“You’re crazy, how do you get this thing?”

The force on Zhao Guoqing’s feet was great, and the snakeskin bag was kicked open by him, revealing a black shotgun?

This thing has been regulated everywhere lately.

Can’t be pulled out casually, this National Day is really bold, actually got this thing?

“Shh, Brother Zhao, don’t say it, this, I’m not inferior to you, I want to do this marriage a little more decently, isn’t this lack of money?” I want to go into the mountains to get some wild things, my brother Zhao, don’t say anything…” It

turned out that Zhang Guoqing wanted to marry Chen Furong.

I wanted to get more money, but although his father was a branch secretary of the Chaoyang Brigade, and the conditions at home were good, he really had to buy thirty-two legs in three turns and one ring.

It’s still not enough.

So he secretly got a shotgun and wanted to get some wild game in the mountains to sell, as long as this matter is not discovered, although it is risky, but it is also very profitable.

“Don’t mess around, this catches someone who will go to jail, it’s not worth it, don’t be stupid, you listen to me, you don’t prepare for anything, just say that you get married early next month, this Chen Furong will be happy, maybe it will urge you to get a certificate immediately…” Zhao

Guoqing looked at this stupid Zhang Guoqing, speechless for a while.

How can this person look stupider than his previous life?

Moreover, did he really not understand or pretended to be stupid?

For Chen Furong, in order to be a takeover man?

Don’t you know that this shotgun is a controlled item?

“Brother Zhao, don’t fool me? Which girl’s family, don’t want to pay more bride price, I heard that you were because her mother wanted to turn three times and one ring…”

Zhang Guoqing will swallow.

After all, the people in the village said that it was Chen Furong’s mother who had to turn the bride price of thirty-two legs three times to make Zhao Guoqing, who was poor at home, turn his face.

The marriage between the two did not happen.

Although Chen Furong said that he didn’t want any bride price, Zhang Guoqing always felt that he was not as handsome as Zhao Guoqing, and he couldn’t let Chen Furong’s ability to die of heart, and there was always something empty in his heart.

That’s why he thought, prepare more bride price, women always have to face.

“You are stupid, I see that you are honest and pitiful, this will call me Brother Zhao, you will quickly go back, do as I say, do not give a bride price, only say get married early, Chen Furong does not agree with you to scold me again, if you agree, you, pay more attention, don’t be stupid, ask a few more why…”

I almost told Zhang Guoqing that he was going to be a father.

And at the beginning, he vaguely mentioned that Chen Furong’s style was not good, and Zhang Guoqing did not believe it at all.

So Zhao Guoqing is also at the end of the point, because you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep.

Zhang Guoqing originally wanted to use a shotgun to go into the mountain to secretly hunt, but was broken by Zhao Guoqing, and he said that it would not be good to go into the mountain with a shotgun again.

I can only take advantage of the night and leave quickly.

However, Zhao Guoqing’s words made him think left and right.

Zhang Guoqing was very strange, originally he should have hated Zhao Guoqing, after all, the person Chen Furong wanted to marry was him.

But without Zhao Guoqing’s guidance, he didn’t dare to confess to Chen Furong?

There is no hope of marrying Chen Furong, so Zhang Guoqing’s feelings for Zhao Guoqing are very complicated.

“Forget it, turn back, try according to what Brother Zhao said, in case it doesn’t work, then think of a way, this shotgun is still too conspicuous…”

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Zhang Guoqing finally hid the shotgun.

Zhao Guoqing and his younger brother went back after the beast clamp at night, and when it was not dawn the next day, they would go to see the beast clamp.

This night, Zhao Youqing also caught a lot of knowledge, and planned to add a dish to the house tomorrow.

And Zhao Guoqing went into the mountain again early the next morning, this time not very lucky, only caught a pheasant, already dead, not big, he looked at the prey less.

I went up to pick bamboo mushrooms, but when I went to Ermei Mountain, I deliberately turned to a shady hillside.

There is a large area of wild amaza.

This season is not the season of harvesting Tianma, he just often comes to see that Zhao Guoqing plans to harvest this time when the bamboo mushrooms are gone in autumn.

Large amazag can be directly steamed and dried and sold.

The small Tianma can be used to reproduce the seeds of Tianma, and he even plans to open a large plot of land behind his house when the time comes, and he can directly plant some Tianma.

This thing is a precious medicinal herb.

After the contract is completely released, the demand and price of Tianma will go up, and he can make a lot of money for himself.

There are also some black fungus and shiitake mushrooms.

These are not a problem, as long as you take time to prepare firewood when the family farm is idle, and then control the temperature and humidity, the mushrooms planted will be harvested every year.

This is also very easy for farmers with surplus labor, as long as they master the technology diligently.

Zhao Guoqing plans to take the time to get some, because these can make money.

So when he went down the mountain, Zhao Guoqing carried some basswood with a thick bowl, and when he got home, he sawed these thicker basswood into more than one meter long wood and piled them in the corner.

The finer plan is to use it as firewood to burn the house fire.

When I went back, the family was stir-frying the monkey caught last night, and the monkey pinched its head and tail and stir-fried it in the pot, like a fried fish, and put some green onions, ginger and garlic.

After a while, the aroma wafted out of the pot.

With this dish, Liu Zhenfang remembered what her son said, let the younger brothers and sisters eat every day, otherwise they will not grow tall, and they will not be able to make up for it after the vitality is greatly damaged.

The youngest son is not tall and thin, which is also something that Liu Zhenfang has been worried about, so this will make her take two extra eggs, make up a large handful of garlic seedlings, and fry a plate of eggs and garlic seedlings.

It was a good dish, and the aroma wafted away all at once.

Liu Zhenfang in the kitchen heard Mrs. Mei scolding Chen Hongmei in the yard.

“Clumsy and brainy, grind and rub until now the pigs have not been fed well? What the hell can’t you do…” The

aroma next door was fragrant, Chen Hongmei at home was still cooking pig food, and a pot of wild vegetables emitted a bitter sour smell, which was disgusting.

In the past, Liu Zhenfang was diligent and quick, feeding pigs and cooking, and the two of them were quick to cook.

But now Chen Hongmei is slow, but Wang Chunhua doesn’t come to help the calculation, and Mrs. Mei still scolds, causing Chen Hongmei’s tears to fall.

“Mom, it’s soon, it’s time to feed the pigs soon, or will you let your sister-in-law help?”

“Whoever has a lazy daughter-in-law like you on the stall, really poured eight lifetimes of mold, why not, stealing and playing the first place…”

Mrs. Mei scolded people fiercely, and did not show mercy at all, only scolded that Chen Hongmei’s whole person was about to collapse after feeding the pig, and she didn’t even go into the kitchen.

Because she was dizzy at this time, she planned to catch her breath first.

But her action fell into the eyes of Mrs. Mei, and she had to chase Chen Hongmei on the spot to fight, who knew that something big had happened.

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