"It's better like this, let's clean up the battlefield first, get rid of the weak ones, and finally we are fighting for that treasure!"

The Eagle King, who was flying high in the air, said loudly.

"I agree, lest when we fight, let the weak pick peaches!"

The wolf king gray wolf also left the battle and looked at the weak animals around it, and a trace of disdain flashed in its eyes.


"The weak are not qualified to compete!"

"As you wish!"

The black-hearted tiger and the lion king Simba, as well as the panda king Po, also broke away one after another, and looked at the weak beast kings and demon beast seeds who wanted to pick up the leaks.

"That's all you two are left, do you want to fight again? The minority obeys the majority! The

Eagle King was condescending, and looked at Zhao Zheng and the Crocodile King Thorton with some speechlessness.

"Lao Tzu also wants to agree, but this stinky snake is like a dog skin plaster, and the light is wrapped around Lao Tzu!"

The crocodile king Thorton in the fight cursed.

"Yo huh! You dare to force me to nag again, I don't want to live, you! Zhao

was wrapping around the crocodile king Thorton to strangle, his eyes were bloodshot at the moment.

And from the perspective of the beast king present, this product is completely crazy!

"Panda King and Lion King, you go and separate them, otherwise when we expel the weak, it will not be good for the two of them to take the opportunity to get that treasure!"

Seeing this, the Eagle King in the sky continued.


The Lion King and the Panda King nodded indifferently and rushed together towards the crocodile king Thorton and Zhao Zheng, who were winding together.

"If you don't obey, just ask you if you are convinced by the master?"

Zhao Zheng continued to entangle the crocodile king Thorton, and the two were still fighting.

"Serve your mother's shit, you must die here today!"

Crocodile King Thorton was also angry and roared madly.

"Okay, you two, let's finish solving those weak people together, you are fighting!"

"That's right, even if you fight for life and death at that time, we won't stop it, as you wish!"

Lion King Simba and Panda King Abao said together, they were already close to the crocodile king Thorton and Zhao Zheng.

In the live broadcast room, netizens have been watching this chaotic war.

"Eagle King Hawkeye is out of the battlefield, as are Big Big Wolf and Black-Hearted Tiger, as well as Panda King Abao!"

"Looking at the direction of their gaze, it is those weak beast kings and demon beast seeds, it seems that they are going to clear the field!"

"That's right, otherwise I fought for a long time and let other people give fruit, it's not enough to fuck!"

Netizens kept brushing the barrage, and then they looked at Zhao Zheng and the crocodile king Thorton, who were fighting.

"Good fellow, these two are still fighting, if both defeats are lost, won't they be picked up by other beast kings?"

"Strange! Guo Ying is not such a snake, it is very smart, how can it do such a reckless thing?

"Thinking too much upstairs, right? Maybe the pot shadow is killing the red eye!

"No, I don't think something is right, I have watched the live broadcast of Guo Ying before, although he sometimes seems reckless, but in fact, it is it that wins in the end!"

"Therefore, this time the pot shadow must also have its own calculations!"

Some people who know about the pot shadow, or fans of the pot shadow, frowned.

Even those black fans sensed that something was wrong, and they didn't even bother to send the barrage, staring closely at the pot shadow who was entangled with the crocodile king Thorton.

They fight more and more fiercely, and the position of the battle is constantly changing.

After some netizens saw it, they suddenly realized after looking at the corpse of the crow king that was getting closer and closer to the pot shadow!

"I see, you guys see that the place where Pot Shadow fought with Crocodile King Thorton at the beginning was on the periphery of many beast kings fighting!"

"But now, the beast kings are not fighting to clear the field, and the pot shadow is still fighting with the crocodile king Thorton, and it is getting closer and closer to the position of the crow king!"

"Upstairs, is it said that the pot shadow has never killed the red eye, and the goal of this battle with the crocodile king Thorton is only to obtain the body of the crow king and seize the blood spirit bead of ten thousand beasts in the body?"

These netizens who suddenly realized spoke quickly, and other netizens frowned after watching it, and looked at the live broadcast.

Sure enough, as these netizens said, the closest to the Crow King's corpse is Pot Shadow and Crocodile King Thorton.

On the battlefield, after the Lion King Simba and the Panda King Po, close enough to Zhao Zheng and the Crocodile King Thorton.

"It's time to withdraw!"

Zhao Zheng's snake head flashed, avoiding the bite of the crocodile king.

At the same time, his vertical pupils turned lightly to look at the panda king and lion king who were coming quickly.

Then, he looked at the body of the Crow King nearby.

"Bye bye!"

Zhao Zheng's snake body moved violently, sending away the body of the crocodile king Thorton, and quickly came to the side of the crow king.


Zhao Zheng bit into the Crow King, and then his mind moved.

The corpse of the Crow King, along with the Ten Thousand Beast Blood Spirit Beads inside, was all collected into the storage space.

"Walk, go!"

After doing all this, Zhao Zheng immediately accelerated his speed and walked away.

Eagle King: "..."Black Tiger King:"..."Panda King:"

..." Other Beast Kings: "..."

The scene was silent, and all the beasts were stunned!

What about the Raven King?

And what about the big Raven King?

"Don't run, you vile snake, aren't you going to fight to the death?"

Crocodile King Thorton roared angrily and chased towards Zhao Zheng's figure.

However, its speed is slow, and it can only watch Zhao Zheng's figure getting farther and farther away.

"Damn, the Crow King's body must have been taken by it!"

The Eagle King came back to his senses and spread his wings and chased after him.

"It has a spatial skill, and the Raven King was taken away by it!"

Wolf King Gray Wolf seemed to have thought of something, his face changed greatly, and he hurriedly chased over.

"It's so deeply hidden!"

"Don't run!"

The Black Heart Tiger and the Lion King also chased towards Zhao Zheng.

"Damn, you mean snake!"

Panda King Po took out two huge stones from the ground and smashed them from a distance.


The boulder broke through the air, extremely fast, and soon caught up with Zhao Zheng and smashed it fiercely.

However, Zhao Zheng's snake body flashed and dodged this attack!

"Am I mean? Let's just take half a pound and eight taels!

Zhao Zheng's snake sneered, and he accelerated his speed to continue to flee, and the snake's body swayed rapidly.

"You talk about getting rid of the weak, but that's just one of your goals!"

"You are waiting for the arrival of your own race, waiting for your own help!"

Zhao Zheng mocked, and his temperament became indifferent.

He remembered that the other top beast kings except the Black Tiger King and the Panda King all came with their own tribes.

Especially under their protection, these races were not affected by the Ten Thousand Beast Blood Spirit Bead, and each of them still retained their combat power.

Later, when the kings competed for the blood spirit beads of ten thousand beasts, the battlefield continued to shift, and those races were left far behind.

But it's just falling, they're coming like crazy!

"If I go with you to solve the other weaklings, it will also buy you time and let you wait for your own race!"

"At that time, you all have helpers, but I am alone and snake, and when competing for treasures, I will be the first to be eliminated!"

Zhao Zheng's indifferent voice responded to the beast kings.

Even the Black Heart Tiger he couldn't believe it, although the Black Heart Tiger and the Panda King came alone.

But don't forget, both of them are famous top beast kings in the forest, with majesty.

If they really give orders, they can gather a large number of wild beasts to help in a short time.

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