coolness really fascinated him.

The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor swung his long sleeves, and a pool of mucus appeared under Feng Yun's feet, making his body unable to move.

At the same time, Ao Wuming was also controlled. The more he struggled, the tighter he became. The Longyuan Spear in his hand could no longer play any role.

But Gui Jianchou was still escaping from this confinement space. He wanted to rescue Feng Yun with his strange body skills, but in the end his strength was far behind and he was captured by the Nine Evil Ghost Emperor.

"Ghost, do you still want to run away? I trusted you so much back then, but you always wanted to betray me."

"I was practicing in seclusion before and couldn't get away to deal with you. How can I keep you here today?"

With just a few moves, the Nine Evil Ghost Emperor easily surrendered Gui Jianchou, which impressed Shadow so much that he quickly came over to flatter him.

"As expected of an emperor, the traitor can't escape with just a few moves."

The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor stared at Feng Yun with squinted eyes: "Such a stunning snake demon, I must take it back and play with it."

The shadow whispered softly in the ear of the Nine Evil Ghost Emperor: "Emperor, this Snake Queen has a close relationship with Xiao Bai. She must have been secretly communicating with her for a long time."

"Oh? This is really a big surprise for me."

The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor couldn't hide his joy. Xiao Bai fell in love with him twice. This time, he wanted to take Feng Yun back and play with him slowly, no matter what, in order to avenge him.

Tiankui brought two quasi-emperor realm elders from the Sky Demon Fox Clan to come to support, and small-scale battles broke out in other places at the same time.

Xiao Dong led the Pansi Mountain army to take the lead in attacking the two demon clans. The other two elders of the Sky Demon Fox clan also started fighting with the strong demon clan.

"As a majestic ghost emperor, he actually did such a dirty thing, and he is not afraid of losing face if word spreads about it."

The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor looked back and sneered: "It turns out you are a saint from the Sky Demon Fox Clan. I heard that the saint is very mysterious. No one has ever seen your true face."

"Today you took the initiative to send me to my door. I will take you back to Ghost Emperor City without any courtesy."

"In front of a strong person in the Imperial Realm, you have no chance of winning even if you go together."

Chapter 276 The Dragon Clan will never be a slave

Tiankui looked at the two elders beside her.

"Is there any way to free them?"

The two elders shook their heads: "Now that the Nine Evil Ghost Emperor has reached the second-level emperor realm, we have no chance of winning in the face of absolute strength."

"There is still a big gap between the ninth-level demon king and the true emperor-level powerhouse."

Feng Yun and the three others were firmly controlled by the black mucus. The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor seemed not in a hurry to kill them, enjoying the strong man's superior posture.

The Suzaku Divine Sword in Feng Yun's hand has become ineffective and cannot cut through the black mucus. Even the Queen's purple light cannot melt these sticky things.

Thanks to the Nine Evil Ghost Emperor's powerful cultivation, Feng Yun and the others were powerless to resist.

There is definitely no chance of winning through force, so Tiankui wants to adopt a negotiation mode.

"Ghost Emperor, how about we make a deal?"

"Haha!" The Nine Evil Ghost Emperor laughed loudly: "As expected of the Holy Lady of the Sky Demon Fox Clan, she is still thinking about doing business at this time."

"I really admire your mental ability to stay calm in times of crisis. As long as I take a few actions, you will have nowhere to hide."

Tiankui smiled calmly: "I have no doubts about the strength displayed by the Ghost Emperor."

"But one thing I'm curious about is, since it's a joint operation between the two devil clans, why didn't I see the Flame Demon Lord, let alone the sword immortals from Dreamland Mountain?"

"The Ghost Emperor must have been used as a weapon. When you and the Dragon Emperor are both injured, they will reap the benefits."

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