Reborn As a System

Chapter 15: The end of the world (5)

When I heard the words of Qin Mo, Shi Qing suppressed the fear in his heart and looked up at the last sealed container. He carefully identified it and finally found a sense of familiarity from the **** face.

Is this really the experimental body that just fled? He doesn't honestly hide away from the distance. What kind of trouble is it that he runs into a big glass bottle? Want to pretend that the body is confusing? Do you want such a naive monster?

Wait... When Shi Qing suddenly found something wrong, this experiment obviously has one leg missing, but at this time, the hair grows again?

Is it possible to let the experimental body quickly repair the body? So this monster will hide in it?

He was shocked. The glass bottle slammed and was completely broken. The castle like the sea sand pile collapsed in an instant. The glass **** of the glass was like a hail, but it was dangerous but dangerous. Qin Mo and Li Su both quickly retreated. They escaped the large pieces of glass slag, but they were inevitably injured by the broken ends and brought out some blood.

Shi Qing’s heart is not good. The broken glass is hard, but it does not cause much damage to man-made, but it is enough to cause a small fluctuation and create an opportunity for the experimental body to escape.

He thought that Qin Mo would not be negligent. I saw him raise his hand quickly and fired a shot at the fast moving figure without hesitation.

The bullets ran through the flying glass slag, tore the air, and directed straight to the experimental body trying to escape.

The speed of this experimental body is indeed exaggerated. He actually jumped in such a thousandth of a second of the space, and escaped the fatal injury. Only the bullet hit his calf.

Perhaps for humans, the calf injury will be greatly reduced, but the experimental body will not have such scruples at all. His speed is not reduced at all, as if he was not injured at all.

Qin Mo looked clear, but he was not in a hurry. While shooting another shot, he slowly smacked his mouth.

He didn't buy a lot of bullets in the system space, but he bought a few burst bombs at a high price, and it would explode from the inside as soon as it was injected into the body. I don't know if it hurts, but the whole body is completely blown up. Where can I go?


The flame of the explosion burned, blended with **** gunpowder, extra pungent, and the scene was too far to bear.

At least Shi Ying, who was afraid of nausea, moved his eyes early, but he transferred to the cold forest that jumped from the cave.

Leng Lin stared at the experimental body that fell to the ground. He thought that no one saw him. His eyes shot a strong anger, and almost burned the black in his eyes to a hot red. He clenched his fist and seemed to be suppressing his emotions. In the next moment, he calmed down and was as serious and reserved as usual.

His demeanor changed very quickly, almost fleeting, so that Shiqing, who had been watching, had the illusion of his own eyes.

At this time, Leng Lin spoke up: "Great, you are very good!"

Li Su immediately turned his head and looked at him.

Qin Mo just smashed him and went straight to the experimental body that fell to the ground. This time he did not destroy it humanely, but looked at it in detail, as if he found something interesting and looked very fascinating.

While Shi Qing is thinking about the scene he just saw, he can't figure it out. The illusion is impossible. What does that mean in the cold forest? Why is he so angry? And also try to cover up?

Unfortunately, there are outsiders present, he can't talk to Qin Mo, but he still pays attention to the cold forest, want to observe for a while.

Cold Lin frowned and observed the experimental body. He took the antibacterial gloves and started serum collection.

Qin Mo stood next to him: "Need help?"

"No need to."

Was rejected, Qin Mo did not leave.

There are special instruments for collecting serum, and the preparatory operation in the early stage can be completed. Leng Lin has been looking at the experimental body, and his face is not much on his serious face.

When Qin Mo looked at it, he suddenly asked: "Will the serum be taken, will he die?"

Leng Lin stared at the experimental body, and responded with a half-tone: "Yes." After that, he began to silence, and seemed to be fascinated.

Qin Mo looked at him, and then he casually asked: "There are only two experimental bodies here?"

"Yes." Leng Lin replied casually, but the next moment, he slammed and quickly looked at Qin Mo, but he was just looking at Qin.

Qin Mo straight hook looked at him, a pair of black scorpion is unfathomable, inside is like hiding a fierce beast that is temporarily silent, just waiting for the prey to reveal the horse's feet, and then culling.

Leng Lin’s heart was so good that he’s hard to open his eyes and calmly said: “This is what the detector looks like.”

Qin Mo did not continue to ask questions, but instead changed another question: "Can these serums extract antibodies?"

Leng Lin pays attention to serum collection and should say: "There is 80% confidence."

"So... is it contagious?"

Leng Lin’s body suddenly jerked, and he turned his head very slowly, looking at Qin desert with no expression.

Qin Mo was staring at him, and then he slowly opened his mouth, almost asking for a word: "Is it?"

The air seems to be frozen, the two are facing each other and the line of sight is glued.

Li Su found the waves between them, and looked at them with some incomprehensibility. He could feel the mercenary's malice against Leng Lin, but he did not understand why.

At this time, suddenly there was a rumbling voice. It turned out that the collection instrument had been completed and the serum was successfully collected.

In the eyes of Leng Lin, he crossed a trace of joy. He ignored the Qin desert and quickly finished the final finishing work.

Qin Mo suddenly raised the desert eagle in his hand, precisely aligned with the heart of the cold forest.

Leng Lin was forced to stop moving, and he stared at Qin Mo without fear: "What are you going to do?"

Next to Li Su is also a glimpse, just when he wants to act, Qin Mo has hooked his mouth, which is a bad smile, and then

The direction was suddenly changed, and the pistol was aimed at the experimental body that fell to the ground and stunned, and quickly added a few shots at key parts, completely eliminating vitality.

The second experimental body died.

When the ear rang the prompt of the spurt task, Shi Qing did not care. He still stared at Leng Lin, trying to see other emotions on his face.

However, this cold forest's demeanor did not have any flaws, and there was no response to the actions of the Qin Desert. It was very calm.

However, in the eyes of Shi Qing, this calm is a bit too much.

Leng Lin silently collected the serum. At this time, the other two soldiers and two mercenaries also came one after another. They saw that the mission was completed and they could not help but sigh.

After the mission is completed, you can finally return.

At this time, Qing finally put away the observation of Leng Lin, and suddenly he was anxious.

Although the main task is to **** serum antibodies back to the camp, their quests have not been completely completed. There are three experimental bodies left.

If you leave now, the branch task can only be abandoned.

But if they don't go, they don't personally send the serum antibodies back to the camp. Will they decide that their mission has failed?

The main line task failed, even if the completion of the side line task is useless, not only can not get any rewards, but also be deducted. As a new system, Shi Qing is still clear about these rules.

Is it difficult for them to abandon the sideline task to complete the main line task? Come on, have already completed two-thirds, and the two thousand five hundred and five hundred coins to the mouth can still pat the wings and fly?

Unexpectedly, the cold forest that had been blinded by Shi Qing had helped him.

He stood up and calmly calmed down: "Colonel Li, Mr. Qin, although we have successfully collected the serum, since it is rare to come to this experimental base, it is better to search for some data and bring it back to the camp to facilitate the work of the research team."

Li Su frowned. His task was to bring the serum antibodies back safely. Now that he has collected it, in order to avoid accidents, he should immediately evacuate safely. He should not continue to stay here. Especially... He looked up at Qin Mo and Leng Lin, and his keen sense reminded him that there must be something in it, and this is definitely not a good thing.

Therefore, he decisively said: "Dr., although there is no danger here, but no one can ensure safety. In case of being besieged by zombies, our materials and manpower are not enough to confront."

Leng Lin looked at the Qin desert.

Qin Mo said: "Colonel, may wish to leave, the doctor will hand it over to me."

This sentence is like a slap in the face of Li Su, he immediately Mao, he is a soldier, fearless, to this situation, but also to escape? Give the doctor to him? Just kidding, who was the pistol on the chest of the cold forest? Give it to him? That doctor is really **** here.

Although a brain impulse hit the head, Li Su still has reason, even if he thinks that immediate evacuation is the best choice, but facing the persistence of cold forest and the provocation of Qin Mo, he can not be unscrupulous.

Instead of arguing about delays, it is better to act immediately and search for useful data and take it away immediately. Under the trade-off, he finally nodded in agreement.

The experimental base is not large, about 20 meters long and about ten meters wide. In this space, seven people act and find things very quickly.

When Shi Qing saw this situation, he knew that it was an opportunity. He hinted that Qin Mo, Qin desert would leave the crowd a little.

When he got out of the way, Shiqing quickly whispered his discovery to Qin Mo, the strangeness of the cold forest, when no one noticed, the emotion that was inadvertently revealed.

He just finished, Qin Mo gently touched him, whispered: "You are doing very well."

This generous praise made Shi Qing a glimpse, and at the end, he was so embarrassed, and a little proud.

When Qing Qing coughed, he quickly pressed down and continued to say: "The cold forest is strange, do you say that it is related to the experimental body? I feel that he may be familiar with the experimental body, imagine that when he was doing research, he Maybe you know the experiment body... Hey, do you know if Leng Lin knows where the third experiment body is?"

When Shi Qing said that he was divergent thinking, he was simply convinced by his high IQ! What powerful inference, how reliable guess!

Seeing that Qin Mo did not refute, he continued to diverge: "Leng Lin was a scientist who participated in the research that year. He certainly knows many insiders. The experimental bodies that survived are the original ones. They are powerful and have zombies. Influence, from this time of contact, there is still some wisdom! And now this place is still an experimental base, indicating that some people in this group of experiments can conduct research, maybe an extraordinary scientist..."

Wait... When Qing was suddenly shocked by his own thoughts. 2k novel reading network

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