Zhang Guoqing wanted to know, who is the man in Chen Furong’s house?

Because he was lying by the small window and did not look at Qin Chu’s man’s face.

The commune compound was in chaos, and Chen Furong and they were naturally alarmed, and hearing that there was a fire outside, which made her panic in her heart.

But he quickly calmed down again, and instructed the man to find a place to hide, and if he couldn’t get under the bed.

But there were already people outside banging on the door.

The mouth shouted Comrade Chen, hurry, come out quickly, the house is on fire, come out quickly, otherwise it is easy to have an accident, etc.

And at this time, Chen Furong found that I don’t know when, the window of her house seemed to be lit by the fire, but this fire didn’t know what was going on?

The man on the bed also jumped up in a hurry, dressing in a panic.

And at this moment someone suddenly screamed.

“Someone, there are men in the house of Announcer Chen?”

Originally, there were people outside to help put out the fire, and this would hear someone shouting like this, and suddenly rushed to the window, and even someone knocked the door, and the sound was heaven-shaking.

Suddenly, a person squeezed out of the crowd and shouted.

“Let me see, you can’t just wronged people…” The

person who stood up this time was Zhang Guoqing, his eyes were dark, and Chen Furong, who pushed open the door, rushed directly to the bed.

Then tear off the heavy tent.

No one?

There were only messy sheets on the bed, but no one.

Hehe, Zhang Guoqing’s eyes looked around, this room is not big, people who can’t hide, unless under the bed….

Zhang Guoqing was just about to look under the bed, but saw Chen Furong stop him all of a sudden, his eyes were a little frightened, but he just forced himself to call him calmly, saying why did he come in the middle of the night?

“Hehe, I’m not coming, can I know that there are still men in your house?”

Zhang Guoqing’s eyes changed at this time.

“You don’t want blood spouting people!”

At this time, Chen Furong was still hard-mouthed, but when Zhang Guoqing dragged out under the bed, a gray-faced man without a shirt.

All the onlookers were in an uproar.

One by one, his eyes widened, but the man walked to Chen Furong without blushing and without a heartbeat, put his arm around her waist and grinned.

“The two of us, one unmarried, the other unmarried, originally didn’t want to make it public so early, since the big guys have bumped into, then it’s better to choose the day than to hit the sun, tomorrow we will go to get the certificate, buy everyone some candy and share a point…” The

person who spoke was Li Changqing of the Bayi team.

Everyone was stunned.

But looking at this scene again, some people have some sympathy for this National Day.

Someone put a hat on.

The daughter-in-law is also running away.

“Hehe, I now know Chen Furong, why you want to marry Zhao Guoqing, people don’t want to marry you, it’s not that your family proposed what three turns and one ring, thirty-two harsh conditions, it’s because your water-based poplar flower is really not worthy of these bride price!”

“While promising to get a marriage license with me, my family is asking the master to beat the furniture, and you roll the sheets with wild men here? Hehe, the Red Star Commune is like this, where is this announcer, this is rotten goods, people can be husbands, such a woman I Zhang Guoqing don’t want, because you don’t deserve …”

At this time, Zhang Guoqing was also angry, almost pointing at Chen Furong’s nose and scolding.

In fact, many people watching this person know that Zhang Guoqing wants to marry Chen Furong.

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And this Li Changqing and Chen Furong are not clear, this will be blocked in the house, and said to get a marriage certificate.

Although there is nothing wrong with the words, this Chen Furong is really a rotten product of water-based poplar flowers.

It has only been a long time, if Zhao Guoqing is not willing to marry Chen Furong, some people still have some sympathy for her.

But soon he talked about marriage with Zhang Guoqing, and here he and Li Changqing rolled the bed, looking at this look, the two had slept together.

Such a person is definitely not a lady of yellow flowers.

Blah blah,

At this time, Chen Furong was really bitter and couldn’t say, why was she unlucky and caught by Zhang Guoqing?

At this time, no matter how clever and witty and cunning she was, she couldn’t wash away her innocence.

I’m afraid that in the end I can only marry Li Changqing, but fortunately, Li Changqing is the captain of the Bayi team, and the appearance of the person is not very bad, although I heard that the conditions are poor, but the poorer the more glorious.

He is a captain, there are always some doorways, as long as he lives well, life will not be bad.

The key is that today’s trouble, this Li Changqing said in front of so many people to get a marriage certificate, when the child in her belly will be born, just need to explain that it is a premature birth, others will not be suspicious at all.

So, this thing, the bad thing is also a good thing.

Even if he was extremely embarrassed, he finally married himself off and found a father for the piece of meat in his stomach.

When Zhao Guoqing heard the news, it was already the time to work in the brigade the next day.

He heard others talk colorfully, it was almost as if he had seen it with his own eyes, saying that when Zhang Guoqing caught the rape at that time, Li Changqing was still on the bed, he was pulled up, and his clothes were not properly dressed.

Anyway, it’s very unbearable to say.

Some people even said that Chen Furong was all disheveled, oh, white meat and so on.

This will have many people talk about this, and sigh that Zhao Guoqing has vision and foresight.

I actually knew for a long time that this Chen Furong’s style was not decent, and such a woman could not marry at all?

At this time, the captain of the Chaoyang Brigade, Zhao Shun, actually had a black face.

Their family also went to find Li Changqing.

The marriage of the two families was completely dissolved, saying that they would not interfere with each other’s marriages in the future.

The two have nothing to do with each other and so on.

At that time, Li Changqing had already obtained a marriage certificate with Chen Furong, and he didn’t care about Zhao Shun’s words.

If he can’t marry his daughter-in-law, he still thinks about Zhao Shun’s girl, who looks good, and is still the daughter of the captain of the Chaoyang Brigade.

But how can the announcer Chen Furong, who looks like Jun, compare?

It was a national meal, but unfortunately, last night’s events still had a little impact on Chen Furong, because he was called over by the secretary of the commune to criticize her, and directly suspended her from work to rest.

As for whether you can still go to work in the future, it is very mysterious.

However, Li Changqing didn’t take this seriously, went back to buy some gifts and smashed some money, and there should be room for maneuver to admit that this matter was wrong, after all, they were all married.

Anyway, he is not young, just after marrying Chen Furong in, let her quickly give birth to a big fat boy for herself.

This day will pass as much as possible.

Zhao Guoqing listened to all kinds of words, and didn’t say anything, but when they knew Liu Xin, they once boasted, saying how good Chen Furong was, Zhao Guoqing was not worthy of her words.

I was slapped in the face all of a sudden.

Because of the three words of Chen Furong, she suddenly became a stinky mouse-like existence.

Her reputation is gone.

And at this time, Zhang Jun suddenly came to call Zhao Guoqing.

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