Wang Quan always thought that if he didn’t say something, others wouldn’t know.

Just like his sister-in-law, he thought that others did not know, his sister-in-law had slept with him a long time ago, and it was very unbearable.

And he did some dirty and disgusting things to Zhao Guoqing’s garment factory.

Although it has little impact on Zhao Guoqing, his main hit is a disgust.

So Lin Xiang decided to promote some of the things he knew, let others know it, and let others also judge and comment.

Wang Quan was politely sent out of the office by Lin Xiang, along with his sister-in-law.

“Which song is this bastard singing? Don’t you like it?

Wang Quan glanced at his sister-in-law in puzzlement, the amorous body is good, such a woman, Lin Xiang also sent them out?

Is the brain broken?

Or, is it because people are afraid of bad influence, or what?

Why is there nothing to say?

Before Wang Quan could figure it out, there was some very exciting news in Jiangcheng’s business circles.

It should also be regarded as news, it is old news, that is, some time ago someone instigated the workers of Zhao Guoqing factory to strike, and there will be news coming out, saying that the leaders of the workers who struck explained it themselves, all this was directed by Wang Quan behind, and the benefits were also given by him.

This news made many business owners only feel cold behind their backs.

It is normal to have competition in business, but there are not many ways to compete in this way.

They are all business bosses, and naturally they know how much they lose once the workers strike?

Light is a heavy loss, heavy is bankruptcy, this Wang Quan looks like a kind and angry fortune, did not expect to be so vicious?

As for some of the things that Wang Quan instructed people to do later, compared to this strike, although it is disgusting, the consequences are not so serious, but it makes people feel that this Wang Quan’s character is not good, such people cannot interact and cannot do business.

In case you offend him, stab you in the back, and he completely does such a thing.

Therefore, the businessmen who will hear these news choose not to say anything, but with practical actions, they directly avoid this Wang Quan in business, if there is an order or something, it is better to do it for anyone than to Wang Quan.

After all, to do it for others, just worry about quality and price.

The order is made by Wang Quan, who knows if he will make a black hand behind his back?

After all, Zhao Guoqing just did the same business with him, and people didn’t do anything to be sorry for him, yes, it was also voted by everyone, and it really has nothing to do with Zhao Guoqing himself.

Wang Quan was still in the dark, and the director of his factory was in a hurry.

Directly showed him the list for the second half of the year, and this look, he also saw the problem.

In the second half of the year, the order was originally ordered to tens of thousands, but it was directly changed to a thousand, or simply did not, and the order was canceled.

In previous years, at this time, the factory orders could be scheduled until the end of the year, which was the busiest time, but this year is different, the orders will be gone in August, that is, if there are no orders, his factory will not last in September, I am afraid that it will close down.

“How so? Are these people crazy? One by one…”

Wang Quan wanted to scold everyone, but there were too many people to finish scolding.

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He wanted to go to Lin Xiang again, but this time, he couldn’t even enter Lin Xiang’s office.

The security guard at the door has been blocking and not letting him in, saying that the boss is particularly busy, this will not be in the factory, a bunch of words, Wang Quan quickly vomited blood, and finally there was no way, can only go to find other customers.

But there used to be so many customers, this will come one by one, and they can’t even see people.

Wang Quan, who was angry, didn’t know where the fire was going, and finally his driver thought of a way, handed over cigarettes and found someone to talk to, and finally got a very useful news.

“Boss, those people, all went to Zhao Guoqing’s side, saying that he had a watermelon party there, and shouted that everyone went to eat watermelon!”

Wang Quan was stunned when he heard this.

Watermelon, who hasn’t eaten it?

Also watermelon will, what kind of stuff, quickly let the subordinates inquire.

Only then did I know that it was Zhao Guoqing’s hometown who planted a lot of watermelons and sent them to Jiangcheng by car, Zhao Guoqing was very happy, saying that this was a watermelon from his hometown, so he called those bosses to come and taste his hometown watermelon, saying that it was a watermelon meeting.

These people all went happily.

“Muggle, I want to see them, they can’t enter the door one by one, this Zhao Guoqing eats a watermelon and calls people to go, one by one, sycophants…”

Wang Quanqi’s chest heaved, and the green tendons on his head rose and went.

But this will he can only scold secretly, but there is no way to take Zhao Guoqing and those people, after all, there is no order, he still has to beg Lin Xiang’s group of people.

Zhao Guoqing is now the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, no matter what he says, he can’t work with him openly, unless, unless he finds a much bigger backer than Zhao Guoqing.

But this backer must not be found in Jiangcheng.

That gaze can only look at Shangjing’s side, I heard that Lao Cheng’s side has been abandoned by his master, so is his opportunity coming?

Wang Quan is already trying to save himself.

His target was aimed at the Zou family.

Once he hugged the Zou family’s lap, a Zhao Guoqing would not be enough to watch, even if he was the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, so what?

At this time, in Zhao Guoqing’s home, everyone was sitting around eating watermelon, this time there were almost more than ten people, and thanks to the large living room and yard of his house, otherwise so many people came, and there was no place to sit.

The watermelon was cut several times and placed on a plate, the watermelon was sweet.

Zhao Guoqing said that this is the watermelon planted by his uncle in the sandy land, saying that he has a brick factory in his hometown, and his uncle used to grow watermelons for sale, and seeing that there was sand land not far from the brick factory, he planted a large watermelon there.

It wasn’t hot, so I sent the watermelons to the city.

“My uncle is very practical, when I was a child, I always sent watermelons to my family, there is a river in Chaoyang Village, there is a lot of sandy land on both sides of the river, and the watermelons grown there are exceptionally sweet…” These

bosses of the Chamber of Commerce, although they are now mixed in Jiangcheng, look at the conditions are good.

But many of them also come from the countryside.

Some talked about their previous experience of growing watermelons and peanuts in the countryside, some talked about herding cattle in the countryside, some said about raising chickens, and when they talked about this, the distance between everyone suddenly became much closer.

It turns out that they all have the experience of living in the countryside, and this will eat some watermelon from the countryside, which is really sweet.

Zhao Guoqing looked at everyone’s happy appearance, with a smile on his face, and pretended to ask a question unintentionally.

In fact, he came up with this watermelon club, that is, for today’s problem.

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