“The country’s policy is good, frankness and leniency resist strictness, at this time, as long as Zhang Guoqing admits his mistake and has a good attitude, there should be no problem, Uncle Zhang, don’t worry…” Zhao Guoqing

persuaded Zhang Jun, but at this time Zhang Jun’s heart was in turmoil.

He thinks it’s Zhao Guoqing who is unwilling to help?

At the moment, my heart is crossed, and I can’t care about being embarrassed.

“National Day, my family’s non-contentious thing, it’s a ghost fan, my family actually has some money for him to marry his daughter-in-law, but what kind of three turns and one ring thirty-two legs he wants to send to Chen Furong, this is a crooked road, in fact, what an honest child my baby is…”

“I also know, uncle begs you for this, let you be in a dilemma, but uncle really can’t think of a better way, my family is this one single seedling, I, uncle kneel for you, If you help me ask your brother-in-law, I can’t thank you enough!”

Zhang Jun was anxious at this time, and he was about to kneel down at Zhao Guoqing.

but was pulled by Zhao Guoqing.

“Uncle, or I’ll ask my brother-in-law, don’t worry…” Zhao

Guoqing remembered that in his previous life, this Guoqing was safe and sound, and he was not arrested and sent to prison at all, and he didn’t commit anything.

And this shotgun thing, this is also a little stricter in recent years.

The main reason is that the state requires that hunting guns and gunpowder be handed over, and when encountering some typical uncooperative masses, those who cause bad influence will be arrested and locked up for a while, in fact, there are not many such things.

After all, the most shotguns handed over are criticism, education, fines, etc., but they will not directly arrest people and go to jail.

So Zhang Jun begged to come to him, and Zhao Guoqing planned to go to his brother-in-law’s house and see his grandmother by the way.

Seeing that Zhao Guoqing agreed to take a trip, Zhang Jun was grateful, patting his chest and saying that whether it was successful or not, he was grateful.

He also grabbed an old hen from home and took thirty eggs, which he must give to Zhao Guoqing, saying that he wanted him to take it to his uncle.

Zhao Guoqing pushed back, it was useless to look at it, so he simply carried these things, and put together the bamboo mushroom and the ten eggs saved at home, the hen was tied to the front of the bicycle, and the eggs were placed behind the seat.

I happily went to see my grandmother.

Zhao Guoqing’s grandmother is in the Bayi team, next to the Chaoyang Brigade, and her grandmother’s name is Huang Xiulian, a very clean, sharp, enlightened and capable old lady.

In addition to being virtuous, Huang Xiulian also has a characteristic, that is, she is literate and likes to read that kind of novel, such as Xue Rengui Zhengdong, Fan Lihua Xue Dingshan, and similar books.

Because Zhao Guoqing knew that these books of his grandmother were pressed under the box, neatly placed, and the place of each page footer was pressed flat, without a little damage and rolled up.

Most rural people are illiterate, but Huang Xiulian has been following literacy since she was a child because her father used to be a teacher.

It can be counted as the number one in the eight-one team, and the old lady who can read.

Huang Xiulian’s home is by a pond in the Bayi team, and their family is diligent, with vegetable gardens in front of and behind the house, and in a place with good water sources by the pond, they not only grow vegetables but also plant many fruit trees.

There are peach trees, pear trees, as well as apricot trees, plum trees, date trees, grapes, etc.

In my memory, as long as it is a fruit that Zhao Guoqing likes to eat, my grandmother has a variety of fruit.

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At this season, apricots are hung all over the branches, one by one yellow with red, and when you pinch it, the apricot mouth splits, revealing the golden flesh, and when you bite it, it is soft and glutinous with a sweet and sour taste.

There is also the carmine peach, although it is not ripe at this season, but the surface of the peach has turned white, and the fluff has faded a lot, Zhao Guoqing picked a peach on the tree, rubbed it with his hand, and took a bite at the tip of the peach, not very sweet but very crisp, and there was a lot of moisture.

It is particularly refreshing to eat.

Zhao Guoqing ate happily, picked another one ready to wipe and eat, and heard someone shout in surprise.

“National Day, why are you free?”

It turned out that an old lady in her sixties who looked very healthy, most of her gray hair was combed without a trace, and she was looking at him in surprise at this time.

“Grandma, is my brother-in-law at home? I brought you some eggs and hens…” Zhao

Guoqing brought down all the things he brought, but Huang Xiulian pushed back, saying that it was still difficult for them to split up just now, so they should not be sent.

“Grandma, I will take whatever I send, just like my family will come to you if there is a difficulty, and they have not divided each other…” In

the previous life, my grandmother left on the day that February Erlong raised her head, and for many years later, Zhao Guoqing thought of her grandmother every time, and she missed it incomparably in her heart, always feeling that her grandmother did not go to his house to live a permanent life and did not live a good life.

But at that time, my grandmother always said that when I was old, it was not convenient to go anywhere, so I lived in my own home, which was a blessing.

And Zhao Guoqing always felt that in his previous life, because he moved his grandmother’s coffin to marry Chen Furong, which caused his uncle and second uncle to feel uncomfortable in his heart, and finally after breaking off his family with him, even he rarely went to see his grandmother.

Until her grandmother was about to die, Zhao Guoqing got the news and came back.

But at that time, my grandmother couldn’t speak, just pulled his hand, and I don’t know if I still knew him?

Many years later, Zhao Guoqing met a neighbor next door to his grandmother, who once told him that his grandmother liked to sit in front of the door and look at it, hoping that all her children and grandchildren would come back to see it.

Unfortunately, Zhao Guoqing has been doing business outside to make money, but he has forgotten that his grandmother has been looking forward to his return.

And the fruit trees planted by my grandmother’s family back then were actually for them to eat.

In this life, Zhao Guoqing never wants to break off his family with his grandmother and uncle, and he wants to be able to accompany her well by his grandmother’s side often.

“This child is filial piety, always thinking about his grandmother, well, I will save for your family, you will divide the family, I will hatch some chickens when I turn back, you raise some chickens, I heard, this outside is all wrapped up in the household…” Because

of literacy, Huang Xiulian knows more things than ordinary rural old ladies.

She would even make time to go to the brigade office to look at expired newspapers.

“Yes, once the package arrives, the food grown by every household is not only enough to eat, but there are more pigs and chickens

, and the life in the countryside will be better and better…” “Yes, yes, or my family’s National Day knows more, your brother-in-law has been praising you, saying that you have the ability to endure long skills, saying that your mother will enjoy happiness in the future, you rest quickly, I will get you something delicious, your brother-in-law will come back in a while…” Huang

Xiulian saw Zhao Guoqing happily and kept her mouth closed.

The two have been talking, and even talking about Chen Furong, unlike others, Huang Xiulian approved of his withdrawal from marriage after hearing her grandson say that the girl’s style was not good.

“The National Day is

coming…” Just as Zhao Guoqing was speaking, he heard the voice of his brother-in-law Liu Zhendian coming.

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