“Who, catch the hooligans…” It

was these words that made Wang Weidong, who was originally very excited, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and suddenly provoked.

The next moment is like a rat, even if there is more unwillingness in the bottom of the heart.

At this time, he did not dare to stay here, and immediately slipped away.

In the dark, Liu Yuqing leaned his back against the courtyard wall, panting heavily, and his heart was pounding.

When she calmed down, she found Zhao Guoqing standing in front of her with a black face.

At this time, she suddenly realized, and her heart with a sour nose was full of grievances, and she suddenly pounced on Zhao Guoqing’s body.

I couldn’t help but cry softly.

“Thank you, thank you, I, I didn’t expect Wang Weidong to be such a person, moving his hands and feet…”

“Otherwise, tomorrow we will go to the brigade and tell the captain Wang Weidong to bully you?” I testify to you?

Zhao Guoqing’s voice also became cold.

That Wang Weidong originally he just looked a little annoying, but he didn’t expect to be so bold?

If you don’t rush tonight.

This Wang Weidong still doesn’t know what will happen?

In case, in case something happens, it is really regrettable.

“No, no, don’t make a noise about this, it’s almost the Dragon Boat Festival, I’ll be careful next time, let Ruolan follow me all the time, maybe soon, I’ll go back to the city, being known about this is not good for my reputation…”

Liu Yuqing also had his own scruples.

The college entrance examination will be coming soon, and if she is admitted to university, she will have to leave here to study.

If you can’t pass the exam, it seems that the young people can also return to the city, and then they will also go back to the city.

If there are some rumors about him and Wang Weidong, it will have an impact on her return to the city.

And she is now afraid of being involved with the three words Wang Weidong.

Even if Zhao Guoqing testified, this Wang Weidong just moved on her, at most, he was warned, and there would be no substantial punishment at all.

Nothing useful.

Seeing Liu Yuqing insisting like this, Zhao Guoqing didn’t say anything, but in his heart, he silently recited this Wang Weidong’s name in his heart.

Hehe, this person, he will not let it go like that.

A man who takes advantage of people’s dangers and wants to stain people’s innocence has to clean up early.

After Liu Yuqing took Zhao Guoqing into the house, he found that there was no one in the house?

“Hey, where did Xia Ruolan go? Do you see how dangerous you are today?

Zhao Guoqing’s words made Liu Yuqing afraid for a while, so he told Zhao Guoqing.

said that Xia Ruolan went to the commune with a few other young people today, and it is estimated that she will come back later, and she is not waiting for her.

Now that I think about it, this Wang Weidong must have done it on purpose.

Liu Yuqing brought Zhao Guoqing a foreign porcelain jar with three spoons of white sugar in it, and she was worried that it was not sweet enough.

“Fortunately, you are here tonight, are you looking for me?” I will return to the city the day after tomorrow, or will you send me when the time comes?”

Liu Yuqing looked at Zhao Guoqing expectantly at this time, and

there was an inexplicable thing circulating in his eyes.

She thought about some rumors about Zhao Guoqing in the brigade during this time, all saying that many aunts were telling his family affairs.

But it seems that Zhao Guoqing didn’t even fancy it?

Even last time, he said that he was going to marry a female college student in the city?

As soon as he thought of this, Liu Yuqing’s heart pounded, he is a city person, but he is not a college student, is it because of this, Zhao Guoqing is lukewarm to himself?

As soon as he thought of this, Liu Yuqing’s face turned red.

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There was a kerosene lamp in the house.

The light was particularly dim, but Zhao Guoqing just drank a sip of sugar water, pondering how to tell Li Ping’s affairs.

I saw Liu Yuqing, who was blushing, and said in a low voice.

“I’m a girl in the city, I want to get into college this year, I will work hard, what if I can’t get it?”

Liu Yuqing’s blushing expression made Zhao Guoqing a little confused for a while?

What do you mean?

She’s a city girl, she knows it.

Want to go to university, this is also normal, can’t get it?

No, in the previous life, Liu Yuqing was examined, not only she was admitted, but also Xia Ruolan and the two of them were admitted.

“No, if you can pass the exam, you will definitely be able to pass the exam, you have to believe in yourself…” Zhao

Guoqing said very affirmatively, and after thinking about it, he added.

“And Xia Ruolan, both of you can pass the exam, you must be able to pass the exam!”

Zhao Guoqing’s unusually affirmative tone made Liu Yuqing’s heart float up all of a sudden, and he had an extremely excited feeling.

It turns out that Zhao Guoqing is so optimistic about her?

So, do you like her too?

“Then, you wait for me, when I am admitted to the university, I, the female college student in the city, is it, is it in line with…” Speaking

of this time, Liu Yuqing was already blushing, and his whole body was hot.

The whole person is like cooked shrimp.

The sound was very small, and Liu Yuqing felt that his head was about to dizzy.

“What do you say? How can I not hear clearly? What’s wrong with your face, are you uncomfortable?

Zhao Guoqing, who was drinking sugar water, really didn’t hear what Liu Yuqing said, and as soon as he wanted to ask clearly, he saw that something was wrong with Liu Yuqing.

He didn’t think much about it, reached out and put it on Liu Yuqing’s forehead, he wanted to see if Liu Yuqing had a fever?

This stretched out his hand and touched Liu Yuqing’s forehead hot.

There was a very abnormal feeling of being hot, which made Zhao Guoqing startled, while saying whether Liu Yuqing was sick?

When he stretched out his hand, Liu Yuqingzhen personally felt a little helpless, and the next moment his body shook a little, and he suddenly leaned on Zhao Guoqing’s shoulder.

The voices are all a little hoarse.

“I’m a little uncomfortable, I don’t know what’s going on?”

“You must be frightened, this will have a fever, hurry up and lie down, I’ll make you some ginger soup to drink, by the way, ask you for something…”

At this time, Zhao Guoqing also thought about it.

Since there is Wang Weidong, Liu Yuqing is not in good health, so let Li Ping accompany her back to the city for two days.

When the time comes, we will return to the Chaoyang Brigade together.

As long as the Dragon Boat Festival passes, maybe Li Ping’s life will be saved.

So Zhao Guoqing mentioned Li Ping, just said that Li Ping wanted to enter the city, but it was inconvenient in the city, and there was no place to eat and live, so he could only ask her when she was.

That Liu Yuqing’s slowly crimson face faded.

His face turned a little pale.

Because she remembered that Li Ping and Zhao Guoqing were classmates, this, this, could it be that Zhao Guoqing liked Li Ping?

But for other reasons, he said to the outside world that he wanted to find a college student city girl?

The more Liu Yuqing thought about this possibility, she didn’t want to agree, and directly said that she had a headache and uncomfortable, and she didn’t want to speak.

“Just drink some ginger soup!”

When Zhao Guoqing brought the ginger soup to Liu Yuqing, he saw that Liu Yuqing suddenly did something he didn’t expect.

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