In fact, Chen Furong is not necessarily beautiful, but she is very smart, very calculating, and can grasp human nature steadily.

Originally, Liu Shuzhen wanted to order more bride price, even if she stayed at home, she would turn a blind eye at most, anyway, it was all from the Zhao family, which had little impact on her.

There are benefits, she is naturally reluctant to give up.

Even if the Zhao family does not agree, she can change another family, and it is not impossible to see the man’s side get back married.

But, belly, her stomach can’t wait.

If this is to smoothly marry Zhao Guoqing, the child in this belly, when the time comes, directly say premature birth, rural premature children are not very unusual.

There are many people who are pregnant with their children working in the production team, and they are still working on the first day, and the next day their children are born more than a month prematurely, which is actually quite a few.

Even if she gives birth at that time, everyone will not suspect anything?

Even the Zhao family would not be suspicious.

After all, such a thing as pregnancy out of wedlock is still rare in these years.

Ordinary people would not have thought that she Chen Furong’s boldness would be so big?

But this will be because her mother Liu Shufang’s excessive greed has made this marriage yellow, and her plan has all failed?

Even if she has good conditions, where will she go to find the right man to marry at this time?

The point is, where to find a handsome man like Zhao Guoqing?

Plus the piece of meat in her stomach also made her anxious, so at this time, Chen Furong really hated her mother Liu Shufang, which was resentment in her heart!

Coupled with Liu Shufang’s kind of abuse, Chen Furong was going crazy.

All blame her, all blame her, if it weren’t for her, how could she have fallen into such a desperate situation?

Once the matter of her unmarried pregnancy is revealed, her twenty-eight yuan a month job will definitely not be saved.

And the gossip was enough to force her to death.

Thinking that without an iron rice bowl, she would be pointed at for a lifetime of life than death, Chen Furong was completely uncontrollable.

At this time, tears flowed uncontrollably, and the expression of sadness and despair and pain made many people who had come to see the excitement deeply shocked, and their hearts were sour when they saw it!

Oh, this girl is so sad, that expression really doesn’t seem to be fake, that is really hated her mother!

Liu Shuzhen couldn’t say it at this time, she just scolded her girlfriend no matter how ruthless, she didn’t dare to say in front of so many people that her girlfriend had a piece of meat in her belly?

Hate to marry?

Can only turn over and over to scold the girl, no conscience to raise such a big, ruthless thing, such good conditions people are not happy to come out in three turns and a ring, that is not to look at her.

This will blame her for being a mother, she is wronged, she is wronged!

“I said sister-in-law, don’t be aggrieved, what a good marriage this Fleur is, just blame you, what is so greedy to do?” What do you want three turns and one ring thirty-two legs, I said, if you don’t want anything, the child’s marriage is about to be completed…”

Chen Furong’s eldest aunt did not know that Chen Furong had a child in her belly, which would still persuade Liu Shuzhen.

“Yes, blame you for being greedy, I, I don’t want to live with your greedy mother, I, if anyone marries me, I will marry out immediately, and I don’t want to stay with you for a day…” Chen

Furong is very smart, at first angry Liu Shuzhen, but this will be thinking of finding the next family.

As long as she gets married within this half a month and a month, maybe she still has a glimmer of life.

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I can find a daddy for this piece of meat in my stomach and fool this matter over, but if I can’t find a man to marry within this month or two, her stomach can’t be covered, and things will be revealed.

At that time, it was also the time when she was discredited.


Zhao Guoqing didn’t care about Chen Furong’s anxiousness, and made a mess with Liu Shuzhen at home.

He bought a cauldron and pork and other things, and rushed home in a hurry.

This thing bought a lot, Zhao Guoqing was only five yuan on his body at this time, but the account owed outside was almost two hundred and fifty yuan, which was not counting his plan to build a house.

Inside and out, he wanted to build several houses to pay off the accounts, which required thousands of yuan.

In 80 years, when a bag of salt is only two cents, how can you earn these thousands of yuan?

This is the most urgent problem that Zhao Guoqing needs to solve at present.

“Came back, the pot was bought, and the eldest brother brought back a lot of things…”

Zhao Dongxue shouted loudly, and everyone in the yard heard it, and in the main room sat Zhao Han and Mrs. Mei, who were sulking and smoking dry cigarettes.

In the pigsty, Zhao Quan’s daughter-in-law Chen Hongmei is washing the pigsty.

The two pigs in the family are more expensive than people, and the Zhao family first cooks pig food with pumpkin and sweet potato leaves, and after cooking, they wash the cauldron for people to cook and eat.

In the past, Liu Zhenfang fed pigs to cook, and Chen Hongmei only had to help on the side.

But now that the family is separated, feeding the pigs and cooking, these things fall on Chen Hongmei’s head.

Originally, there was Wang Chunhua, but she didn’t cook before, saying that she wanted to grow vegetables, and in the past, when it was time to feed the pigs to cook, Wang Chunhua made an excuse to plant vegetables.

Then when the meal at home was almost ready, she came back to eat ready-made.

You don’t have to do anything, naturally there will be food to eat.

But now Liu Zhenfang, who does things quickly, has separated, feeding pigs and needing people, cooking needs people, everyone is the same as before, no one thinks of helping Chen Hongmei.

Liu Zhendian worked very quickly, and had already gone to the commune to get a donkey cart and green bricks back, because Liu Zhenfang and their family did not have a kitchen.

Originally, Liu Zhenfang planned to wait until Zhao’s family had a pot stove, she could cook later, but seeing that it was almost dark, the pig food in Chen Hongmei’s pot had not yet been cooked.

My brother came to help today, and he was going hungry, since his son bought the cauldron and kitchen knives and so on.

So, she was at her door, first built a simple stove with bricks, put the pot on it, and thought of making the meal first and letting the children’s uncle eat a meal.

“Mom, today I split up, my brother-in-law hasn’t come back for a few years, so I’ll stew some meat with meat bones today, and then make a pork liver soup, and leave some meat for tomorrow’s uncles to eat when they make the kitchen…”

Liu Zhenfang, who said Zhao Guoqing’s words, only nodded.

This kid bought so many things, I am afraid that the money in his hand is all gone, and this little rice noodles in this house, this is only May and June, and the autumn harvest is still early this year.

They will go to the village tomorrow to collect some grain and wait until the autumn harvest to pay for it.

There are many children in his family, and it is estimated that he owes the production team a lot of grain, this, this child, why did he buy all the money?

Save some money, buy more rice, and it’s good to have porridge to fill your stomach!

But at this time, Liu Zhenfang did not allow Liu Zhenfang to think more, Zhao Guoqing also took back some plate oil, which is a good thing, she had to quickly refine this plate of oil to make oil.

Newly bought pots, washed and heated, rubbed with oil are said to make the pot strong and durable.

When the white flower plate oil falls on the hot iron pot, a foreign fragrance wafts out!

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