I really didn’t expect Liu Yuqing to be so white?

It’s really white dazzling, white is thrilling!

Zhao Guoqing’s stunned effort, several people had already walked to the place where the rabbit was raised, and they heard Liu Yuqing exclaim.

“Oh, is this rabbit sick? How are you pulling the hair on your body? It

turned out that Liu Yuqing saw a rabbit by the door, and couldn’t stop pulling the rabbit hair on his body with his mouth, and when he saw them coming, he slipped into the cage with a puff of smoke, and refused to come out again.

“Shh, whisper, this rabbit is going to give birth to a little rabbit, plucking is to make a nest for the little rabbit, the rabbit is timid, let’s not scare them, I’ll catch the largest nest of rabbits for you…”

Although Zhao Guoqing was a man, he spoke softly, so that Xia Ruolan couldn’t help but look at him.

This man is very patient.

The first litter of rabbits was furry and very lively at this time, bouncing in the yard of the rabbit house, and there were six rabbits left in this litter.

The three of them crouched on the other side of the rabbit house, all looking at the little rabbits.

In addition to these six fluffy rabbits, there is also a litter of rabbits that have just opened their eyes and grown hair, and there are actually seven of them.

This made both Zhiqing widen their eyes and marvel.

I feel that it is too easy to raise rabbits, how long has it been, and the rabbits in Zhao Guoqing’s family have suddenly become flocks?

“The biggest advantage of rabbits is fast reproduction, if they are raised well, it is estimated that they will flood in the New Year, when the time comes, you can exchange rabbits for food, or get some of your own food, after all, this is a bite of meat, but you should pay attention to not let it have diarrhea…”

Zhao Guoqing whispered to them how to raise rabbits.

There is also a hygiene problem, because this rabbit is not easy to keep.

Good raising is once reproduced, a female rabbit in a litter of rabbits in January, a litter is several, very gratifying.

Poor maintenance is that once the management is not good, the rabbit has diarrhea or is too hot and cold to encounter any disease, a litter of rabbits can die, a group of rabbits can die.

So Zhao Guoqing’s family raises rabbits, slowly thinking of a way, as the rabbit group increases, he is trying to get two rabbit houses, big rabbits and small rabbits are raised separately, so that good management can also avoid accidental death of rabbits.

Zhao Guoqing said that this rabbit was the head and the way, and let Liu Yuqing, who looked at him with his head up, shine in his eyes.

Why didn’t I know that this Zhao Guoqing was so powerful before, but I just knew that he was handsome?

But I don’t know that he can also cook, in addition to cooking, he can also raise rabbits?

Even, he will catch wild boars?

Is there anything else he wouldn’t do?

How do you feel that this Zhao Guoqing is also too powerful, as if he can do anything?

Liu Yuqing and Xia Ruolan soon picked up the two little rabbits, happy like a child.

Soon they went to see the wild boar again, and before they could get close, they heard the sound of chirping in the pigsty, two wild boars running amok in the pigsty, and another domestic pig shivering on the side.

Energetic wild boars even go to the arch pig trough.

Fortunately, the pig trough is made of stone, thick and heavy, otherwise this pig trough does not know what it will be arched into?

“This, the wild boar is so fierce, how did you catch it?”

Liu Yuqing saw the wild boar’s pointed fangs and said with some worry.

Looking at this wild boar jumping up and down, it is not the lord of Ansheng, which is not easy to raise.

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“With traps, no matter how clever a beast is, it can’t fight a person’s smart brain, hehe, these two wild boars are a male and a female, this makes my family pick up a cash cow…”

As soon as Zhao Guoqing said this, Liu Yuqing on the side didn’t understand much,

but Xia Ruolan next to him continued.

“It’s one male and two sows!”

But when she said this, she seemed to think of something, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

Liu Yuqing, who was on the side, was still wondering what this meant?

Over there, Liu Zhenfang is preparing the evening meal, and the best dish at home is a little bacon sent by Zhang Guoqing’s family last time, and their family has been reluctant to eat it, and when there are important guests, they will be willing to get a little to taste.

This time, leaving two young people to eat, Liu Zhenfang used the remaining bacon, stir-fried with cowpeas, and the oily cowpeas also became extremely delicious, feeling better than meat.

Three eggs were also steamed, sprinkled with a handful of green onions and a few drops of sesame oil, and the aroma of custard came to my face.

The rest is a large plate of black fungus, and a plate of loess mushrooms, which are usually picked by Zhao Guoqing up the mountain, usually reluctant to eat and sunburn, this will have guests to take out to cook.

In addition to these dishes, Liu Zhenfang also fried hollow vegetables, and she carefully separated the stalks and leaves of the hollow vegetables.

The hollow cabbage stalks were chopped and fried with red pepper and a little vinegar, looking at the crispy and refreshing red, red, green and green, and the leaves of the hollow cabbage were fried alone with lard.

At first glance, this table of dishes is bacon and eggs, but in this barren era, it is already the best dish that Liu Zhenfang’s family can take.

Originally, Liu Yuqing and Xia Ruolan did not think of eating at Zhao’s house, after all, no one was rich in this year.

They are given meal tickets when they eat out.

But when they saw this full table, they were strongly retained by Liu Zhenfang, and Liu Yuqing thought that he had eaten the delicious food fried by Zhao Guoqing.

She turned her head to look at Xia Ruolan, and after the two exchanged glances, they both nodded and sat down.

When they tasted Liu Zhenfang’s dishes, their faces were full of surprise and realization.

No wonder Zhao Guoqing’s dishes are so delicious, it turns out to be because of Liu Zhenfang.

“Aunt Liu, I didn’t expect the dishes you made to taste so good? It’s so delicious…” Liu

Yuqing’s eyes lit up, and they had also been under this Chaoyang Brigade for a while.

They have also gone to the farmer’s house to eat, which will be difficult at home, naturally it is impossible to have big fish and meat, but like the Zhao family, who makes such a delicious meal, and can also take out bacon and eggs, they are deeply impressed.

The point is, it tastes really good.

It’s not just about getting fed.

When eating, although there were meat dishes, Zhao Youqing and Zhao Dongxue of the Zhao family were very sensible, and did not grab vegetables and rice like some people.

Even their eating hands were sticking out cleanly, and there was not a trace of dirt in the gaps between their fingernails.

It’s not at all like other people’s children, all like mud monkeys.

Liu Yuqing and Xia Ruolan ate this meal very satisfied, and when they finished eating, in order to avoid being rejected by Liu Zhenfang, they secretly put five pounds of grain stamps under the bowl.

“National Day, it’s dark outside, you send Liu Zhiqing and them…” Liu

Zhenfang saw that after eating this meal, it was dark.

The moon has not yet come out, and the dark everywhere cannot see the road clearly.

The two girls’ homes, the black light blind back to the youth center is not safe, just let the National Day send a send!

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