More than three hundred pounds of wild boar.

If you sell it quietly, even if it is not sold for a dollar a pound, even if it is eight cents and nine cents.

Do the math, it’s almost three hundred pieces.

With three hundred pieces, three turns and one ring plus thirty-two are actually not difficult.

It was because of this idea that this National Day would take a desperate step and want to attack that group of wild boars.

But who would have thought that his family was actually not short of money, but he didn’t know it….

This time he came back to make such a big thing, his father Zhang Jun finally showed him the bottom of the family, saying that it was no problem to make three turns and one sound at home, and even building a new house was no problem.

Let him stop doing stupid things, but the old two of them don’t like this Chen Furong very much, and they always feel that if it’s really good, then how can someone like Zhao Guoqing monkey essence be unhappy?

At the beginning, others didn’t know, but Zhang Guoqing saw with his own eyes that Chen Furong came directly to the production team to force marriage, saying that she directly took the household registration book and was willing to go and get a certificate with Zhao Guoqing.

It’s just that Zhao Guoqing really doesn’t agree.

Zhang Guoqing was full of Chen Furong, he was confused, but Zhang Jun and his daughter-in-law were not stupid.

People are also shrewd, or there is money in the family, and they have been hiding from his stupid son for so many years?

Zhang Jun means that wait a minute, you can buy these at home, but the time is best moved back, at least two or three months, after all, even if you ask someone to beat the furniture, it will take a while.

I have to dry it and put on a paint.

But Zhang Guoqing felt that his parents were pedantic, and he still wanted to marry Chen Furong home as soon as possible.

I can’t wait to marry home in a week and become my own daughter-in-law.

“Come on, I’ll look for my brother-in-law when I turn back, we will find a way, dig traps, see if we can get a few piglets to raise, this is a good thing, that group of wild boars, your guidance…”

Zhao Guoqing began to hit the idea of the group of wild boars.

Zhang Guoqing naturally promised with his mouth, the little wild boar is not as rich as the big wild boar, but the victory is in safety.

You don’t need a shotgun to catch a small wild boar, and if you can dig a trap, you can get one or two, or even more, if you are lucky.

The key is to find out where these wild boars stand.

Originally, Zhang Guoqing, the foothold of the wild boar, would not tell others casually, but Zhao Guoqing was different, he saved himself.

This friendship is not ordinary, naturally it can be said.

At that moment, Zhang Guoqing told Zhao Guoqing about the wild boar in the nest of Ermei Mountain, and said that he could take him to find it next time to ensure that he would find one accurately.

Zhao Guoqing was naturally overjoyed this time.

When he went back, he put away this Yuan Datou and money, plus some of the original money on him, almost a hundred yuan, and the last time the family built a kitchen and a pigsty.

The red bricks and cement I bought were all money taken by my brother-in-law Liu Zhendian.

If it weren’t for my brother-in-law, their family wouldn’t even have a kitchen.

You must know that the little sister Zhao Dongxue was smashed to death by the collapsed kitchen when it snowed heavily this winter.

This time, the kitchen was rebuilt with brick and cement, and the cement after solidification was naturally very strong, and the roof was made of heavy wood beams.

This at least guarantees that even if there is heavy snow, the kitchen will not collapse.

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It can also be regarded as a precautionary measure.

Therefore, Zhao Guoqing was especially grateful to his brother-in-law, and this time Zhang Guoqing sent something, he did not plan to hide it from his brother-in-law, and the two large pieces of bacon, planning to send a piece to his grandmother.

There were also some morels at home, because there were not many of them, and I never bought them, so Zhao Guoqing also planned to pack some for my grandmother.

There is also the litter of rabbits at home, seven or eight rabbits in a litter, and a litter of rabbits in the middle, a full seven, so that the size of the rabbits in the family is about twenty at once.

The fecundity of this rabbit is really amazing.

Zhao Guoqing plans to let his grandmother’s family also make some cages, and when these little rabbits are full moon, they can directly send some over for their grandmother to raise.

With these rabbits, it’s okay to eat some meat or anything, and you can also exchange money.

Whoever wants to eat rabbit meat in the village can take money and take grain in exchange, so that an income is invisibly increased.

So the next day, Zhao Guoqing went to find his brother-in-law, this time bringing a hundred pieces, as well as a piece of bacon and a rabbit and a pheasant that he caught last night.

When these things were sent over, Huang Xiulian refused to accept them, and her mouth was chanting that the Zhao family would separate.

Now is the most difficult time.

“Grandma, this is my filial piety to you, you must accept it, just like you give me things, I will keep them all, because you gave them, isn’t this the same reason for me?”

Zhao Guoqing didn’t care what his grandmother said, he forced it to his brother-in-law, and told him about Zhang Guoqing, and said that he was like a god.

But this made Liu Zhendian cry and laugh.

How did the yin and yang difference actually get such a big benefit?

“Okay, then I will collect this money, even if it is the hundred yuan you returned to me, I don’t want Yuan Datou, you put that thing away, maybe it will be of great use in the future, it is best to go to the provincial capital for a higher price, don’t shoot locally…”

Liu Zhendian looked farther away.

This thing is still a little big when I take it out now.

But after a year and a half, when it is sent to the provincial capital to find a place to sell it for money, I don’t know it.

The Zhao family is really too poor, even if his nephew is smart and capable, but he doesn’t have a penny and family background, so he has to leave him a little family base.

Of these fifteen Yuan big heads, Liu Zhendian didn’t ask for any of them.

Not only that, he also promised to work with Zhao Guoqing to dig traps in Ermei Mountain to catch small wild boars.

“Don’t worry, with your brother-in-law here, don’t talk about wild boars, wolves and I will catch them, our troops dig traps, they are all serial traps, and everyone can catch them…”

Liu Zhendian said about digging traps, and suddenly became interested.

said that this matter is really a piece of cake for him, but the two of them alone can’t do it, and it takes a few more to shout, because the trap he wants to make is quite troublesome.

It’s a serial trap, the kind that even people can catch, let alone wild boars.

“No problem, I’ll go back and find a few more reliable people, by the way, I’ll help you see how to plant Tianma in a while, I see that the land in your backyard has been made up…”

“Okay, okay, I also think what you said is reliable, and I plan to get it out as soon as possible, lest I return to the army at that time, your grandmother will not plant…” The

two said this, planning to go to the backyard, and this Huang Xiulian processed the rabbit meat and wild chicken sent by Zhao Guoqing.

I plan to marinate and fry some into the jar, and then stew some for Zhao Guoqing.

Zhao Guoqing watched his brother-in-law go to the backyard first, his footsteps stopped and hesitated, and he walked quickly to the kitchen.

One thing, he wanted to find his grandmother.

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