The thought came to mind.

Li Ping involuntarily walked to the side of the donkey cart, shouting in her mouth that the master would stop, and she wanted to go back.

But as soon as she shouted here, she felt a pain in her arm, because Liu Yuqing was pulling her arm at this time, and she felt Liu Yuqing’s hand trembling.

The voice of the speech has also changed.

“Li Ping, go, let’s get in the car together, the tractor is coming, that, Wang Weidong, actually with us, you help me keep an eye on the point, this is not a good thing…” It

turned out that Liu Yuqing saw Wang Weidong.

She was nervous and uncomfortable at this time, and she was originally a little resistant to Li Ping.

But at this time, he tightly grabbed Li Ping, seemed to rely on her, and pulled her to sit in the innermost part of the tractor together.

The tractor was remodeled and had a large canopy on top.

There are some benches in it, and you can send people to the city when you are not working.

Liu Yuqing pulled Li Ping and sat in the innermost part of the tractor.

It is directly far away from Wang Weidong.

At this time, Li Ping could only watch the donkey cart of the Chaoyang Brigade leave, and she still thought about her father in her heart.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning and thunder fell in the sky, and then heavy rain poured down, and the driver who drove couldn’t stop shouting for people, quickly got in the car, and wanted to drive away.

The rain was heavy, and this tractor walked very slowly.

Fortunately, it was raining, there were almost no vehicles and pedestrians on the road, and those sitting in the carport only heard the sound of crackling, heavy rain lapping against the canopy.

The people who listened to this voice were terrified, and it seemed that the next moment this raindrop could penetrate this modified canopy.

“It’s raining during the Dragon Boat Festival to row dragon boats, this rain is really heavy, I’m afraid the river is going to rise in water…” There

were many people in the carport.

The Dragon Boat Festival production team is also on holiday, plus it rains for several days, and the commune has not gone out to work, and some people plan to go into the city to visit relatives or buy something.

The Red Star Commune and the Chaoyang Brigade are far from the county seat of Yingshan.

Many people of the older generation have never been to the city in their lives, and Li Ping has gone through the city once, or followed his father once when he was a child.

This was the first time she had been to the city when she had grown up, and she was still worried about things at home when she didn’t go.

Once I got in the car, I was a little excited.

But soon she found that Liu Yuqing had been keeping her mouth tightly closed, her face was ugly, while a man with glasses was staring at them all the time, and her eyes were very hot.

At first glance, something is wrong.

This made Li Ping a little wary.

After taking a closer look, the man seemed to be staring at Liu Yuqing.

Is this worth it?

Li Ping was bold, staring at Wang Weidong fiercely, staring at him deadly, he was a little uninteresting when he kept looking, after turning his head to the side, Liu Yuqing lowered his voice and gave a thumbs up to Li Ping.

“You, how great, how daring…”

Liu Yuqing looked at Li Ping in surprise.

All of a sudden, I felt that this Li Ping didn’t seem to be so annoying, and I didn’t worry about her going back to the city with me.

Because of the rain, they usually walked for more than four hours to the city for more than three hours, and when their tractor stopped at the north gate, everyone in the car couldn’t help but move their waists when they got off.

Fortunately, the rain in Yingshan City stopped, and it would have been in the afternoon, and after the people who entered the city gave the car money, they all scattered to busy themselves with their own affairs.

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“Liu Yuqing, it’s past noon, you’re hungry, I’ll invite you to dinner…” That

Wang Weidong actually squeezed in front of Liu Yuqing, licking his face and smiling.

That smile fell in Liu Yuqing’s eyes, making her feel very disgusted, and she couldn’t help but stand behind Li Ping.

“Who are you, we don’t know you, get out of the way, don’t let go anymore, I call the police…” Li

Ping had already listened to Liu Yuqing and said something to her on the road, knowing that this person was pestering Liu Yuqing, and it had reached the point of deep hatred by moving her hands and feet,

which would make her simply stand up and yell at this Wang Weidong.

Li Ping’s personality is spicy and bold, but it is different from Liu Yuqing, who can’t pull his face.

This Wang Weidong is also bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, the more Liu Yuqing avoids him, he also moves forward, always looking for some opportunities.

But this Li Ping roared, Wang Weidong was stunned for a moment, his face changed, and he looked at the people around him looking at him, and he was obviously stunned all of a sudden.

As soon as Li Ping saw this Wang Weidong’s appearance, he knew that he still had something to take care of and was afraid of.

“Go, sister, let’s go, don’t pay attention to irrelevant people…” Li

Ping pulled Liu Yuqing and walked in one direction, but it didn’t take long for Liu Yuqing to laugh, saying that she was going in the wrong direction, and her home was in the other direction.

Both couldn’t help but laugh.

After this trouble, the relationship between the two was much better, and Liu Yuqing did not start to be so resistant to Li Ping at this time.

This will twitter, and take her to his own house.

On the way, Li Ping couldn’t stop looking, and asked Liu Yuqing where the public canteen was.

“Public canteen? Over at Kuixing Lou, are you going to eat in the public cafeteria? The food there is not cheap…”

“It’s not to go to the public cafeteria to eat, but to buy some sesame cakes, I, someone likes to eat!”

The bold Li Ping said this, and there was a rare twist, which made Liu Yuqing curious and asked vigorously.

But was told by Li Ping that her object liked to eat, and she wanted to buy some back and give it to her object.

“What are you for? Who, it won’t be Zhao Guoqing, I think he is really good to you…”

Liu Yuqing, who said this, actually had a heart pounding.

She was afraid and expectant.

“No, no, don’t misunderstand, Zhao Guoqing and I are just classmates, I, the object is actually his brother-in-law, this is not, relatives, he is a little better to me, isn’t it normal?” Don’t misunderstand

, this is a generation…” Li Ping didn’t want to break this matter, but thought that Liu Zhendian had said that he would come back in a few days to get their affairs done.

And Liu Yuqing is also good, he came to the city without a letter of introduction and had to live in her house.

At that time, she will have to cause trouble for her family.

So Li Ping thought about it, and this matter was a little unorthodox to others.

What she didn’t expect was that when she finished saying these words, Liu Yuqing on the side took a long breath, and the whole person became relaxed physically and mentally, and even held Li Ping’s hand in a clear heat.

“Oh, blame me for misunderstanding you, it’s really unbearable, go, go to my house…”

At this time, Liu Yuqing’s eyebrows almost laughed.

The whole happiness, after a while, he and Li Ping got into a mess, and it seemed that the relationship was extremely harmonious.

Liu Yuqing took Li Ping to the staff community of the hemp spinning factory.

Just before she entered the door, Li Ping heard Liu Yuqing cheering.

“Oh, I have guests at home…”

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