Zhao Guoqing chose a day, shouted Xingye, and came to his villa to sit.

Anyway, now that the villa is clean, the younger brothers and sisters have gone to make up classes to study, the second sister is on the side of Tianfu City, and she lives alone here, and there are Wang Xiu and Zhao Er.

The first time he entertained guests at home, Zhao Guoqing simply boiled a local chicken soup with morels, and casually made a few light stir-fry, so that people set up a stove in the yard for barbecue.

When Lin Xiang and them came to Zhao Guoqing’s small courtyard for the first time, they were stunned for a while when they saw the barbecue stove.

Entertaining guests like him is really the first time to see them, but the rarer it is, it makes people feel fresh and will not feel restrained.

“Come, you must rarely have time to sit like this and eat your own kebabs…” Xingye

saw this, and greeted the guests who came today with a smile, anyway, he was very familiar.

In the past, wherever I went as a guest, I would drink tea, and I was familiar with playing mahjong.

But play more, it’s not interesting, here is good, fruit barbecue also has tea and snacks, and even can’t eat barbecue and stewed chicken soup to drink, it’s quite comfortable.

Song Siyuan also came today, saying that he was helping Zhao Guoqing entertain guests.

Originally, she planned to set up a large box in the hotel outside, but Zhao Guoqing wanted to make a barbecue at home, and she had no other way but to follow him, but when he came, he brought a lot of flowers.

Directly decorated the corner of the yard, which was originally full of flowers, again.

There was a wind blowing in the shade in the yard.

There is the aroma of barbecue, and the greasy tea, these people were originally familiar with Xingye, but they were relatively unfamiliar with Zhao Guoqing.

But today he did this in the yard, and many people laughed.

“Boss Zhao can really enjoy it, I haven’t touched this thing for many years, I’ll show my skills in a while, everyone take a look at my craft…”

Lin Xiang laughed, only feeling that this was indeed more fun.

Every day for the business to rack the brain, either this rush or that to put into production, or the next business planning, busy and busy, this will be able to sit here and talk and do something, it seems quite interesting.

The key is that the brain can also be rested.

The more people like them are together, the more they will not take the initiative to talk about business, but will observe a person’s character?

Zhao Guoqing has an advantage, that is, he has a good mentality, good affinity for him, good long-term view of things, and weight in words.

Now that the national policy is good, some advanced foreign technologies are being introduced everywhere, and factories or investment in equipment are being carried out all over the country, and they are itching in their hearts, after all, there is also movement here in Jiangcheng.

They all thought about whether the Chamber of Commerce could take the lead in cooperating with China Merchants Group.

Let’s see if we can get some projects in, and everyone can make the business bigger and wider.

“There is indeed this intention, but it is only intentional, the specific has not yet begun, this also needs to be investigated, everyone prepare more cash in hand, look back at where in the province there are factories and mines land can be contracted, you can get it down first, turn back and then attract investment or invest in building factories yourself…” Reform

and opening up has put forward some policies.

However, compared to the rapid development of Pengcheng, Jiang Cheng is still observing during the period, but these members of the Chamber of Commerce, their brains turn faster and react quickly, will they notice these.

“Speaking of this, I envy Boss Zhao, look at you, that piece of land, now a million can’t be bought, how long has it been, doubled, if I followed Boss Zhao, I would also have become rich, hey, I still have less courage, the pattern is small…”

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Speaking of this, some people kept regretting.

Because now Jiangcheng wants to get that kind of land, the price has increased, more than doubled, the key is that Zhao Guoqing’s piece of land is said to be fifty acres, in fact, far more.

One million, one million, not to mention buying his piece of land, even buying Song Siyuan’s piece of land, can’t buy it.

They worked hard to earn money, in fact, in the end, they did not have the vision to earn more money.

The key is that Zhao Guoqing, who did not hide it, told everyone about this in advance, and even persuaded a few people to buy it with him.

It’s just that at that time, everyone was half-convinced, and even if someone followed and bought it, they didn’t buy much.

Now that I think of it, I regret not buying, and I regret buying less.

They all thought that if they listened to Zhao Guoqing, they would have bought as much as him, or more, this would all lie flat, how could they think so hard about how to expand production and how to make money?

Speaking of which, many people are complaining.

“Don’t regret it, prepare more cash in hand, there will be more opportunities in the future, maybe there will be a better opportunity soon, next time, I will call you for something similar…”

Zhao Guoqing said, these people’s eyes lit up at once.

Hahaha, come here, don’t you just want to have a relationship with Zhao Guoqing, waiting for this sentence?

“Come, eat skewers, drink beer, and chicken soup, fragrant!”

Seeing the joy on everyone’s faces, Xingye shouted, and he himself took the lead in carrying a bowl of soup.

Not to mention, this chicken soup is fragrant, there is no seasoning in it, just put a little ginger, not only not fishy but fragrant, people smell it.

“Yes, yes, drink soup, Boss Zhao, you said, this summer is not hot, will this winter not be cold?” I’ve been thinking, if it’s not cold in winter, I’m afraid that the cotton jacket can’t be sold if it does too much, and the backlog of funds is accumulated…”

“What Boss Zhao, just call me Zhao Guoqing, call the name more kindly, summer is not hot, does not mean that winter is not cold, you can try it, make some down jackets, or make more cotton clothes, I think this market demand is

quite large, after all, many people have a little money in their hands this year, and they can’t buy a new dress for their families during the New Year?”

Zhao Guoqing is actually thinking about a problem.

It is the low-priced duck down that he began to prepare to acquire last year, and this year in addition to some of his own use, there will be a lot more, and he pondered that he could also specialize in a down jacket brand.

Because I remember this year, the summer is really not hot, but the autumn is hot, and the winter is particularly cold.

How cold is it?

It’s the snow that can almost seal the door, especially in Chaoyang Village, which has even frozen to death this winter.

Many homes had their roofs crushed, and this winter, he helped send several families up the mountain to the soil.

Chaoyang Village is like this, and other places are even colder.

So Zhao Guoqing plans to try to make some affordable brands, better quality down jackets and cotton jackets this year.

When he and Lin Xiang said this, they seemed to remember something, and they deliberately ran into the house.

Zhao Guoqing’s action made Lin Xiang, who was originally talking to him, scratch his head.

What is this for?

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