There was not much work on the team in the afternoon, and Zhao Guoqing thought about how to work as soon as possible, bring the little meat from home, bring his younger brothers and sisters, and go to Liu Zhiqing to cook a meal at them!

That day I promised to invite them to a meal of meat.

Zhao Guoqing was working with his head down, and when someone called his name, when he looked up, he saw that it was Zhang Guoqing from the same village.

Yes, this Zhang Guoqing has a name with him, but the surname is different.

Anyway, in each brigade, there are always several called National Day Weidong and the like, casually shout, a large group of people who agree, everyone is not strange.

This Zhang Guoqing is one year older than Zhao Guoqing, and his father is the secretary of the brigade, which can be regarded as playing with Zhao Guoqing, and the relationship between the two is not bad.

“Zhao Guoqing, when to eat your candy? How did I hear that you and Chen Furong blew? Really fake? When

Zhang Guoqing said this, his eyes flickered a little, and while talking about eating candy, he asked whether it was true or not?

Zhao Guoqing was a little strange, and he didn’t think much about it.

“It’s really blown, people have to turn three times and one ring plus thirty-two or six legs, I’m not happy, the main thing is that the two can’t get together, and if they

blow, they blow…” Zhao Guoqing didn’t say that Chen Furong was unruly, he didn’t want to be a takeover man, but he just said that he couldn’t get along.

After all, there is no evidence for some things, and saying more about yourself will make people feel that they are a villain talking nonsense behind their backs.

“You really are, I heard that last time Chen Furong didn’t say that she didn’t want a bride price, and took the household registration book to marry you? You are really, Chen Furong actually looks good, and the people are the announcers of the commune, you kid earned…”

Zhang Guoqing’s words were a little sour.

Zhao Guoqing sounded a little wrong.

Just kidding.

“I didn’t say she was ugly, she really didn’t fit…” ”

So, then you, do you have that, that?”

Zhang Guoqing glanced around, there were few people here, there was no one else for the time being, only him and Zhao Guoqing, he asked a little nervously.

Although it is not so clear what is said, men understand.

“No, I haven’t even held hands, if we are really that, then who have I become?”

Zhao Guoqing couldn’t help shaking his head, they said that they were talking about friends together, and they really hadn’t kissed, let alone did that.

This is also why in his previous life, he never reacted, because he was an honest person and cleaned himself, and he thought that everyone was the same as him.

The month of the child’s birth was wrong, and he didn’t think much about it.


Zhang Guoqing asked Zhao Guoqing again uncertainly?

“Really, can this be said nonsense? No is nothing! Really, then Chen Furong’s mother, can cut me with a knife, do you believe it?

“I believe!”

Zhang Guoqing smiled, extremely relaxed, and even patted him on the shoulder, calling him a good brother, and Zhao Guoqing chuckled in his heart.

There is always a feeling that something is wrong, could it be that this Zhang Guoqing has any thoughts about Chen Furong?

However, he will not marry that Chen Furong in this life, and it is best that the two should never have any relationship again, and they will not want to see this person for the rest of their lives.

Zhao Guoqing didn’t think much, and after working casually, he took the meat and went to Liu Zhiqing’s yard.

Zhiqing Point is a few uninhabited yards in the village before, but later repaired, five men live in a large courtyard.

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The female intellectuals have to live alone in a small courtyard, so it is very convenient for two people to live in a small courtyard and live in two small courtyards.

When Zhang Anping went, Liu Yuqing had just washed his face and changed into a white Zhenliang shirt, which he was usually reluctant to wear, but he specially took it out today.

When Zhao Guoqing knocked on the door, she happily went over to knock on the door, and deliberately glanced around, no one noticed, and quickly closed the door.

The sound of closing the door startled Zhao Guoqing.

“Liu Zhiqing, just you, Xia Zhiqing?”

“She went to the vegetable field, said to dig some potatoes, come, you sit first, I’ll bring you rice…” Li

Yuqing was in a good mood at this time, and quickly went to take out the bag of rice that was put away.

For today’s meal, she and Xia Ruolan went to the production team early to change rice.

This bag of rice is full of ten pounds.

“My younger brothers and sisters went to catch fish, and they will come in a while, I also brought rice, and some fritters, just use your family’s pot, you can’t take advantage of your family for nothing…” The

last time I ate at Liu Yuqing’s side, I didn’t bring anything.

This time, he got a few pounds of pork and specially brought some rice, because after all, when the time comes, his younger brothers and sisters will come to eat, and he will get a lot of food.

We can’t let the two young people suffer a big loss in food.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, my family sent me food stamps again, I can’t finish eating…” Liu

Yuqing secretly glanced at Zhao Guoqing and smiled heartily, which reminded Zhao Guoqing that the village said that Liu Zhiqing’s family was in the city and the conditions were very good.

She said that her father was the director of a textile factory.

Both mother and brother have jobs, and the conditions at home are good, so the conditions are better in the Zhiqing, and the family often sends packages, and there is no shortage of money and food stamps.

While the two were talking, the door opened, and Xia Ruolan was holding a bamboo basket in her hand, a hoe in her hand, and her face was dirty on her hands.

She closed the door smoothly, nodded at Zhao Guoqing, and was busy taking out the potatoes she had dug up today.

Now at this time, the potatoes are not big, only the size of eggs, but Xia Ruolan dug a lot, enough to dig a small half basket, on top of those potatoes, there are a lot of sweet potato leaves!

This Xia Ruolan was careful and picked a large pile of these sweet potato leaves, intending to eat them as vegetables at that time.

“Come, you guys rest, I’ll cook, just wait for the meal…” Zhao

Guoqing looked at the small potato, and thought of using potatoes to cook meat when the time came.

Sweet potato leaves can be divided into poles and leaves, and two dishes can be stir-fried.

As for the larger potatoes, you can stir-fry a plate of sour and spicy shredded potatoes, so that there are several dishes at once.

Think of it, come and do it, Zhao Guoqing hurriedly started, Liu Yuqing over there also hurried to help, Xia Ruolan looked at the smile, and quickly went out of the kitchen and went to the yard.

While it is not yet dark, just read a book, or light kerosene at night, which hurts your eyes and is expensive.

The book Xia Ruolan read is a review material for the college entrance examination sent by her family, and she wants to participate in the college entrance examination, which is being reviewed.

Zhao Guoqing cut all these meats, divided the lean meat and the fat meat, added a little corn flour to stir the seasoning, and then fattened some to prepare the potatoes.

This fat meat is potted, and then stir-fried, the oil will be nourished, and a burst of strange fragrance will make Liu Yuqing, who is helping to wash potatoes and burn the fire, the saliva in his mouth is secreted.

It’s so fragrant!

This meat has not yet been eaten, so it makes her hungry!

Wang Weidong, who knew the youth point next door, was also preparing to cook, and also smelled this strange fragrance.

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